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Scion Second Edition Demigod Storyguide Screen

Publisher: Onyx Path PublishingThe Gods made your World, and one way or another, they made you. Every God was once mortal. You stand at the threshold of humanity and divinity and cross over into the lands beyond the World. The PDF version of the Scion…

Scion Demigod 2e Layout Templates

Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing All the materials you need to get started creating your own Scion Demigod 2nd Edition supplements Includes all textures, fonts, and indesign templates. Note: This template is for use with the Storypath Nexus community…

Tome of Witches

Publisher: Evil Pigeon GamesThis supplement will give you everything you need to fill your games with a diverse and interesting set of witches, each with their own backstories, stats, plot hooks and goals. There will also be a host tools to help DMs…

Adhoc Venture - Stadt Szenarien

Publisher: Thalamus Grondak AdHocVenture Stadt Szenarien AdHoc Venture ist eine Serie von Abenteuern und Spielhilfen um Spielern und Spielleitern langeVorbereitungsarbeit zu ersparen. Sie sind größtenteils Systemunabhängig, konzentrieren sich aber…

Inventory of Improving Items Volume 1

Publisher: Evil Pigeon GamesThis project all started when I saw the look on one of my player's faces when they had to choose between their old, much cherished weapon, and the newer more powerful one they'd just found. Now, while I normally encourage and…

40% of Gen Z workers say their current salary is not enough for their basic needs, per ResumeTemplates

Of this group, 14% believe they would need between $80,000 & $100,000, 19% require more than $100,000.

Nearly 60% report that their salary does cover their basic expenses.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Oregon county sues major gas provider for allegedly sowing climate doubt | Oregon | The Guardian…

Tags: #dandelíon

via dandelion* client (Source)

We’re finally going to the Solar System’s most intriguing but unexplored frontier

If you've been waiting for a real mission of discovery into the unknown, this is it.…

@brembs Thanks for your clear statement in Laborjournal…

I really wonder how the ERC panels will implement the requested move away from bibliometrics as "Quality" surrogate...

in reply to Uli Hofmann

Thanks for the kind words, didn't even know the article was out ... 😁

in reply to Yukari Hafner

just like, invent a person that made some kind of point and then reply to me as if I was that person. absolutely unhinged

🗳️ Wisconsin voters! Time is running out to register to vote.

🎶 On Wisconsin! On Wisconsin! 🎶 is the call to action! #Badgers #Vote! 🦡

Are you #VoteReady? Go to today!

#YourVoteCounts #Election2024 #WIVotes #VoteFromAbroad

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Why has America failed to broker a Middle East ceasefire?…

Because we are feckless regarding the Middle East.

in reply to Tom Grzybow

Because Netanyahu is using the war to protect his position. He'll go to jail when the war is over, so he's not interested in a cease-fire. He needs to keep killing people to stay in office.
in reply to Tom Grzybow

And the US is not an honest broker. We are far too biased to be trusted.