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Je sens que ça va encore être une de ces journées à base de :
- il fait sombre, j'allume la lumière
- il refait soleil, j'éteins la lumière
- il refait sombre, je rallume la lumière
🙄 🌦️
in reply to Claire Billaud :mastodon:

Il faut un commutateur connecté, avec un service hébergé chez Google et une app pour le configurer.
in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer

@bortzmeyer Je n'ai pas de smartphone, alors mes jambes pour me déplacer jusqu'à l'interrupteur vont devoir suffire.

In some military armed forces based on seven oral histories of gay men and trans women who served in the army, and five oral histories of gay men, including myself, we need to discuss the constitutive role of homosociality in the production of military masculinity and the abjection of effeminacy by raising interrelated points: military masculinity may be fragile and shattered due to the lack of distinct boundaries between male homosociality and homosexuality. For the medico-military gaze and the military culture, the real peril to homosocial bonding and military masculinity is not homoerotic intimacy or gay sex per se, but effeminacy.

We've updated our website so it's easier to see which fees a journal charges. We've made it easier to understand if a journal charges other fees apart from #APCs. The details are on our blog:…

#openaccess #diamondOA #scholcomm #DOAJ

This entry was edited (1 month ago)


Please let this serve as notice. We will be fediblocking in 1 week's time, on December 7th. This decision was sparked by reports of the owner, david, bypassing a block to harass a member of their own (edited for clarity) instance by email. This is not the first time either admin have crossed the line. I've had the instance muted in the past and personally blocked the admins and mods to preserve existing follower relationships between our servers, but over 2 years the behavior has only continued.

I ran a local poll for a week and asked for feedback from members, and while the turnout was low, there was overwhelming support to say this was the correct move to make.

Please spread the word so folks who want to maintain mutuals or follower relationships can take the action they feel is appropriate.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

But it's about the economy — always. It's always about the price of eggs:

In his book The End of White Christian America, Robert P. Jones notes (pp. 86-7) that Public Religion Research Institute surveyed Americans in 2015 to ask, “Since the 1950s, do you think American culture and way of life has mostly changed for the better, or has it mostly changed for the worse?”

#Harris #Trump #WhiteVoters #racism #gender #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #PRRI

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

“The question of whether American culture has gone downhill since the 1950s divides Americans overall, with a majority (53 percent) saying it has changed mostly for the worse, compared to 46 percent who say it has changed mostly for the better. But we can see stark cleavages by race and religion."

#Harris #Trump #WhiteVoters #racism #gender #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #PRRI

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"More than seven in ten (72) percent white evangelical Protestants and nearly six in ten (58 percent) white mainline Protestants say American culture and way of life has changed for the worse since the 1950s. Roughly six in ten white Catholics (58 percent) agree with their fellow white Christians that American culture has changed for the worse since the 1950s."

#Harris #Trump #WhiteVoters #racism #gender #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #PRRI

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Meanwhile, approximately six in ten Hispanic Catholics (59 percent) say the opposite – that American culture has changed for the better. Approximately six in ten (63 percent) religiously unaffiliated Americans also say American culture and way of life has changed for the better since the mid-twentieth century, as do majorities of African American Protestants (55 percent)."

#Harris #Trump #WhiteVoters #racism #gender #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #PRRI

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Overall, the pattern is unambiguous: most white Christians – along with groups in which they constitute a majority, like the Tea Party – believe that America is on a downhill slide, while strong majorities of most other groups in the country say things are improving” (p. 87)."

But it's about the economy — always. It's NEVER about race and gender, racism and misogyny. It's about the price of eggs.

#Harris #Trump #WhiteVoters #racism #gender #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #PRRI

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Have you seen the work I shared on Mastodon last week? Our work from August of 2024 confirms these findings with more recent data. Older white people are miserable. Check out the paper…
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Its about the Economy"
The problem with Capitalism is "WHO" is holding the playing cards
The Federal Reserve Banking System was established by the Wilson Administration in 1913-14
Wilson said of it when leaving office, "it was the dirtiest deed ever done to the American Public"
Bankers have always wanted to control the currency
Lincoln is the days before the Civil War was approached by the Banks to CUT A DEAL
Lincoln decided to Create the "Green Backs"& have all money the same
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

One white evangelical experience that is not shared with the majority of Americans is regular attendance at white evangelical churches listening to preachers tell them that America has failed and that they are called by God to repair and redeem the nation, a message often expressed in deliberately partisan political language.

We can complain all we want about right-wing media but, meanwhile, we are subsidizing thousands of churches that buttress anti-democratic emotions and resolve.

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

It's socially acceptable to talk economics and not acceptable to talk about mental health, equity, etc.

White people's psychological roles are threatened but saying so isn't allowed so they substitute the word "job" for "role" and pretend that's what they mean until even they've forgotten how to say the names of their real grievances.

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

People(New People) pop of of their mothers womb and don't have a Religion
They don't have a vocabulary
The Ole concept of Tabula Rassa is the only page, and its empty?
Religion is a learned experience
Its got a great big hook, just like the Bible says " I will make you a fisher of Men"
So Ya Wanna Believe ?
Seems the willingness of mankind to invent a GOD is indeed limitless
"God is all powerful & all knowing"
O.K. stop right there ! Man isn't !
Wait for the Inspiration...Maybe
Or Not

This seems like a good thing to do. Review books you’ve read in a year along the way and then a final list at the end.

I have not read as many books but I have still read a few. Like @pluralistic I have started and abandoned a few books along the way too. So most of the books I’ve finished are recommendations enough.

