Palestinian photographer Mahmud Hams has won the prestigious Visa d’Or News prize for his work covering the war in Gaza.
Song: NAPOLITAN TRANCE (Italy Stage)
#music #videogames #gaming #gamemusic
The 26-year old activist’s family have said she was peacefully standing for justice when she was killed by a bullet that video shows came from an Israeli military shooter [sniper] and have called for an independent investigation and full accountability for her killing.
CROWDY. Oatmeal and water, or milk; a mess much eaten in the north.
A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)
#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #crime #language #slang @histodons
Sensitive content
Well I suppose that’s better than the way he tried to remove the last one.
Nachrichten AUF1 vom 04. September 2024
Question for the #linux wizards:
Is there a way to keep re-running a command until it finishes successfully?
Example, I have a .sh bash file that does a lot of things, but sometimes due to network issues it just stops and doesn’t complete it.
I’d like to know if maybe there’s an easy way, maybe using a while loop or a if condition, that if the command exited with a code other than 0 it would run again, something like that.
About this, by the way.…
I actually still am bothered by the fact that the address bar and the search bar have been combined into one bar. I have been bothered by this since 2008 when Firefox originally introduced the "Awesomebar" (yes, that was really what they called it).
It is *very uncomfortable* to me that everything you type in the address bar gets sent to a third party! This goes quadruply when you consider how easy it is to accidentally paste a password in there.
However the "firefox suggestions" thing is especially bad because like… okay, so you start typing in the address bar, there's search autocomplete. Data is necessarily sent to the search provider because that is an essential part of how the feature works. But sending data to *firefox* is… not an essential part of the feature. It's for showing ads, but that's not in my interests. So it's a privacy risk in exchange for which I see ads.
What. Fuck.
A 2021 post about this:
Incidentally, my most "over 40 person" opinion about computers is that keyboards should not have stickers. Like, phone keyboards. They should not have a "stickers" feature. How does that even work, I literally don't understand what this feature thinks it is doing. You cannot type a sticker.
If you want to put physical stickers on a physical keyboard that is a separate matter and I approve.
mcc reshared this.
Also, while I'm complaining about the stickers, it drives me
u p t h e w a l l
that "emoji keyboard" features in both phones and desktop PCs offer "emoji searches" which do not include non-emoji unicode codepoints. Sometimes I want to type the greek letter "mu", or the german "umlaut" symbol. Sometimes I want to type the not equals symbol? TOO BAD, says the Microsoft WIN+. key, those are NOT EMOJI and we will NOT BE HELPING YOU. COLORS OR YOU CAN'T TYPE IT!
mcc reshared this.
Or it's aimed to make people use general-purpose computers like they are using tablets.
Changing your machine from a creator-device to an only-consume-device.
that character was compose C C C P for many years (not my finest hour)
Edit: it's now compose ? \…
mcc reshared this.
I never even thought about using it for emoji though, guess it's time to level up!
i created this page for myself just so i could copy-paste useful characters from anywhere
@d6 I learned the X "compose" feature and installed "Wincompose" so I could get it on Windows.
This worked great until I discovered Chrome on Linux, specifically, breaks when you try to use Wayland and XCompose at once *throws things*
Wait, Win is defined as Compose? I thought I had to manually sacrifice a key because alt wasn't working!
I look forward to trying this!
You likely know the Windows 'Character Map' utility, but a lot of people don't so I'll mention it for their benefit. It's still in Windows 10, and goes back at least to Windows 95.
It requires the mouse and doesn't let you type via key combos, but it does let one find and copy & paste any Unicode code point (by category, subrange, or name) as well as DOS and Windows alternate code blocks.
I use it often enough to have it pinned to the start menu.
Looking at it again, I realize I'd completely forgotten that it also lists the keystroke combo to get that character, in the bottom right corner.
Of course, it's usually the literal code point numbers, obscure enough one would never remember it, but it's there.
like the "most recently used" feature helps *a bit* but sometimes that just gets wiped and I'm back at step one
It has been frustrating me for years. We need a designated key to access non-emoji special characters, I would, at least, really like that.
It could be added by long-pressing on, say, the emoji key on phone/tablet, and by, say, assigning that function to one of the 'Alt' or 'Ctrl' keys on computer.
Yes, that's a trend that started a few years ago. Some desktop apps require lots of clicking. I won't mention the doomed new File Explorer on W11, for instance.
On my phone I have an Android app called UnicodePad that can do this. It's not as conveniently as having it work in the keyboard's search, but HeliBoard doesn't have emoji search to begin with, and that's what I'm stuck with for now it seems.
On my laptop I search for characters in my browser and copy/paste them like a fool, because I can only put so much effort into solving this problem in a more real way.
@knutson_brain I think this is a very reasonable opinion.
Someone was posting some interesting keyboard photos with a trackball where your thumb would naturally go, earlier……
@cibyr Oh, really?
I don't remember having that option in 2008. Maybe I will turn that back on and try to restore my old "tab to search" muscle memory.
💯 Agreed. And even disregarding the security issues:
From a pure user interface design perspective, it's mentally disruptive and plain annoying to start typing in one place, and have the cursor and focus immediately jump to a completely different point on the screen.
Because I am a dinosaur* I have the default New Tab/Window page with the old search box in the middle of the screen, thusly. (1st image)
If I start typing into that search bar, on the first character typed it jumps up to the idiot box aka AwesomeBar aka former URL entry bar. (2nd image)
* A Godzilla is a radioactive dinosaur, OK? OK.
I'd probably be happier with that TBH.
I'd probably also be less likely to open a new tab to do something specific, get distracted by the pinned icons and immediately forget what I was doing and go onto Patreon or Mastodon instead. Yay ADHD?
@julienw In fact, I did not know this!
I am pretty sure this was not an option in 2008 when firefox first added the feature. I didn't think to check afterward.
Two thoughts as an ex-Mozillian (1998/2003-2020), although not directly involved with the UI:
Firefox had long been able to have separate or unified address/search bars, switching based on your toolbar customization. I believe the default for newly created profiles has changed over time, but my 22? year old Firefox profile still has them separate.
The "awesomebar" feature was mostly (entirely?) about having search of local history integrated in the address bar.
No idea about new stuff...
The World’s First Medieval Electronic Instrument: The EP-1320 Lets You Play the Sounds of Hurdy-Gurdies, Lutes, Gregorian Chants & More
Povos do Mundo Conhecido - Volume 10 - Ndovu
Publisher: Lazy Panda RPGPovos do Mundo Conhecido é nossa nova coleção! A intenção desses materiais é apresentar uma origem para os povos escolhidos, estatísticas de jogo e alguma característica marcante desse povo. Queremos apresentar isso de forma…
PSA that Sleater-Kinney made their entire Sub Pop catalogue name-your-price yesterday and it's still in effect as of now.
All of this is essential - if you need a starting point then Dig Me Out, my favorite is The Woods, you really cannot go wrong.
in reply to earthling • • •Some of Mahmud Hams' photos:
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