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in reply to Frankie ✅

I was always a big supporter of a simple rule of thumb, if you were ever in a position where you were unsure of what you thought about a particular issue then look to see who you are standing shoulder to shoulder with, this has always managed to steer me right in my position on almost everything. But not anymore...🤣

¿Quién teme a la migración? El curso político comienza con la mirada en las fronteras.
Por Sarah Babiker…

Anyone else have this issue? #Valve #Steam on #Wayland + #Hyprland + #NVIDIA with "Enable GPU accelerated rendering in web views" turned on. Works ok with this setting off.

#linux #gaming

On Wednesday, the #Aberdeen #Python Group gets back together for an evening of coding challenges.

Expect good company, pizza, drinks and some puzzles to suit beginners to experts alike.

No matter what your level of expertise come along, share and learn.…

#Aberdeen #python #programming #coding #challenge #fun #pizza

"If you were horrified by October 7, but are not more horrified by what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for more than half a century in its prisons, then you are either in a state of deep ignorance... or in deep denial"

Jonathan Cook (who lived just down the road from Israel's notorious Megiddo prison) writes about generational Palestinian trauma.

#Israel #Palestine #Torture #Prisons
Israeli torture chambers aren't new. They are what provoked the violence of Oct 7…

#DIYDay the tiles for the bathroom were finally delivered at lunchtime yesterday. They were supposed to be here first thing in the morning.

So the tiler only laid a bit of cement board over the boarded part of the bathroom, and then using a self levelling compound for the rest to bring it up about 9mm (6mm cement board).

He's in later today to tile the shower and the floor.

Are you an angler, canoeist, hiker, or wild swimmer? Do you regularly visit one or more UK rivers?

Could you spend 15 minutes monitoring your river in the next week?

Data gathered during Big River Watch can support policy change; helping turn the tide on plastics or stem the flow of untreated sewage.

#BigRiverWatch #Rivers #UKRivers #RiversTrust #Canoeing #Rambling #Swimming #Wildlife #Sewage #PlasticPollution

The Big River Watch | The Rivers Trust…

So, die Woche habe ich mich genug aufgeregt, heute gibt's mal einen Tag meditatives Rühren im Kessel für ein schönes belgisches Blond. Sollte pünktlich zu den US-Wahlen trinkfertig sein... 😏

Falls sich wer für die hohe Kunst des Heimbrauens interessiert: Drüben auf @brudibrau ist mein Account für Hobbykram, da poste ich heute im Laufe des Tages, wie der Brauvorgang läuft.

The absolute POWER TRIP that is getting your services up and public with DynDNS, mTLS, ACME certs, and subdomain-based routing.

#OPNsense #Ngnix #LetsEncrypt #HomeLab #SelfHosting #SelfHosted #Networking