Company That Tracks Methane Leaks Says Crisis Worse 'Than Ever Before'.
The CEO of methane-tracking company GHGSat said that company satellites had detected around 20,000 oil and gas operations, coal mines, and landfills that spewed massive amounts methane since the end of 2023. #ClimateChange
Water.css is a "drop-in collection of CSS styles to make simple websites just a little nicer." It works well with the HTML documents produced by pandoc, and so it simplifies the production of styled webpages.
pandoc -s --css='β¦' β¦
Guuuute Frage!!! Nix in der Mediathek, aber steht doch auf dem Programm!! Hab mir kurz ΓΌberlegt, ob sie den El Hotzo Film doch heute schon im ZdF bringen, es einfach nicht in die Videothek tun kΓΆnnen?
Oder ob es sowas brisantes ist, das Sie es nicht vorab in die Mediathek tun?
Oder fΓ€llt es wegen Feiertag aus? Aber warum ist es dann im Programm auf Ob es die noch in Papieform gibt? Hab ich als Kind so gern studiert π .
Γbrigens: I love that GIF!!
Aaahhh. Hab grad das entdeckt. Aber du wahrscheinlich auch schon
CEO Zahnfee Corporation GmbH reshared this.
I finally finished reading...
HTML For People - Blake Watson:
I'd love to see how it works for the target audience, but as best as I can judge it looks like a great course!
I think Simple.CSS is a huge aid here. And interesting that it (eventually) teaches the infamous PHP, in a way that makes it seem appealing to me.
I accidentally got back into PHP a bit, after having done mostly Rust, Go and Python for a couple of years.
It's.. not really that bad? Lots of new developments in the language itself. Better performance when coupled with something like FrankenPHP & running persistently, so your whole app doesn't have to be loaded for every request.
Poking around with Laravel 11 now, and liking the opinionated solutions. For internal dashboards etc, the web part itself isn't what needs to be fast.
@jalefkowit Yeah, ORMs tend to offer up some surprises like that.. π
But then, so does the database itself! Who hasn't been hit with full table scans just to get a few dozen rows out of millions, due to query planner oopsies..
I just made a pattern of bunnies doing yoga
What do you think?
Dead End (TLDC): 4x06 - Collateral Damage
Publisher: Atomic Ninja StudiosDead End: The Living Dead Campaign - 4x06 - Collateral Damage Impressed by their unyielding resolve, Staff Sergeant Briggs tasks the survivors with a mission that could win Brigadier General Winchesterβs favor or exposeβ¦
Mercs Vol 5 - Cyberpunk Top-Down Token Pack
Publisher: SolutionMapsMercs Vol 5 - Cyberpunk Top-Down Token Pack A pack containing 25 top-down tokens ideal for your cyberpunk or science-fiction worlds. Consists of a group of player characters or adversaries. Each token is 1000x1000px with both PNG andβ¦
Vehicles Vol 1 - Cyberpunk Top-Down Token Pack
Publisher: SolutionMapsVehicles Vol 1 - Cyberpunk Top-Down Token Pack A pack containing vehicle top-down tokens ideal for your cyberpunk or science-fiction worlds in a multitude of different colours. Consists of 5 Vehicles with colour variations for aβ¦
Vehicles Vol 2 - Cyberpunk Top-Down Token Pack
Publisher: SolutionMapsVehicles Vol 1 - Cyberpunk Top-Down Token Pack A pack containing vehicle top-down tokens ideal for your cyberpunk or science-fiction worlds in a multitude of different colours. Consists of 5 Vehicles with colour variations for aβ¦
Dystopian City Dive Bar 4k - Cyberpunk Sci-Fi Animated Battle Token Map
Publisher: SolutionMaps "Our runner needs a chair for a few hours to probe our next target's defences. I've rented out a room from an associate of mine and, luckily for us, it doubles as a bar. We'll grab a few brews while we wait!" Dystopian Cityβ¦
Dystopian City Dive Bar - Cyberpunk Sci-Fi Animated Battle Token Map
Publisher: SolutionMaps "Our runner needs a chair for a few hours to probe our next target's defences. I've rented out a room from an associate of mine and, luckily for us, it doubles as a bar. We'll grab a few brews while we wait!" Dystopian Cityβ¦
Publisher: Gila RPGsThis special bundle product contains the following titles.NOVARegular price: 0Bundle price: 0Format: PDF NOVA is a rules-lite tabletop RPG in a world where the sun exploded, and humanity struggles to hold onto what little light theyβ¦
Rock'n'Roll_Οapy π»
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