Song of the Day December 21 2024
In honor of the birth of Samuel L. Jackson…
Samuel L. Jackson, Frank Whaley and John Travolta - "Big Kahuna Burger" scene from "Pulp Fiction" (1994)…
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2024 #December21 #SamuelLJackson #PulpFiction #BigKahunaBurger #JohnTravolta #QuentinTarantino #FrankWhaley #MotionPicture #MovieScene #1990s
Cette posture binaire, conduit inéluctablement les va-t-en-guerre fanatisés des 2 camps à mettre les pacifistes au pilori !
#Insoumis #GiletsJaunes #UnAutreMondeEstPossible
Sachant que celui qui refuse est mis au pilori du pacifisme
Oui, tant qu'il ne s'agit pas de mettre un signe égal entre les bourreaux et les victimes...
Presentation of Pi-hole
In this blog post, you will learn about the Pi-hole project, a libre software project to monitor and filter DNS requests on your LAN.…
#emdiplomat of the day: Fabio Chigi (1599-1667)
Home of the clouds, so I called you,
The ornament of Westphalia (without hurting you)
I want to say gently...
This is how Fabio Chigi’s #poem about the rain in the city of #Münster begins where Chigi stayed during the #WestphalianPeaceCongress in which he participated as papal mediator. (1/4)
#emdiplomacy #HistoricalPeaceStudies #NewDiplomaticHistory #history #earlymodern #histodons #PoemOfTheDay #adventCalendar #adventCalendar2024
@histodons @historikerinnen @earlymodern
histodons group reshared this.
Papal #emdiplomacy is very unique. One has to differentiate between legations and permanent nunciatures. Papal #diplomats – legates as well as nuncios – differed from other secular diplomats, as it was their task to represent the Apostolic See on a spiritual and a secular level. But just like other diplomats papal envoys’ main tasks were representing, negotiating and of course reporting. As Alexander Koller discusses in his article, the first ever comprehensive summary on the development of papal diplomacy:…
#NewDiplomaticHistory #earlymodern #history #Histodons #adventCalendar #adventCalendar2024
However, Chigi felt sorry for himself during his stay in #Westphalia and did not hesitate to tell his employer about the hardships he had to endure. These expressions of suffering were not only testimonies of a #emdiplomat’s feelings but also served a communicative purpose. By reporting on and emphasising his own hardships, the #diplomat was able to present himself as a loyal servant of his master who gave everything to fulfil his mission. This in return could strengthen his relationship with his master, advance his career or lead to other favours. To make his reports more vivid, he even enclosed a slice of pumpernickel in one of his letters.
If you want to read more of Chigi's thoughts, you can find his diary from the #WestphalianPeaceCongress within the Acta Pacis Westphalica series:…
#emdiplomacy #NewDiplomaticHistory #HistoricalPeaceStudies #histodons #adventCalendar #adventCalendar2024… - #Monsterdon
I made a free coloring page for your enjoyment, happy holidays!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊
About #gamedev #code and #spaghetti and how to avoid one becoming the other.…
#DanisRace #game #blender3d #upbge #spaghetticode #programming #python #freesoftware #softwaredevelopment #gnu #linux #opensource
Tech Cyborg reshared this.
An interview with TPM’s Josh Marshall, who argues that protectors of democracy need to create a massive fundraising vehicle right now to defend the targets of Trump’s coming retribution tour.
“Luigi Mangione could face death penalty for killing member of wrong demographic: It only counts as terrorism when the victims are rich white guys”
by Laura in Normal Island News on Substack
“Not even high school shooters are classed as terrorists in the US because a class of kids is less important than a CEO who ruthlessly exploits the working class.”…
#Press #US #Mangione #DeathPenalty #Terrorism
reshared this
Ce serait une très mauvaise idée de le condamner à mort.
D’un autre côté, la nouvelle administration a l’air très friande de guerre civile…
Il y a une partie de moi qui pense que Trump et sa bande de fous accueilleraient favorablement une guerre civile ! Cela leur permettrait de déclarer la loi martiale, d'annuler toutes les élections et d'utiliser l'armée pour écraser leurs ennemis !
in reply to Larchmutz⏚ 🦊 🍂 • • •