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Tonight, the White House announced an excellent new use of short message sending (SMS),
building on good work during the pandemic with

As POTUS tweeted, Americans can now 👉find a FEMA shelter nearby by ❇️texting SHELTER + their ZIP code to 43362.

That’s an innovative form of 21st century infrastructure that will endure after the hurricane passes.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Chuck Darwin reshared this.

in reply to Chuck Darwin

This'd be a great opportunity for the whitehouse to ask private companies: meta, twitter, verizon, att, tmobile, etc form a coalition and solve "personal safety notifications" so that in any disaster (earthquake, tornado, fire, war, terrorist, hurricane, mudslide) a person could give updates to family members and friends from a central location. No more "mom worrying" situations. It'd be pennies in those companies' budgets, and a good public service.

Hi, @renchap and @Gargron

The new UI looks fantastic. Well done by your team. Two pieces of feedback from me, though. For free.

1. The contrast between icon/background in the lists modal is inaccessible. It fails WCAG guidelines. I mentioned this back in February (…).

2. The failed icon/label alignment and gap. Here's simple CSS that can fix it. This also saves lots of space for long lists.

I hope this helps.

#Mastodon #Redesign #UI #Design #Accessibility #A11y #CSS

in reply to Mark Wyner Won’t Comply

Thanks, we missed those. Can you tell me where those screens are in the app? I am not sure where we have list like those
in reply to Renaud Chaput

This is the lists modal, where you add/remove people you follow from your own lists.


Grave cleaning videos are going viral on TikTok. Are they honouring the dead, or exploiting them?

Cleaning the graves of strangers is the latest content trend taking over TikTok. But as millions tune in to watch the videos, it’s becoming clear not all of them are created equal. Two grave-cleaning creators in particular seem to reside at opposite ends of the trend.

One of the first accounts to gain popularity for grave cleaning was @ladytaphos. This account is run by Alicia Williams, a Virginia resident who treats the graves with great dignity. Williams will often share the story of the person residing within, and acts with grace and kindness as she restores beauty to the graves.

On the other end of the spectrum is Kaeli Mae McEwen, or @the_clean_girl, who leans into more clickbait-y tactics. McEwen is known for throwing a pink spiky ball through a graveyard and cleaning the grave it lands on. She also uses her videos to promote her own pink foamy cleaner (which at one point could be purchased via a link in her bio).

The #LoyalMountaineers of #EastTennessee keep faith with the Republic and Union of States.

You don’t need to get excited about it, but the Southern Appalachians are going to be a humanitarian disaster in a matter of days.

#RockyTopEngineer #Helene #StateofFranklin #WesternNC #solidarity

Canada: Wet’suwet’en Chief Dsta’hyl declared first Amnesty International prisoner of conscience held in Canada…

I don't know if this will be appreciated or obnoxious but here's the #Bash script I used to #toot a LOT of things in a single thread.

The script can do listed or unlisted replies, with or without content warnings.

But does require the #toot #Python package from #pip

Any suggestions or improvements are welcome.…

. @ThePSF #python shit show continues:…

- at least two persons banned
- a bunch of postings flagged and hidden
- suppression of opinions
- moderators hiding behind the CoC
- moderators hiding behind the Discuss system
- the CoC committee is hiding, as always
- the typical "either you are with us or you are our enemy" attitude
- no further communication in Tim Peter's case

As said: the SC and CoC committee have to step back. Their attitude sucks, their behavior sucks.

There are no participation ribbons for voting. There is only winning and losing. And the only thing worse than losing is knowing you could have changed the outcome if you hadn’t stayed home on election day.

#vote #voteblue #KamalaHarris #election2024 #democrats #democracy

#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-10-09 06:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 694
Number of users: 9 069 594
Number of statuses: 1 122 485 282
Number of users last 4h: 367
Number of statuses last 4h: 150 055
Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo

in reply to Dan Gillmor

This is brilliant! And perhaps too much work for "low-information" voters. But what a payoff!

W4 introduces W4 consoles, a subscription-paid service to port (in one-click, apparently) Godot 4.3+ games to consoles (including Switch and PS5 at the moment). More details here:… #godot #w4 #w4consoles #linuxgaming #linux #gamedev

Boiling Steam reshared this.

in reply to Boiling Steam

The one-click deployment requires first to subscribe to a one-year subscription which is initiated by filling a multiple clicks form.…

In an Ohio town, a "retired gas industry executive, a shadowy 'grassroots' group and a controversial media company are spreading misinformation while turning residents against a proposed solar farm — and each other.

The media company, a notorious "pink slime" operator, bought the local newspaper and turned it into a propaganda machine.…

Superb reporting from a collaboration including ProPublica, Floodlight, and Tow Center for Digital Journalism.

in reply to Dan Gillmor

Sounds like a crazy plotline in an old western TV series...

Tombstone did it...

in reply to Dan Gillmor


dunno about the 'shadowy' bit

but here where we live, state college,, after a long and rather arduous process, we're in the final stretch for a large solar energy purchasing agreement.


Those opposing it are coming out of the woodwork,
remarkably uniform in the details of their opposition, and very well organised.

I can't be arsed to imagine this is 'grass roots'


Almost 600 chemists on Mastodon:…

HT… and @stuartcantrill

#chemistry #mastodon

Every sheep breed sounds like the name of a notorious 18th century highwayman

geekysteven reshared this.

"If videos don't load, it's becuase Youtube partly blocked me. This is a depressing day."…

Official statement from the Disintermedia DataFarming Abolition Committee.

For immediate release.

Disintermedia spokeshuman Danyl Strype says "F%&k this shit."


#Disintermedia #DataFarming