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in reply to Low Quality Facts

Don't remind me about them. I get depressed every time I remember what we did to those beautiful trees...

If you want to get into class politics and labor organizing, sabotage can be the easiest way to get started if you take this definition 💪
in reply to Chris Hartgerink (they/them)

WHAT efficiency? Measured how? Who's measuring? Who's knowledgeable/influential about the domain or helicopter view? Withdrawal of efficiency BY [or FROM] a competent worker? How should efficiency gains be divided/spent? By whom? In what currency? Money/time/CO2/.. ?
Sorry, the above might be (considered) a bit off-topic here, but perhaps… should influence thinking more.

EA Omega class destroyer using the rocks and debris as cover has the jump on the other and a firing solution. #Lightwave3d render. #babylon5

Interview request!

I'm doing some research into UK charity shops as Queer spaces and am looking to hear your stories 👇

Please share and drop me a message or email

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Just getting started on Mastodon so I’ll repost this with a few hashtags!

I’m a UK teacher blogging about teaching from an LGBTQ+ perspective. My introductory post, where I talk about the ideas that prompted the blog, is here:…

There’ll be more to come this weekend.

#EduBlogger #education #edutoot #edutooter #edutooters #educationuk #teaching #lgbtq #lgbtqia #introduction

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Questioning UK Blogger
@rochelimit @CppGuy Thank you! And thanks for sharing the post, too! 🙂

More phones should come in pastels.

“Phones should be colorful” is a hill I and others at The Verge will die on. A Samsung Galaxy S24 FE leak from Android Headlines purports to show four colors that Samsung will release the phone in, and just look at this green! We do love a green phone.

The outlet also published renders in yellow, blue, and black colors.

Could the tide FINALLY be turning with the WaPo in covering Trump?

"Trump rants, resurfaces sexual assault allegations for 49 unfocused minutes

The Republican nominee spoke in an appearance billed as a ‘press conference’ that sometimes verged into a stream of consciousness that was hard to follow. He took no questions."

in reply to Wiley Miller

No. They still do this. Via Sherrilyn Ifill:

“It’s textbook. They perceived a powerful woman’s “demanding management style” as a “weakness.” Not that she was abusive or demeaning. But “demanding - she would ask “why?” which was intimidating. They couldn’t keep up and blamed her because working for a woman is supposed to make you feel good.

in reply to Laffy

Yeah, saw that yesterday. The old double standard. A "demanding management style" attributed to a man is projected as being a great leader while the same attribute for a woman makes her "a bitch".

I read that article, where they wrote she ran her office like a prosecuting attorney, as if that was a bad thing. I read and said, "yeah, and...?"

Every negative they tried to stick on her showed me she'll be a great POTUS.

in reply to Laffy

@GottaLaff The only surprise is that it's taken this long to start printing this crap. I expected it to start the day after the convention ended.
in reply to Laffy

male fragility

they are used to failing up because other men protect them. let them get away with stuff and then promote them

women know, we have all lived it

in reply to Laffy

Yeah, didn't even bother reading the article as on its face the headline is absurd. If you run *any* organization with more than 3 people then there is no way that you can get "everyone" to like it.

Why this should be grist for an article in the WaPo is beyond me. Actually its not, Trump is such an incompetent and chaotic leader who barely anyone likes to work for something negative has to be raised about Harris to maintain "balance"

Veille Stratégique Web TV, bulletin n°47

Sujets abordés :

Doctrine nucléaire russe
Poutine prêt à négocier avec Kiev
La situation sur le front ukrainien…

The HUGE Stations That Serve Huge Stadiums

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Some of the most impressive transit stations in the world are used to move throngs of fans to and from massive sports stadiums. In today’s video, let’s look at ten of the best sports stations in the world!

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Alessandro Giuli è il nuovo Ministro della Cultura e da Wikipedia scompare la categoria “Controversie”

Dalla pagina Wikipedia di Alessandro Giuli è scomparsa la categoria Controversia dopo la sua nomina a Ministro della Cultura al posto di Gennaro S…

in reply to Informa Pirata

la sezione "controversie", che si può comunque leggere nello storico delle modifiche, conteneva però soltanto l'episodio con Sgarbi al MAXXI. La controversia in effetti riguarda molto più Sgarbi che #Giuli, non è grave che sia scomparsa la sezione. Invece un utente non loggato ha eliminato tutta le sezione della militanza giovanile, per cui l'utente Madaki ha annullato la modifica e ha protetto la pagina (giustamente).
in reply to Walter Tross

@Walter Tross sono d'accordo con te. Oltretutto, la sezione controversie è sostanzialmente deplorata, quindi ci sta tutta l'eliminazione della gossippata controversia

You have no idea what Joe Biden is thinking, #BrokenTimes--except perhaps that he can't stand you SOBs.
In His Last Months as President, Biden Is Both Liberated and Resigned…

Think about this journey people.

Think about how long it took us to reach USB-C. Think about all the different cables we needed over the years.

All the silly different ports.

Never again.

in reply to David Chartier

The new and fun struggle is that the port is now universal, but the cable is the deciding factor if something works, or how well it works.
in reply to David Chartier

Now we have 10 cables that look absolutely identical but have different abilities. Wonderful ✨

Now that the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System has deployed its booms and sail, the spacecraft is receiving light pressure from the Sun. Now NASA is testing out how it handles. The spacecraft was slowly tumbling before it deployed its booms, and now controllers will see how well they can get its motions under control under sail power. You can spot the mission with your eyes if you know when and where to look. NASA's app can give you alerts.…

Another perspective of the ammunition warehouse in the village of Soldatskoye of the Voronezh region. North Korean KN-23/24 ballistic missiles were destroyed. #Ukraine #UkraineWarVideoReport #UkraineWarVideos #UkraineWarVideoReport