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John Curry: Going the Last Mile – The Story of an Irish Python Based Consultancy…

#PyConIe #Python #PyCon #AI #Startup #LastMileAI

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

The first and most obvious way to earn money from the Open Source project is by providing support.… #OpenSource

R.I.P. Grimm. I thought you were going to live forever. Welcome to the world, baby Gryme.


#CurrentlyReading Lady Macbeth by Ava Reid.

Really liking this so far. I am about at the half way mark. Ran across it at the library and am glad I grabbed it.


#bookstodon #books #read

bookstodon group reshared this.

Irre hoch 5!
#Klimakatastrophe, wir kommen!

Die Welt verbrennt und die #EU will ernsthaft eine #Steuerbefreiung auf #Kerosin für weitere 20(!!) Jahre fortführen, weil Alternativen (#SAF) möglicherweise nicht ausreichen und sich deshalb die Ticketpreise erhöhen könnten? WTF!!!

Ich sag es immer wieder: wir werden es nicht schaffen. 😔
Dieser #Gier-getriebene #Kapitalismus bringt uns um. ALLE!

"EU will #Flugtickets entlasten: Kerosin soll 20 Jahre steuerfrei bleiben"…

#Klimakrise #MännerdiedieWeltverbrennen

DNC to fly banners about Trump-Vance ticket, "Project 2025" over battleground state football games (CBS News)……

Tim Chambers reshared this.

$ git clone
$ cd pixelfed
$ composer install && php artisan serve
- open browser to serve url
- web installation

Yes, you will soon be able to install @pixelfed in minutes using the new web installer with a much simpler, yet smarter process!

Available soon! ✨

#pixelfed #easyInstallation

pixelfed reshared this.

in reply to Daniel Supernault

dan is it possible to run a pixel fed instance on the same server as a mastodon instance ?

If anyone in the Netherlands is ever working on an #OpenScience monitor, hit me up.

I bought on a whim recently 🥲

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"climate-communication strategies have become more sophisticated as researchers have learnt what works."…