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7 September 1911 | Norwegian Jew, Elias Gorvitz, was born in Kristiania (now Oslo). A plumber.

In Auschwitz from 1 December 1942. He was held in the Golleschau sub-camp, from where, as a sick prisoner, he was transferred to Auschwitz II-Birkenau, where he perished.

in reply to Auschwitz Memorial

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

How dare you threaten a Jewish man with such level of violence.

It's antisemitism at its worse /s.

in reply to Farhad 🆓🇵🇸 ☮️Now

She took a shot at Bernie the other day, which kinda shocked me. She still has her job working for him listed in her bio.

#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-09-07 10:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 829
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Kaye Menner Photography reshared this.

The US is asleep: come with me on a journey about birds.

It's Bird of the Year time here in Aotearoa New Zealand and friends I had NO idea.

I knew about the event of course. John Oliver has his own mural here in Wellington.

Buckle in.


reshared this

in reply to Violet Blue

The Bird of the Year 2024 memes reflect personal and cultural Kiwi touchstones.
in reply to Violet Blue

But I did not expect the Bird of the Year 2024 to cross over offline into daily life here in the form of propaganda wars.

Here is one example of a poster on the street.

‘Sticky’ brain activity is linked to stronger feelings of craving. People who experienced stronger craving spent more time in the network state that is more positively associated with craving. They seemed to show ‘sticky,’ persistent engagement of this positive network state #Science

Breakthrough Technique Makes Mouse Skin Temporarily Transparent Using Food Dye, Opening New Avenues for Non-Invasive Research #EverythingScience #Science

The Georgia Institute of Technology will end a partnership with a blacklisted university in China that lawmakers say has ties to the Chinese military and shut down its degree programs there, school officials announced Friday. #Technology

Government test shows humans far outperforming AI because they understand the task better | Riotact…

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Topless Eswatini female reed dancers

Sensitive content

Faktencheck: Telegram ist weniger privat als andere Messenger

Die Annahme, Telegram sei besonders sicher, scheint sich hartnäckig zu halten. Fakt ist: In puncto Verschlüsselung ist Telegram der Konkurrenz unterlegen.​…

#Security #Telegram #Verschlüsselung #news

White House describes Tucker Carlson’s ‘Nazi propaganda’ interview as a ‘sadistic insult’…

It was worse than a sadistic insult - it’s an assault upon the Jewish People and upon Justice

in reply to Tom Grzybow

The guy is a nazi, but according to most people his analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict is very balanced.

Senator David Pocock creates AI deepfakes of Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton to call for ban ahead of election - ABC News…

Tags: #dandelíon

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Interactive: pick an Australian CEO and compare their salary with a childcare worker, nurse or teacher

In the time it takes to read this article, Australia’s highest-paid chief executives will earn hundreds of dollars. An average worker would make around one dollar.

While many executives took pay cuts at the peak of pandemic lockdowns, there’s been little restraint in the years since, even as cost-of-living pressures weigh on their employees.

Chief executive pay increased strongly in 2023-24, an analysis of remuneration reports shows, with many executives receiving double-digit rises in their pay packets.

Meanwhile, average weekly earnings increased by just 4.6% over the financial year.

Guardian Australia used published CEO pay to assess how much more the heads of Australia’s best-known companies earn than regular workers, from baristas to barbers.

bcachefs debugging stream! :O I keep finding packages that fail their tests on bcachefs. Maybe we can figure out what's wrong and fix something?

bcachefs debugging stream :O

#osdev #programming #freesoftware #linux #SpectrumOS #dbus

Canada Is Ending Jewish National Fund’s Charitable Status…

The Canada Revenue Agency has officially revoked the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund, a committed supporter of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.