6-9 the deadly result of that silence, which in reality is open support from the US war machine.
#uscomplicity #genocidejoe #warmongers #uspol #warcrimes #warcriminals #IsraelTerroristState #IsraelWarCrimes #gaza #palestine #genocide #westbank @palestine
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45 years ago today
7th September 1979 Gary Numan released his debut studio album "The Pleasure Principle"
Des ciseaux, un peu de colle et à poster.
N'hésitez pas à prendre une photo de l'envoie et à la partager sur vos réseaux.
🍻 immich-cli 🍻
Command-line interface for self-hosted photo manager Immich
My first flask project, a code sharing app
Discussions: discu.eu/q/snippy-share.vercel…
#flask #programming #python #webdev
Small Moon Deimos
Image Credit: HiRISE, MRO, LPL (U. Arizona), NASA
I've finished: Even Though I Knew the End by C. J. Polk
I had trouble getting into this one. The second half was more engaging.
It says something when an urban-fantasy novella stands out for basing it's cosmology entirely on christian doctrine. It's especially unexpected from a LGBTQ positive story-line.
Our heroine is damned, but not for being a Lesbian.
For a more in depth discussion of what there is to like or dislike about this Novella, I recommend listening the the Wizards vs. Lesbians podcast episode:
bookstodon group reshared this.
So excited about @mathewi new newsletter!! One of my favorite writers on tech and media and an absolute must-read journalist.
Subscribe to his new newsletter here. It’s already fantastic👇👇👇 torment-nexus.mathewingram.com…
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Here's our latest collaborative product in cooperation
with #GigaFact, a colleague non-profit dedicated to debunking rubbish propagated by various special interests.
GigaFact supplies journalists with quick and easy fact checks,, especially important when newsrooms are cut to the bone.
Our contribution is to help with correcting #ClimateDisinformation, our own particular specialty.
Topic du jour: "it's natural cycles," a comforting but completely wrong analogy.
Ingen handel med apartheidstaten! Ställ krav på riksdag och regering - demonstrera i Malmö 8 september, Gustav Adolfs torg kl. 13.00. Stoppa Israel – För fred och ett fritt Palestina!
Leif Samuelsson reshared this.
This can't have been a bug. It requires extra code to hide the setting in certain conditions.
So why would they hide it? For the user's convenience, as to not nag them about default browser settings when they have chosen one??
Oh wait, Safari is the default when you set up your iPhone, so you haven't chosen anything when you first visit that option.
Upgrading a Toshiba NAS HDD Firmware on Linux
Discussions: discu.eu/q/syscall.eu/blog/202…
Tech Cyborg reshared this.
What better way to start the day than with a smile....
Beware the Masked Librarian
reshared this
errr... its clearly signed in the bottom right corner - but you're right he is brilliant & that's why I often post his work (always with clear attribution)
bookstodon group reshared this.
bookstodon group reshared this.
in reply to Proletarian Rage • • •@Proletarian Rage @palestine group
Israel said they attacked agitators and those throwing rocks.
So all good.