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"Over the remainder of the night, sleuths gradually teased out the culprit: a website based in Pakistan that consists solely of listings for Halloween events, some real and some totally made-up."…

abstract art piece
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Going live for a Left for Dead 2 collab in just a moment, just dealing with some technical issues

#mineral : anything which is neither animal nor vegetable, as in the most general classification of things into three kingdoms (animal, vegetable, and mineral)

- French: minéral

- German: das Mineral

- Italian: minerale

- Portuguese: mineral

- Spanish: mineral


Join our new subreddit for language learners @

Am I the only one that dips down to basically ZERO #dopamine by about 2pm on Friday?

It's not a pretty sight.


Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
R. L. Dane


lol, yeah. It feels like I'm actually getting *more* #Neurospicy as I age. :(


– “Il est probablement plus dangereux d’être une femme qu’un soldat dans un conflit armé” –

Un suicide collectif de femmes violées, ou craignant de l'être. C'est la nouvelle épouvantable venue du Soudan, où les femmes victimes d'agressions sexuelles commises par des paramilitaires – mais aussi par peur d'être violées – se donnent la mort.

L'article complet :…

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you do not invest 13 BILLION IN EQUITY nor gift some scripty kids another $2 billion, give or take, so you can have your own separate and much inferior #AI product, right?!?!?!

"#Microsoft Discloses Equity Investment in #OpenAI for First Time: Filing"…

CoPilot is to #ChatGPT what #Bluesky is to #Xitter and it should be damn obvious #techbros been doing shit like this to skirt regulations, not so much in the US but EU.

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in reply to Comics Outta Context

The chain of command at Gotham PD: Commissioner Gordon > Any weirdo in a themed costume > The deputy commissioner > Any guy with confidence and a clipboard > active police officers…

Was talking to someone and accidentally referred to "the conics industry"

My wife has been using Xiaomi Mi band 3 since 2017. Of course together with Gadgetbridge because it is FOSS and presents in F-droid repository. But the last year the display became dark and hardly readable. So yesterday we've bought a #Huawei watch Fit-4CE STA-B39, and it paired with the Gadgetbridge surprisingly easy!

Thank you, Gadgetbridge guys!

#FOSS #Gadgetbridge #fdroid

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Somos gratas à @ThePSF por apoiar a #PythonCerrado2024 como patrocinadora Diamante! 🎉🐍 Obrigada por fazer parte desta jornada conosco! #Python #Plone

Could Elon Musk’s lottery or a court ban against it actually sway the election, especially in the key swing state of Pennsylvania?…
#USpolitics #lottery

A year after New Mexico passed a law restoring voting rights, advocates realized hundreds of eligible people were being incorrectly denied. One says: States are “really bad at getting information they need… to remove markers of ineligibility.”…

Groups launch fight to save turtle species from permanent extinction: 'Without the lifeline … they'll sink into extinction'.

If granted Endangered Species Act status, terrapins will join a number of other animals who have benefited from such protections. #ClimateChange…