Forensic Architecture hat die Kriegsführung von #Israel in #Gaza detailliert und ausführlich untersucht.
Und dabei nachgewiesen inwieweit dies mit dem Merkmal "„… ein koordinierter Plan verschiedener Aktionen, der auf die Zerstörung essentieller Grundlagen des Lebens einer Bevölkerungsgruppe gerichtet ist mit dem Ziel, die Gruppe zu vernichten." aus der Genoziddefinition nach Raphael Lemkin übereinstimmt.
»A Cartography of Genocide.«…
#Linux #SysAdmin #DevOps #Programming #Coding #GitHub…
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Behold the work of Darya Kawa Mirza, a self-taught Kurdish photographer who produces astonishingly detailed pictures of the moon ...
... by zooming in close on individual tiny craters, taking over 80,000 shots of those, then compositing them together into individual, incredibly detailed landscapes
Item #1 in my latest "Linkfest" newsletter, free to read and subscribe to here:…
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As women outpace men in early turnout, Trump's challenge to win over female voters comes into focus (CNN)……
New release of Vivaldi on iOS. Version 7.0. Plenty of improvements, but an important highlight is the much faster syncing feature and ability to customize the main menu, the kind of thing you would only expect in Vivaldi.
New release of Vivaldi on Android as well. Version 7.0. Big improvement here is the faster sync.
Spent the morning with the local Forest and Bird group weeding the trees we planted in June. The weeding was pretty quick with 20+ volunteers. Planning to have teams to continue weeding and watering over summer.
Photo is < a quarter of the planted area.
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