"The best coffee in town
is made by a paralegal
with a malfunctioning Keurig
in the kitchenette
in my divorce lawyer's office."
#TodaysPoem #poetry @poetry
Tired, Saturday by Fawn Parker (2024 Opaat Press/ @annickmacaskill) tinyurl.com/25yn6try
Tired, Saturday by Fawn Parker
“Tired, Saturday” is a poem by Fawn Parker. Typeset and designed by Annick MacAskill, this pamphlet is published in a limited run of 50 copies. Out of print. about the poet: Fawn Parker…Annick MacAskill
poetry group reshared this.
🚨 Ever spoken about something and the next minute you're getting an advert about it on your smartphone? Almost like your phone is listening..
Well, evidence claims that Meta, Microsoft, Google and Amazon could all be listening!
For more details 👉 👉404media.co/heres-the-pitch-de…
#Meta #Amazon #Microsoft #Google #CMG #CMGpitch #Bigtech #Activelistening
Toni reshared this.
'Mass balance itself is what it sounds like: if you run your assay for how pure your drug batch is, and run a separate assay to determine the levels of any impurities or side products, do those two figures add up to 100%, or not?'
Grid’s framed old-school gadgets are over 40 percent off
You can also save on an impressive video doorbell as well as an annual Paramount Plus subscription.
Hail damage, wildfires and weather are only partly to blame, says industry trade group. There’s also “social inflation.” Plus: Readers and inflation, hospitality careers, and more!
#permanent : continuing in the same state, or without any change that destroys form or character
- French: permanent
- German: permanent
- Italian: permanente
- Portuguese: permanente
- Spanish: permanente
Fill in missing translations @ wordofthehour.org/r/translatio…
'The discovery of polio in Gaza reminds us that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to assess the true cost of the war. We don’t have a sense of how widespread disease and starvation are – so called “indirect deaths” – and we are in the dark in terms of total number of deaths.'
in reply to Tuta • • •Tuta
in reply to noodlejetski • • •Strongthany🇺🇦
in reply to Tuta • • •qurly(not curly)joe
in reply to Tuta • • •True story: I was scrolling on my phone this morning as I was taking a dump, as one does, (TMI? Don’t @ me) and as I was washing my hands after I noticed the little microphone icon at the top of my phone’s screen. WTF? Who’s listening to that shit? (Literally.) Turns out I’d accidentally been recording with the Merlin app for an hour. Sadly, no birds were detected.
in reply to Tuta • • •taigo
in reply to Tuta • • •Toni
in reply to Tuta • • •