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in reply to HU Art Sound (2)

we are already there, but the "liberals" don't want to see them, because they are not coming for them yet/

Wohooo seit heute ist endlich das #SBGG in Kraft 🥳
Ich wünsche allen die heute oder in den kommenden Tagen endlich ihren Namen und Geschlechtseintrag einfach korrigieren lassen können alles Gute und nette Standesbeamt*innen.

Genießt die neu gewonnene Freiheit! Ich freu mich so für euch :) :hug: :blob_rainbowheart: :blobtrans:

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

"I’m a volunteer firefighter, and the unique connection created through sharing intense threats, such as entering a burning building together, manifests in deep emotional bonds with my colleagues. … Controlled fear experiences artificially create similar opportunities for bonding," Kollat writes.…

At a rally Thursday night in Nevada, Donald Trump pledged to put Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in charge of “women’s health” if he’s elected president.

Awww, I'm chuffed! Rolling Stone included "Pinkwashing" (my new song with Victoria Ruiz of Downtown Boys) on this list.…

It's streaming everywhere today, but all bandcamp downloads benefit Palestine Youth Movement so go grab it there.

I’m excited about what we have coming in Safari 18.2 for web designers and developers.

- `text-box-edge`, `text-box-trim`, and `text-box`
- cross-document View Transitions, View Transition Classes, View Transition Types, `view-transition-name: auto`
- dividing by numbers with units in `calc()`
- `background-clip: border-area`
- `scrollbar-width` and `scrollbar-gutter`
- ruby-align, ruby-overhang, unprefixed `ruby-position`
- `input type=week` on iOS

And a LOT more!…

#chromeos was annoying me. It was fucking with my worfkflow too much, so I'm giving a REAL Xbuntu #linux a try! People seem to like it's lightweigtedness and it runs nicely on this laptop, until I can get something beefier to go back to #nixos

What's the best open source office suite?

I have a Mac laptop, and Pop OS! laptop. The Spreadsheet is the most important part, followed by “Word Document” part.

#MacOS #Linux #Office

Aight!!! I did the VRF thing with #VyOS with 1 vlan routing out a TMO secondary internet provider for just streaming stuff.. #dhcp really gave me a run for my money and I couldn't it out trying to use the dhcp service on Vyos. So I'm just hosting my own now and... Yeah! It it works. I have been looking at the Cloud Gateway Max... Pro.. Mini...Biggie.. That looks like interesting to get into not managing my damn router any longer.

#homelab #selfhosting #selfhosted

Today in the Weekly News Roundup, we look further into the Linux Russian Maintainers case and then examine news related to privacy, security, and business.
#weeklynewsroundup #linux #atmscam

8:00p EST

All Articles:…


"Now we see every site where russia is accumulating these soldiers from North Korea on its territory - all their camps. We could strike pre-emptively, if we had this opportunity - to hit sufficiently long-range. And it depends on the partners.

But instead of such necessary long-range, America is watching, Britain is watching, Germany is watching. Everyone is just waiting for the North Korean military to start attacking Ukrainians as well.

in reply to Eugene McParland 🇺🇦


Everyone in the world who really wants this war between russia and Ukraine not to expand and not to spread the war from Europe to other regions of the world, everyone should not just watch. We must act. It is necessary that the words about the inadmissibility of the escalation and expansion of the war coincide with actions"

- Volodymyr #Zelenskyy, President of #Ukraine

Perseverance della NASA cattura la siluette di Phobos durante l'eclissi solare

#marte #astronomia

La piccola luna a forma di patata Phobos, una delle due lune marziane, ha proiettato la sua sagoma mentre passava davanti al Sole, creando un occhio nel cielo di Marte.

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