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Martin Kostera likes this.
Kaye Menner Photography reshared this.
The US is asleep: come with me on a journey about birds.
It's Bird of the Year time here in Aotearoa New Zealand and friends I had NO idea.
I knew about the event of course. John Oliver has his own mural here in Wellington.
Buckle in.
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Government test shows humans far outperforming AI because they understand the task better | Riotact…
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Faktencheck: Telegram ist weniger privat als andere Messenger
Die Annahme, Telegram sei besonders sicher, scheint sich hartnäckig zu halten. Fakt ist: In puncto Verschlüsselung ist Telegram der Konkurrenz unterlegen.
White House describes Tucker Carlson’s ‘Nazi propaganda’ interview as a ‘sadistic insult’…
It was worse than a sadistic insult - it’s an assault upon the Jewish People and upon Justice
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Senator David Pocock creates AI deepfakes of Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton to call for ban ahead of election - ABC News…
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In the time it takes to read this article, Australia’s highest-paid chief executives will earn hundreds of dollars. An average worker would make around one dollar.While many executives took pay cuts at the peak of pandemic lockdowns, there’s been little restraint in the years since, even as cost-of-living pressures weigh on their employees.
Chief executive pay increased strongly in 2023-24, an analysis of remuneration reports shows, with many executives receiving double-digit rises in their pay packets.
Meanwhile, average weekly earnings increased by just 4.6% over the financial year.
Guardian Australia used published CEO pay to assess how much more the heads of Australia’s best-known companies earn than regular workers, from baristas to barbers.
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bcachefs debugging stream! :O I keep finding packages that fail their tests on bcachefs. Maybe we can figure out what's wrong and fix something?
bcachefs debugging stream :O
Canada Is Ending Jewish National Fund’s Charitable Status…
The Canada Revenue Agency has officially revoked the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund, a committed supporter of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
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in reply to Auschwitz Memorial • • •DJ Enno
in reply to Auschwitz Memorial • • •Yewa, das Freudenquietsch ☑️
in reply to Auschwitz Memorial • • •🖤 Elias Gorvitz 🖤
#niewieder #saytheirnames
Erik van Straten
in reply to Auschwitz Memorial • • •🔹 From…:
« At Auschwitz we see the end of the long process. It's important to remember that the Holocaust did not start from gas chambers & murder.
The hatred slowly developed from ideas, words, stereotypes & prejudice, through legal exclusion, escalating violence & dehumanization.
1:16 PM · Jan 27, 2021»
✅ Indeed. The family of my Jewish grandfather was murdered by Nazi's during WW2. If my grandpa had not survived, there would not have been a me to write this.
❓ From…
... show more« [...]
Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism.
9:27 AM · Nov 20, 2023 • 15.9M Views »
🔹 From…:
« At Auschwitz we see the end of the long process. It's important to remember that the Holocaust did not start from gas chambers & murder.
The hatred slowly developed from ideas, words, stereotypes & prejudice, through legal exclusion, escalating violence & dehumanization.
1:16 PM · Jan 27, 2021»
✅ Indeed. The family of my Jewish grandfather was murdered by Nazi's during WW2. If my grandpa had not survived, there would not have been a me to write this.
❓ From…
« [...]
Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism.
9:27 AM · Nov 20, 2023 • 15.9M Views »
🚧 Maybe I did not look good enough, but I've not found a statement from the Auschwitz Museum mentioning when enough is enough. (Perhaps 16,000 children, or more?)
❓ A reader comment in… (comment is visible, full article readable in:
« Marlene Newesri @ 20:30 20.11.2023
There are times when I think my eyes are deceiving me. Here we have the International Auschwitz Council [... read the rest @] »
❓ Are they all wrong? #ICJisRight #ICJ #ICCisRight #ICC #UNIsRight #UN #HRWIsRight #HRW #MSFIsRight #MSF #UNICEFIsRight #UNICEF
International Auschwitz Council demands 'immediate and unconditional' release of hostages
Sam Sokol (Haaretz)