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Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@SrRochardBunson they are cute and hilarious to drive! Highly recommended!
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@SrRochardBunson it is! All 648cc of raw power! They are super easy to work on and also very easy to get parts for.

Donald Trump’s fear-mongering about migrant crime is fuelling hate in Canada and the world #Canada #CanadaPolitics #Politics

"Donald is signaling clearly to us what’s coming and we can’t depend on corporate media to confirm it. This election is too important to for us to rely on outlets that continue, against all evidence to the contrary, to normalize a deeply unwell traitor just so they can preserve the horse race of it all.

~ Mary Trump

#Trump #character #media #SupremeCourt #House #ElectionInterference

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to William Lindsey

"The people who served under Trump as president believe that he should never be allowed back in the Oval Office. His National Security Advisor, his Defense Secretary, his Chief of Staff, his VP. All have warned Donald Trump is unfit."

~ Scott Dworkin

#Trump #character #media

in reply to William Lindsey

"Trump didn’t factor in the notion that a woman — a Black woman — could get the best of him in a talking contest. Fresh off his debate victory over President Joe Biden (who handled him fine in 2020), Trump was high as a kite on his own supply. He never saw Harris coming because he’s too packed with racism and sexism to see someone like the vice president as a worthy rival."

~ Oliver Willis

#Trump #KamalaHarris #character #media

When it comes to #opensource, write the patch you want to see in the software.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Why am I losing the patience to read LWN articles these days????

There must be some reason and I am yet to discover....🤔

#linuxadmin #lwn #opensource #geekstuff

Bringing back dealing with traffic jams, parking problems, long commutes and more emissions. The federal govt is following a terrible trend of workplaces reversing the positive move of allowing people to work from home #working #workplaces #Canada #cdnpoli…

in reply to House Panther

Billionaires trying to talk a recession into existence, like W did in 2000, so that Trump will win, give them their precious tax cuts, and halt all antitrust enforcement.

Don't be fooled.

Y a un peu de buzz sur les tubes à propos de l'émission (avant inconnue pour moi) "The Breakfast Club". Je suis allé voir pour vous et positionné le clip à un endroit assez révélateur de l'émission: ils avaient invité Jill Stein (Candidate du Green Party aux élection US en novembre) pour la dépecer. Mais c'est tellement gros et Angela Rye (l'animatrice qui mène la charge) est tellement insupportable que ça backfire (une espèce d'effet Streisand): voir les commentaires!

More Two-Party Myths | We have to get over two-party myth that a magical third party is going to rise up from outside the current party system to save us. It won't, and the fantasy is deadly.
#disinformation #misinformation #overtonwindow #politics #propaganda…

This is just a plain awesome idea!
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Wildfire smoke exposure increases the risk of mental illness in youth: each additional day of exposure to wildfire smoke and other severe air pollution slightly raises the risk of mental illness in children aged 9 to 11 #Science