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Stellantis recalls 1.46 million Ram 1500 trucks over software problem in anti-lock brake system #Technology

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We flipped Georgia for the first time in decades in 2020 and MAGA extremists are working hard to reverse that progress. Our groups (like Indivisible GA 10) are fighting back with voter registration efforts focused on college campuses to ensure every young voter is heard.…

Humble RPG Bundle: Transformers Roleplaying Game by Renegade Game Studios

Get The Time is Now PDF, A Beacon of Hope PDF, RPG Core Rulebook PDF, Decepticon Directive PDF, Enigma of Combination PDF, and more!…

#humblebundle #humblebooksbundle #books

🕹️ En attendants Satisfactory 1.0 (mardi !), je continue sur Minecraft. Je suis toujours impressionné par la taille de ces cavernes.
Et les musiques, c'est toujours 💙
Et humpf... oui, je crois que je ne pourrais plus jouer sans shaders, ça change tellement l'athmosphère du jeu :amaze:

Si vous ne savez pas quoi faire, j'ai commencé à faire une petite liste de challenges à accomplir. Je complèterai sans doute par la suite avec d'autres idées.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Renn Kane, Alberto Grandi stan

Je ne sais pas si tu as vu la dernière vidéo, c'est ouf.
C'est comme dire à un gamin "Tu veux des bonbons ? TIENS VOILÀ UN SAC DE 5 KILOS DE BONBON."
Avec tout ce qu'ils ont ajouté, c'est sans doute un peu too much (nan mais le dépôt dimensionnel 😱 )
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to sebsauvage

j’ai fait le choix de ne rien regarder pour me garder la surprise pour la sortie, mais de ce que j’ai entendu les ajouts sont des game changers
in reply to sebsauvage

pas de trouble ahah, de toute façon ça s’en vient vite à cette semaine!
in reply to sebsauvage

putain, shaders ! Je cherche le mot depuis tout à l'heure, merci ! 😅
J'ai relancé Baldur's Gate 3 et je me disais qu'il faudrait que j'en trouve

peep the chyron and then try to remember when Twitter purportedly being biased for Dems was the outrage of the moment for Trumpers

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#Steam is pain in the ass on #linux. Its kinda ironic, considering that Valve is heavily investing here. Why did they decided that only .deb package is enough? Nonsense.

#linux_gaming #Linuxgaming #rpm #fedora

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mastodon - Link to source
I'm gonna complain whenever I want, especially when it's about corporation.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
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mastodon - Link to source
@pinganini Dude, the oldest thread I found about this (on Steam forum nonetheless!!) was from 2013. Do you think nobody was talking about this before my toot here? Valve just don't care. And besides providing rpm package they could just verify the Flathub (that also means fixing the issues).

Whether you hate Cheney or loathe him (these are the two choices), @jeffjarvis is right: the NYT is pointedly refusing to report the news.…

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in reply to Paul Cantrell

You can make a solid case, I think, that the NYT is falling prey to the shallow journalism of false balance, or that they want to keep Trump alive because of all the money he makes them, or because their editorial leadership is beholden to an oligarchic agenda. All three are possibilities.

But one thing you cannot argue persuasively at this point is that they are doing a good job of reporting all the news that’s fit to print.


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Io segnalo…

«Matilde, splendida gattina di un anno cerca casa urgentemente

Abbandonata, è stata accolta momentaneamente dalla signora Eva nella sua casa in Valle Roya. In caso di adozione si dice disposta a portarla di persona anche a Cuneo e dintorni»……

#MorePerfectUnion 3 days ago

#Alabama is Generating Billions by Trapping People in #Prison

Farming people out to places like McDonald's to work for FREE. Corporations ans the state of ALABAMA EXPLOITING #PRISONLABOUR

Other scumbag companies and government agencies, etc: Burger King, Wendy's, The State Troopers' Office, the parole office


In light of today’s news of DOJ exposing Russia’s disinformation operations via Tenet Media and American influencers, important thread on others besides Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, etc who should be investigated. Drop your Western propagandists below ⬇️

Some of the obvious ones . . . Elon, Flynn, pool

Check out this thread at Thread Reader App.…

#Ukraine #USA #EU #election2024

Yakutian serving with RF relays his typical yet surreal story. His group of 15 took a forward position. UA attacked with drones. His command did not reinforce or help in any way, not even with water. He is the sole survivor with an open fracture of left arm. When he came to the departure dugout . . #Ukraine #UkraineWarVideoReport #UkraineWarVideos #UkraineWarVideoReport