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Der SPIEGEL und der Jungfernstieg… Zur Qualität linken Journalismus. DER SPIEGEL Journalist im Ruhestand (kann endlich sagen was ist) und Journalist bei seiner aktuellen Arbeit. Melanie Amann Sie ist stellvertretende Chefredakteurin vom Der Spiegel. Ulrich Wickert ehemaliger Tagesthemen-Moderator — ❌️ Prof. Dr. Schweinhardt von Mobbingen© (@svmoffiziell) September 6, 2024 Die Realität #DPolGHH

Tasting History with Max Miller - Viking Funeral Bread (& what viking funerals were actually like)

CW for some stuff in the history portion of the video (vikings had some fucked up rituals). He warns you tho before that detail.

#youtube #food #cooking #history #vikinghistory

Nächste Schlappe für Correctiv: Das Lügengebäude stürzt weiter ein… Das Kartenhaus um die „Correctiv“-Lügengeschichte übet das angebliche rechtsradikale „Geheimtreffen“ von Potsdam fällt immer mehr in sich zusammen. Auch die Nachrichtenagentur dts hat ihre Abnehmer nun dazu aufgefordert, eine auf den „Correctiv“-Bericht bezogene Falschmeldung über angeblich beim Potsdamer Treffen

Things like border patrols & the War on Drugs actually make the rewards for drug trafficking much higher, contrary to what US politicians who scream about "securing the border" would have the public think.

Recent example: two San Diego CBP agents were arrested and charged with working with a cartel on the other side of the border. The scheme alleged as described had them waving through designated vehicles in exchange for a cut of the profits. Of course, :pig_cop: not exactly being known for their smarts, they publicly balled out on the money way beyond what their paychecks could explain instead of trying to hide it.…

Missouri cop charged for leaving his work dog to cook to death in his patrol car.

Forcing dogs to be cops is cruel in itself btw.…

It looks like you can still sign up for this session that starts in 40 minutes to get trained to send texts to voters.

If you're sitting here scrolling through Mastodon and not sure what you're doing to do for the next few hours, check it out!…

in reply to Mignon Fogarty

I live in Michigan. Please don't. You wouldn't believe how many texts I get per day. Living in a battleground state is rough.

May I suggest instead?

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Alex Kourvo

@AlexKourvo I lived in Nevada, another swing state, until a few years ago. :)

I wish I still lived there so my vote would matter more.

PulseAudio DBus support is odd.

imagine taking a bus to a friend's house. their house doesn't have a door to knock on or a bell to ring. they expect you to note down their GPS address, go back to your house and then send drones directly to that GPS location and landing it on the roof. that's how they prefer communicating.

PulseAudio is that friend.

#linux #dbus #PulseAudio

Just got the info that Linux on the Desktop started growing like crazy this year, so I added statcounter stats to my GNU/kw (GNU Linux per kilowindows) plot — and this sure looks exponential:…

#gnu #linux #desktop

Scratchboard Illustrations by Michael Halbert

Joseph reshared this.

It's finished :3

#furryart #furry

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Protecting just 0.7% of world's land could help save a third of unique and endangered species…

Heroes of Qalanor Adventure Supplement 15 - Death in Driford

Publisher: Heroes of QalanorThis is the fourth adventure supplement in the new campaign which started in ‘Events and Encounters’ with the adventure Diggi the Dwarf, followed by the adventure supplements The Tin Horn and The Ruins of Rynall. It is also the…

Esperando la confirmación de que hemos vuelto a derrotar #ChatControl
¡Crucemos los dedos!

No tenemos ninguna duda de que cambiarás un par de cosas menores y lo intentarán volver a colar para octubre. ¡Allí estaremos!…

in reply to Marga

@whakkee yup. Which sucks but I respect his decision on being exclusive. I started reading the series when I had a kindle.

Love when the video is Trump saying something like, "And then I ate a whole pie full of handkerchiefs and melancholy. So that's why Jesus helped me sink that putt, and Malaysians aren't real." But the chyron reads: "Trump to Fed: It's time to lower interest rates."

Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on ...