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#requirement : demand; requisition

- French: condition requise

- German: die Forderung

- Italian: requisito

- Portuguese: requerimento

- Spanish: requerimiento


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Palestinian photographer Mahmud Hams has won the prestigious Visa d’Or News prize for his work covering the war in Gaza.


in reply to Low Quality Facts

I do wear one pair of pants each day of the week. I wash it every five weeks.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)


The 26-year old activist’s family have said she was peacefully standing for justice when she was killed by a bullet that video shows came from an Israeli military shooter [sniper] and have called for an independent investigation and full accountability for her killing.


CROWDY. Oatmeal and water, or milk; a mess much eaten in the north.

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)

#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #crime #language #slang @histodons


Sensitive content

Nachrichten AUF1 vom 04. September 2024

Wutbrief gegen Migrationspolitik – Parteirebell Matthias Schimpf legt nach. Kommt jetzt der Mitgliederaufstand bei den Grünen? + Islamismus-Fachmann Irfan Peci im AUF1-Interview – Er erklärt, weshalb gerade Fans von Taylor Swift ein leichtes Ziel für den Terror sind + Und: Agenten im Zwielicht – Kein Verfassungsschutz ist so politisch wie der Inlandsgeheimdienst in Thüringen. Aber es gibt einen anderen Grund, warum die Behörde jetzt vielleicht illegal is
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Question for the #linux wizards:

Is there a way to keep re-running a command until it finishes successfully?

Example, I have a .sh bash file that does a lot of things, but sometimes due to network issues it just stops and doesn’t complete it.

I’d like to know if maybe there’s an easy way, maybe using a while loop or a if condition, that if the command exited with a code other than 0 it would run again, something like that.

If you want to add a multi-tab panel view to your #Hugo blog posts to show content in different languages, I have a short guide on how to quickly implement this feature 👩‍💻…

#python #rstats #rladies #pyladies

About this, by the way.…

I actually still am bothered by the fact that the address bar and the search bar have been combined into one bar. I have been bothered by this since 2008 when Firefox originally introduced the "Awesomebar" (yes, that was really what they called it).

It is *very uncomfortable* to me that everything you type in the address bar gets sent to a third party! This goes quadruply when you consider how easy it is to accidentally paste a password in there.

in reply to Julien W.

@julienw In fact, I did not know this!

I am pretty sure this was not an option in 2008 when firefox first added the feature. I didn't think to check afterward.

in reply to mcc

ahah :) disabling the automatic search is in the preferences "Show search suggestions in address bar results", and you can add the separate search bar from the "customize" UI. I still have it :) (but to be fair I rarely use it :D)
in reply to mcc

Two thoughts as an ex-Mozillian (1998/2003-2020), although not directly involved with the UI:

Firefox had long been able to have separate or unified address/search bars, switching based on your toolbar customization. I believe the default for newly created profiles has changed over time, but my 22? year old Firefox profile still has them separate.

The "awesomebar" feature was mostly (entirely?) about having search of local history integrated in the address bar.

No idea about new stuff...

"Remember that time when Pierre made a propaganda video showing how he wants his #Canada to be..

...and he used RUSSIAN fighter jets in it?

All making sense now"

#Poilievre #cdnpoli #canada #abpoli // @captainCoby00

The World’s First Medieval Electronic Instrument: The EP-1320 Lets You Play the Sounds of Hurdy-Gurdies, Lutes, Gregorian Chants & More…

Povos do Mundo Conhecido - Volume 10 - Ndovu

Publisher: Lazy Panda RPGPovos do Mundo Conhecido é nossa nova coleção! A intenção desses materiais é apresentar uma origem para os povos escolhidos, estatísticas de jogo e alguma característica marcante desse povo. Queremos apresentar isso de forma…

US, UK spy chiefs praise Ukraine’s Kursk incursion, say West shouldn’t fear Russia’s nuclear threats #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #World #WorldNews