I will come out with my list of recommendations later.…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

As of today (2024-12-02), it has been 1000 days since Crossref updated its POSI self-assessment.

It's not the worst of the "POSI Posse" in this respect.

But it may be the most worrying.…

reshared this

in reply to Farhad 🆓🇵🇸 ☮️Now

Luckily, she only had one surprise. I once touched my eyes after touching a board with traces of peppers. It was painful for quite a while.

According to "Tomorrow's World", anyone unfortunate enough to have visited LinkedIn recently will know that the networking site is awash with ponderous, jargon-filled essays by executive types trying to position themselves as “thinkfluencers”. What may or may not come as a surprise is that more than half of them are written by AI bots – a new analysis estimates that 54% of posts longer than 100 words are churned out using ChatGPT and the like.
in reply to Col

1) Do you have a link to a source for this claim?
2) I am highly skeptical, and you should be too, of any study which claims to be able to measure down to a single percentage point how many articles in a dataset are written by AI. AI detectors are notoriously unreliable.
3) Even if it's true, there's nothing wrong with a short post on LinkedIn that was written with AI assistance but reviewed and fact-checked by the person posting it. LinkedIn literally has built-in tools for this.
in reply to Jonathan Kamens

Just to be clear, I am a HUGE AI skeptic and absolutely believe it is doing phenomenal damage and is often used inappropriately and overused. But what you posted is dubious and not proof of that.
in reply to Jonathan Kamens

@jik My source was 'Wired'. They added this.
"It’s not a bad fit, says Wired: LinkedIn is where people “strive to be the most anodyne version of themselves”. Artificiality, in other words, is “what everybody’s expecting”."
in reply to Col

>My source was 'Wired'.

Again: do you have a LINK to your source that we can look at?
This isn't Twitter or Facebook. Including links in your posts doesn't cause them to be algorithmically downgraded. There's no algorithm.
Rather, including links to your sources here makes you more trustworthy.

in reply to Jonathan Kamens

@jik I have found a post on LinkedIn and also Forbes about how to get Chat to write articles for you on Linkdin. As I'm not a member of either, I cannot give you more. Hope this can get you started on your journey to discover more. Regards.

En cas de censure de Barnier et du gouvernement, "chacun des députés aura à rendre des comptes dans sa circonscription", menace Maud Bregeon, désespérée de perdre son maroquin, sur Europe 1. Il y 3 jours, son camarade Mathieu Lefèvre accusait LFI de "mettre une cible dans le dos" des députés contre l'abrogation de la réforme des retraites en exposant leurs noms en ligne. L'hôpital, la charité...

#Politique #Barnier #Censure #DirectAN #Gouvernement #LFI #RN #ExtremeDroite #Macron #EPR

OHARRA | Gogoratzen duzue duela urtebete multinazional batek mehatxu egin ziola ARGIAri Euskal Herrira etorri zen Guatemalako ekintzaile bati eginiko elkarrizketagatik?…

Solway izeneko munduko meatzaritza enpresa handienetakoak elkarrizketa hura ezabatzeko agindu eta 15.000 euro exijitu zizkigun, beren Madrilgo abokatu bufetearen bitartez. Gure erantzuna prentsaurreko baten bidez jaso zuten: ez gaituzue isilduko, kazetaritza ez da delitua.…

in reply to ARGIA

Ez genuen elkarrizketa ezabatu, ez genien zentimorik ordaindu, eta garrantzitsuena, egin genuen salaketari esker dozenaka hedabidetan atera ziren hango herritarrei Solwayk egiten dituzten desmasien inguruko informazioak.

Hori duela urtebete izan zen. Gaurkoan, afera honen hurrengo kapituluaren berri eman nahi dizuegu.

Niederländische Regierung klar gegen Chatkontrolle -… "Demnächst soll die Chatkontrolle wieder im EU-Rat verhandelt werden. Eines ist in jedem Fall klar: Dem Vorschlag der ungarischen Ratspräsidentschaft werden die Niederlande nicht zustimmen." #chatcontrol

What do you use for debugging your code instead of “console.log”?
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Depending on the platform, I either do a write to a/the console or have it mailed when it's in pre-release but also in user-Beta...

From Beirut to Khartoum, the Arab world is changing beyond our recognition | Nesrine Malik…

RustyBertrand reshared this.

in reply to RustyBertrand

"All of Syria’s #Unesco world #heritage sites have either been damaged or destroyed. Gaza’s Great Omari mosque, whose origins date back to the fifth century and which has been described as “Gaza’s historic heart”, was laid to ruin by the IDF.

The old city of Sana’a in #Yemen, inhabited for more than 2,500 years, has been classified as “in danger” since 2015. This year, in #Sudan, tens of thousands of #artefacts, some of them dating back to the #pharaonic era, have been looted. Cities can be rebuilt, but #heritage is irreplaceable.

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RustyBertrand reshared this.

in reply to RustyBertrand

i thonk often these days of this book i've read some years ago by Jalal Toufic:
The Withdrawal of Tradition Past a Surpassing Disaster. Forthcoming Books, 2009
availaible in pdf on his website here

Republicans don't care if women die from abortion bans -- but they don't want you to know about it (Amanda Marcotte/Salon)……

No surprise here.
Just a sad reminder really.
#bees 🌍🐝

- Bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides found in 85% of rivers tested in England.
- Up from 79% in 2020-22.
- Areas where sugar beet farming/processing is concentrated had some of the highest detection rates.…
