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Trump wants 25th Amendment changed to impeach vice presidents

He has repeatedly accused Kamala Harris and Democrats of hiding the state of Biden’s health.…

in reply to Chuck Darwin

“Tell me you don’t know anything about the constitution without telling me you don’t know anything about the constitution.” 🤣🤣🤣

Can you imagine voting for a political party that wants to systematically dismantle education in order to keep your children ignorant and unable to compete for better jobs in the future?

Me either.

#voteblue #vote for #harriswalz2024

Tim Chambers reshared this.

This sweet girl is Sadie! She is a mixed breed black and white dog, and she is wearing her favorite bandana with flowers on it! Her portrait was painted with acrylic paints on an 8x10 inch (20x25 cm) stretched canvas.
#art #MastoArt #dog #dogs #petportrait #dogsofmastodon #painting #portrait
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-09-08 02:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 823
Number of users: 9 000 266
Number of statuses: 1 103 279 216
Number of users last 4h: 485
Number of statuses last 4h: 87 757
Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo

It's been a minute since I've promoted my own music, but since I'm working on new songs, now seems like the perfect time.

Give me a follow on #Bandcamp if you like what you hear!…


This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Trump wants 25th Amendment changed to impeach vice presidents who engage in cover-ups (Lisa Kashinsky/Politico)……

Report24-Chef Florian Machl: Konten-Kündigungen könnten politische Gründe haben

Nach der Kündigung ganzer acht Konten von AUF1 ist nun das nächste Alternativmedium betroffen. Nun wurde auch „Report24“ ein weiteres Konto gekündigt. Doch aus welchem Grund? Wer könnte dahinterstecken? Und könnten bald auch Bürger von Konten-Kündigungen betroffen sein? Exklusives Interview mit Report24-Chefredakteur Florian Machl.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Why the taser is not a miracle weapon. After the attack in Solingen, the federal police are to receive more stun guns. A confidential report shows that a taser successfully deters attackers. But it is better not to shoot with it. #DE #Deutsch #Deutschsprechenden #Europe

FYI, after work today, I got free COVID19 and Flu shots at my local Walgreens pharmacy.

These diseases are not imaginary! Protect yourself and your loved ones!

My motivation? I caught the *real* Flu 40 years ago, when I was 32, young, healthy, and strong. The real flu is *not* a bad cold. *Not* trivial. I would have *died* if someone hadn’t taken care of me. Burning fever. Unconscious 23 out of 24 hours, for days.

Be smart! Get vaxxed!

#Vaccines #COVID #COVID19 #Vaxxed #VaxxedAndRelaxed

in reply to abracadabra holmes

@nosmaharba @angiebaby @_L1vY_ @vfrmedia

If McCain sunk his presidency with Palin, that would make him something of a patriotic hero even if I did not like his politics at all.

Unknown parent

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abracadabra holmes

@_L1vY_ @zagone @angiebaby @vfrmedia
It was Steve Schmidt (and not as long ago as I thought). The Twit thread was long and Damning AF, and Schmidt has been ruined, more or less.…

From Project Gutenberg:

Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, August 20, 1892

by Various

Get it at:

Ex-Polizist Schubert: Erste Details – Wer könnte hinter dem Anschlag von München stecken?

Wer könnte wirklich hinter dem Anschlag auf das israelische Konsulat in München stecken? Und welches Ziel könnte der Täter verfolgen? Exklusive Analyse von Ex-Polizist und Bestseller-Autor Stefan Schubert.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)