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Excuse me sir, you appear to have left your pumpkin on the wharf.


«Coup d'État», «affront à la démocratie», «République à l'agonie» : revue de presse à lire ici :…

Contre Attaque reshared this.

in reply to Contre Attaque

Les médias français appartiennent aux mêmes personnes dont les intérêts sont très bien servis par la politique de Macron… Mais ce serai mauvaise langue de dire que ça a un rapport avec l'attitude des médias français…
in reply to Contre Attaque

pfff… c’est des envieux. En réalité ils regrettent l’absence de l’excellent Éric Ciotti dans le gouvernement (du peuple par le peuple) et puis notre Fabien est allé discuter avec le grand Barnier, « sans illusions » mais avec une certaine allégeance objective aux institutions. Bref, que du bon. On apprend aussi qu’ils viennent passer commande pour 4,5 M€ de matraques télescopiques histoire de faire respecter le verdict des urnes.

Best #alternative to Google Maps for Smartphone based on your experence?

  • OsmAnd (0 votes)
  • Organic Maps (0 votes)
  • OpenStreetMaps (0 votes)
  • Magic Earth (0 votes)
Poll end: 3 months ago

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

7 DAYS!! I repeat 7 DAYS TO GO!!!! ⏰

That is correct, it's only 7 days until my birthday 🎂

Oh, and of course, 7 days until the start of DjangoCon US. Not got your flight booked and tickets ready? Don't worry, did you know you can join remotely for all of the talks this year? 🎉

If you are attending, please drop me a message and let's meet up 👋

#djangoconus #djangocon24 #django #python

¿En serio no hay en millón de personas que quieran freír a impuestos a los ricos? ¿Tanta gente tiene falsas esperanzas de llegar a ser rico alguna vez?

Did some pattern hacking this weekend. Here’s a top I made from a tshirt pattern I adjusted. Closeup of the fabric because the light in my craft room is terrible


In the past year, I’ve been focused on a big project for my day job—redesigning the service maps for King County Metro. It’s been long, challenging, exhausting…and now they’ve finally been released to the public.…
#seattle #maps #transitMaps

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Conspiracy of Cartographers

That's lovely and essential - nice work! I don't live there, but I use public transport route maps like this all the time. Grateful to you and others who translate intricate information into at-a-glance assistance for us.

Ich bin immer wieder überrascht, wie sehr mein Handy jetzt mit GrapheneOS wie ein Computer funktioniert. Logisch, ist ja einer. Aber Sachen, sie mit dem iPhone nur am Computer gegangen wären gehen jetzt einfach. Huh.

Ich bereue defintiv nicht dieses Jahr Handy und Laptop auf Linux umgestellt zu haben. Hoffentlich nie wieder Windows oder Mac.

#grapheneos #linux #windowsistkacke


🏢 Atari
📅 1976
🖥 AY-3-8606, Apple II, Arcade, Atari 2600, Handheld Electronic LCD, MSX


At one of my old libraries, the librarians annually used the fees paid on overdue books to buy a nice painting for the walls. Fine Art.


in reply to Ciara

At one uni library here, fines can be paid in food donations to a food bank 🙂

Ciara reshared this.

in reply to Margaret Dahlstrom

@MargaretD Ooh that's excellent! Now I feel we were greedy, thinking that it was nice they used our fines on community art.
in reply to Margaret Dahlstrom

@MargaretD It's also the case in the public libraries of Huescas, Spain, and I think it's great!
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to nuagezero

@nuagezero @MargaretD I think I'll be popping this idea in the suggestion box at our local library now. Brilliant idea, thanks for sharing knowledge of it.

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Also pastry.
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source

That pages shows how to use curl to upload to

I've used the pastebinit program listed on that page to upload to, but it supports other sites as well.

I still get surprised by how much my phone now works like the computer it is :)

A lot of things that would only have been possible on my computer now just work on #grapheneos Huh.

I definitely don't regret switching both phone and computer to #linux this year. Never again do I want to have to use Windows or Mac...

Alles Jahre wieder:

Die Hackerkiste steht im Oktober an und wir sind live vor Ort. Wer kommt von euch vorbei? Wir stehen für eure Fragen zur Verfügung!

Tickets gibts hier:

#hackerkiste24 #augsburg #linux #tuxedo

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

The Indian vulture collapse is one of the worst wildlife disasters in history, and I meet people all the time who have never heard of it. In a few decades, India lost nearly all of its vultures. That cascaded into hundreds of thousands of human deaths, billions of dollars in damage, and a cultural loss that can't even really be measured.

My latest for the Washington Post is about the value of vultures, in hopes that we appreciate ours a little more.

#birds #vultures