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Going nuclear, fusion could reduce emissions, increase security [Advocacy Lab Content]: For its proponents, the lesser-known nuclear process – fusion - could bring a new era of clean and secure energy to Europe. For its detractors, it’s an expensive distraction.…

Mastodon for Harris evening update, 10/8. We are 5 contributions away from 7 thousand individual contributions. That is going to be a pretty amazing milestone.…

Funds raised as of this post: $641,292.40
# of contributions: 6995
# of recurring contributions:307

Current target: $650,000

Not counting any chickens before they are hatched. Just raising money to make sure Harris for President has every last dollar to put toward GOTV and legal protections for ballot access.

in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

has the campaign acknowledged this amazing effort? Is she even aware of this campaign?

France announces it will send Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets to Ukraine early next year They’ll be upgraded to be able to engage ground targets with air-to-ground munitions such as SCALP cruise missiles & AASM Hammer bombs Ukrainian pilotes have started training in Nancy #Ukraine #Україна

in reply to Quentin Ruyant

@qruyant With pain it is rather control over the pain. Or over the source of the pain. In both cases the problem is a lack of freedom.
in reply to Blender Dumbass ( J.Y.Amihud )

sometimes you cast the problem as lack of freedom, sometimes the lack of freedom concerns our ability to remove the problem. This is an ambiguous account that allows you to mention freedom come what may, but it's not informative. Here's my theory: a problem is a failure of a state of affairs to comply with norms or desires. This is related to freedom only insofar as freedom is generally desirable, but this link is inessential to the nature of problems.

“Nobody’s getting evicted in their stories. No cars get repossessed.”…
Unknown parent

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Lili Saintcrow
@PJ_Evans Yeah, that’s how they get you…

The #Linux commercials that #IBM put out at the turn of this century were far superior to whatever the fuck they are trying to do with their #Watson campaign.

Want to extend your personal network and connect with other free software activists? Organize a free software group in your region and list it on the LibrePlanet wiki:… Write to us at <> and let us know how we can support your local group and/or events. We can send you materials, promote your group or event, and even send you a speaker or program ideas if you wish.

Filaments In The Cygnus Loop
Credits: William P. Blair, Johns Hopkins University, #NASA
#nature #space #astrophotography
in reply to World Beauty

"Filaments in the Cygnus Loop" should be the name of a Namlook/Inoue collab album.

My uncle and I have had trouble getting healthcare providers to include me in care discussions. He's about to have another inpatient procedure, then rehab, and I can't be there in person at the start. I'm planning on sending the attached letter in with him to give to the hospital & rehab staff. I think I've covered everything, but if this is your jam I'd appreciate any suggestions you have for increasing the odds that it will work. Thank you!
#HIPAA #LawFedi #ElderCare #Caregiver

Jonathan Kamens reshared this.

Unknown parent

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Jonathan Kamens
@kidskylark I don't know that there's a law that says that specifically. I suspect there is probably a law or regulation that says providers aren't allowed to disregard patients' clearly expressed wishes in whatever form they are expressed. And I've found that when dealing with bureaucracy, vaguely ominous language like that is often effective at making people understand I mean business. Just trying to speak their language. 😉
in reply to Jonathan Kamens

@kidskylark One message I'm trying to convey here is, "If you fuck up my uncle's care because you didn't keep me in the loop, I'm coming after you with lawyers."

Liberals ‘considering all options’ over pro-terror group Samidoun; Poilievre vows to ban it #Canada #CanadaPolitics #Politics

DEWS WINS, or DEUX WINS. Two-pence. Cant.

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)

#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #crime #language #slang @histodons