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Getting ready for the #LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024, which starts tomorrow in Luxembourg! 😊 We're packing the bags for attendees, with T-shirts, stickers and more goodies. Join us:… #foss #OpenSource

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Auf meinem #vServer läuft in diesem Moment die Installation von #Yunohost und ich kann gar nicht beschreiben, wie aufgeregt ich bin 🤪

#Linux #VPS

The installation of #Yunohost is currently running on my #vServer and I can't even describe how excited I am 🤪

#Linux #VPS

in reply to UmWerker 🕊 ☮️ 🤘 :tux:

It's mainly about copying the text that the diagnostics tool (your friend ;-) ) suggests in to the #DNS entry page of your domain host.It can also take some hours to actually start working, even when you get it right (thanks domain propagation across the world's servers taking time). This has nothing to do with #unohost. I used a domain propagation checking website to see when my changes should have hit me, so I could tell if it was just a waiting game or if I screwed something up.
in reply to Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️

Where I am hosting my domains, I have to do all DNS changes by myself. No problem, because I have some experience with these things. All entries Yunohost told me to change are accepted by the systems at my hoster, except the letsencrypt command. I just contacted their support for that.

BTW … uhh, indeed, the diagnostic tool is fascinating. I will employ with it suggestions later.

New checkbox item when trying to log into Okay...

It's been a long road, but we're happy that #DNS over #QUIC is now merged into the main branch of Unbound resolver. We’re now preparing a release. #DoQ #OpenSource…

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Costillas al horno

Jo, Jon Sarasuarekin baditut nire diferentziak, baina ze ona den Aitor anaiarekin batera atera zuten Fauna txiki bat bertso berritan (1995) diskoa.…


Publisher: L&A MediaMassacro è il regolamento per battaglie fantasy ideale per il tuo gioco di ruolo. Utilizza le statistiche dei personaggi e dei nemici per simulare gruppi di combattenti sul campo di battaglia, e con poche regole aggiuntive ti permette…

Stoked that #Verso Browser (based on @servo 's #Servo engine ) got their application greenlit by @nlnet !

It's very early days, but we really need work being done on a #FOSS browser with a non #Blink / #Chromium render engine, as a lifeboat for the burning ship that is @mozilla #Firefox.

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