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in reply to Chuck Darwin

Yes. Mr. Trump seems to receive all of the consideration and deference that Joe Biden, as our successful and devoted President, merits, but didn't receive. Mr. Trump resembles a poorly functioning A. I.: when asked about the childcare crisis this week, he responded by saying he'd implement tariffs!

Someone should post a top ten list of people least suited to be our country's leader. He'd be on a list with his best serial killer character, Hannibal Lector. He is #Unserious

Stunning News of Trump Sentencing Delay Sends Message: MAGA Rage Works (Greg Sargent/New Republic)……

ICYMI: Our latest episode features a post from The Self-Published Science Fiction Competition (SPSFC,) books by Ronald Kelly and Martha Wells, American Fiction, Mayans MC, and so much more!…

#specfic #speculativefiction #scifi #horror #podcast #authorcast #reading #writing #talkshow #ICYMI #FYI #SPSFC #SPSFC3 #theSPSFC #RonaldKelly #MarthaWells #AmericanFiction #MayansMC

Public education funding could be affected if Utahns pass Amendment A and state education leaders say the ballot language is “misleading.”…
in reply to sltrib

ballot language being misleading seems to be par for the course lately

Let's post early this week, here is the #Linux and #OpenSource News video, where #KDE went 100K€ over budget,, but it's all part of the plan, Ubuntu blocks upgrades to 24.04 from 22.04 because of bugs, and where Linux just keeps gaining market share on the desktop!…

reshared this

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

An interesting detail is that the desktop OS market share of Linux has exploded in India since 2022. Linux has now a market share of over 16% there! This must be an important driver for the world-wide increase.
Meanwhile, in Germany, Linux had a market share of almost 5% in 2017, but then fell rapidly and is only very recently gaining speed again. 2017 was the year when Munich returned to Windows.
Linux is also gaining speed in North America, but in Europe the trend is rather linear

Fantastic interview on the Bulwark podcast with David Frum, another Republican who will vote for Harris.…

"None of the NRA loons are able to reasonably explain how a 14 year-old had access to a firearm in an environment with supposedly adequate gun laws, so instead, they'll yell as loudly as they can that an amendment written in the time of muskets is more important than your kids' lives."…

in reply to Charlotte Clymer

@lisamelton I’ve never seen a good explanation why the originalists think that the second amendment - written when the musket was the most advanced *easily accessible* gun - can apply to weapons designed after the second amendment was written. Does such a thing exist?
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Breaking Free from the Cloud: Exploring the Benefits of Local,Open-Source AI with Ollama – The Future is Open… #AI #Ollama #OpenSource

Frankreich: Tausende demonstrieren gegen Michel Barnier

Frankreichs Präsident Macron hat den Konservativen Michel Barnier zum neuen Ministerpräsidenten ernannt. Viele Menschen werfen ihm vor, damit das Ergebnis der Parlamentswahl missachtet zu haben - und gehen auf die Straße.



in reply to James Endres Howell has moved

interesting pupils gazing from the strange shadows and sounds of a cool September evening as well as a chance of a streak acros the Summer Triangle as the peak of Persiad fade into Fall……