It’s been officially announced! PyCon US 2025 — *the* big Python conference — takes place in Pittsburgh from from Wednesday, May 14 through Thursday, May 22, 2025, with the main conference happening Friday, May 16 through Sunday, May, 18. And yes, the call for proposals is now open, and yes, I’m working on one!…
When mainstream press writes these pieces about #repairability they should remember that the #PinePhone and The #Librem5, from non-mainstream brands, were the pioneers of the self-repair movement.
PhilConte 007 on X: "Les macronards et les ripoublicains refusent de communiquer à la représentation nationale le nom des organismes étrangers qui détiennent la dette française. Sans doute parce que ces crapules ne veulent pas que l'on connaisse leurs commanditaires ! 🤬" / X
#économie #politique #finance #corruption #lacorde #guillotine2024…
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On Bluesky, on Halloween, this post (left attachment) went viral…
Whereas on Mastodon on Halloween this post (right attachment) went viral…
And not even being jokey I think this exactly summarizes the difference between the two networks
Cory Doctorow reshared this.
lol this is very accurate to my experience too.
[mastodon beef corner: I’d never know that the garbage file post went viral because I only see a couple boosts and likes in my client, I guess the total count doesn’t get updated when I ask my instance to show me the post… or something?]
Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
Joseph likes this.
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Your good news for the day. HUMANITY!
Thousands of volunteers from in and around the City of Valencia that were not as badly hit, headed into the affected areas today to help!
Since most roads and railways are blocked they came mostly on foot with their brooms, shovels, and packs of supplies.
Humanity is always at its best when its looking out for one another!!…
#Valencia #Spain #España #DANA #gotafria #Floods #ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange #EndFossilFuels
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Hervé Ryssen on X: ""Les sages du Talmud recommandent d'écraser et de tuer les idolâtres chrétiens."" / X
#fdroid #SignalFOSS #Fehler #Update
Kann mir bitte jemand helfen? Wer von euch hat denn auch über FDroid die Signal-Foss App (TwinHelixRepo)?
Ich bekomm nur Fehlermeldung beim Updateversuch, obwohl angezeigt wird, dass die App vor kurzem eine neue Version bekommen hat. Aber FDroid will mir die nicht installieren. Keine Ahnung, hab es schon mit allen vorherigen Versionen dazwischen versucht bis zu meiner jetzigen. Nichts. Hab meinen Speicher geleert, weil ich dachte, ok ist zu wenig Speicher. Aber auch nix.
Mh, bittte Hilfe anyone! 🙏😥
J. Bricmont on X: "Tout l'article repose sur des fausses informations, des extrapolations conspirationnistes, des propos de néocons forcenés (Brennan, Bolton). Même le dossier Steele, pourtant totalement discrédité, est considéré comme un indice solide..." / X
#politique #merdias #désinformation #propagande…
Audio Interface is a new online radio station that aims to create the kind of must-hear shows that fans of underground electronic music need to tune in for every episode. We’re about exciting sounds from artists with esoteric names.
Get an idea what we're about here:
And send a tune that we can play! audiointerface.portal.massive.…
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👤 Author: tosh
⭐ Score: 58
💬 Number of Comments: 2
🕒 Posted At: 2024-11-01 20:30:13 UTC
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#apple #linux #hackernewsbot #news #hackernews #bot
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