J.Lo Claps Back at Trump Rally Puerto Rico Jab: 'We Are Americans' (Claire Lampen/The Daily Beast)
Thank you r/Python - I'd like to give something back
Discussions: discu.eu/q/udemy.com/course/py…
Finally got around to starting the rustlings exercises and so far what I've learned is that Python made me allergic to ; and that is going to be a problem 😂
(Yes, this is months after I got things set up. Work has been A Lot but I've decided to carve out a few hours per week for practice starting with November.)
Flatcar brings Container Linux to the CNCF Incubator
Discussions: discu.eu/q/cncf.io/blog/2024/1…
#devops #kubernetes #linux #unix
#Exile #réfugiés #Corrèze #Prefet
Le préfet de Corrèze veut mettre les exilé-e-s à la rue
Le préfet de la Corrèze vient d’ordonner, dans le cadre d’une politique nationale et 5 jours avant la trêve hivernale, la fin de l’hébergement de 40 personnes exilées, en grande difficulté dont des enfants. Cette décision a été prise en dépit de la loi qui protège les personnes en situation de vulnérabilité sociale et de santé. Cette mesure inhumaine, dangereuse est inacceptable et doit être dénoncée...
"Justice in America would come to a standstill were Trump elected"
- Aure
Would Justice Department and FBI officials carry out Trump’s prosecutions of his rivals?
Former officials fear Trump would force out DOJ and FBI officials who defy him and replace them with loyalists. Chaos, division and paralysis could ensue.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Breaking #BreakingNews #Trump
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My Dearest Followers on Fediverse,
Today might not be a Bandcamp Friday, but who wants to "Suit Up" with me and turn this day into a Mighty Friday?
In other words, you are more than welcomed to support me on Bandcamp via this link:
Thank you, and I wish you all a great TGIF!
Yours Truly,
Bruce (Mighty One Man Band)
#mightyonemanband #onemanband #indiemusicartist #indieartist #indiemusic #bandcamp #BandcampFriday #album #musicalbum #albumoftheday #MightyFriday
Ether Diver reshared this.
Elon Musk potrebbe vedersi revocata la cittadinanza americana se avesse mentito sui moduli di immigrazione
L'uomo più ricco del mondo sembra aver lavorato negli Stati Uniti senza autorizzazione. Secondo gli esperti, se lo avesse fatto e avesse mentito al riguardo come parte del processo di immigrazione, avrebbe potuto essere denaturalizzato.
Grazie a @st2wok per la segnalazione
Informa Pirata reshared this.
Exclusive poll: Harris, Trump tied in Pennsylvania as election day approaches (USA Today)
Europe's Greens ask Jill Stein to pull out of US election to prevent Trump victory (Politico)
Five of the Election's Biggest Unanswered Questions (Rogé Karma/The Atlantic)
Newt Gingrich Goes Nuts Over Ad Reminding Women They Don't Have to Tell Husbands How They Voted: 'That Is Sick!' (Michael Luciano/Mediaite)
The Secret Father of Modern Computing: How Ed Roberts created the personal computer industry—and then walked away
#Altair #computinghistory #computers #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #retrocomputers #vintagecomputers #S100 #CPM #8080 #IMSAI #EdRoberts #ACM
Liz Cheney Fires Back at Trump, Accuses Him of Threatening Her 'With Death' in Blistering Counter (Colby Hall/Mediaite)
Japan's Biggest Statue of Liberty in Oirase, Japan
Replica of the Statue of Liberty but 1/4 the size of the original. On the same latitude as the original but across the world.#statues #statueofliberty #section-Atlas
Ⓐ Lug 🏴
in reply to Ⓐ Lug 🏴 • • •Le préfet de Corrèze veut mettre les exilé-e-s à la rue
Ⓐ Lug 🏴
in reply to Ⓐ Lug 🏴 • • •