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Any recommendations or checklists for self hosting transactional emails?

No to minimal marketing, signin, totp,… all emails users expect and initiate the send.

Just throw them on the same server as regular accounts and share IP reputation?
Any risks that’d justify setting up a second mail server for transactional mails?
Any best practices beside the obvious “how to get emails delivered”? (I can send just fine to Gmail etc.)

#selfhosting #selfhost #selfhosted

Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine advertisement (edited) - c. 1870-1900 - via Boston Public Library


🎉 Les inscriptions pour AlpOSS sont ouvertes, et le programme est disponible.

Vivement le 20 février !

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Echirolles #Grenoble #GrenobleCestClasse

KNDS Deutschland receives order to produce Leopard 2A8 main battle tanks for Lithuania #Lithuania

thanks to all the positive feedback and donations, we are not stopping with the #SR24 #MetaKids fundraiser. More curation is happening. I will post a bit about the use of @wikidata in the curation, and meanwhile even further shorten this curation task list:…

And thank you 22.1 for you donation just now!…

in reply to Egon Willigh☮gen 🟥

so, what role does @wikidata have in our @wikipathways curation?

I think I can break it down into two categories:

1. #Wikidata as hub, linking WikiPathways more tightly into the Linked Open Data network (see…)
2. Using @wdscholia to find new, relevant literature to improve the content
3. seed Wikidata with metabolites with little information available about them in public databases

(we have been doing this for years now) 1/

#SR24 #MetaKids

Miñan antzezlana ikustetik gatoz, zer esan... txalo jo dugula besoak apurtu arte. 👏👏👏

Aukerarik baduzue, joan

Riga Black Magic was one of the nicest stores I've ever set foot in. It was like stepping into the tavern of your favourite fantasy book.
Most impressive, as we sat there a bookcase near our table opened and people came out... Library with secret bookcase door, that's the dream 😂

@photography @fantasybookstodon

#Riga #BlackMagic
#Moving #Bookcase #Books
#Library #Libraries #Librarians
#Bookstodon #Bookworm #Bookwyrm #BookLove #BoostingIsSharing

Skulle man passa på att köra en Netflix-bojkott också?

Reel resistance: Netflix’s removal of Palestinian films adds to the erasure of Palestine…

Palestine and the UN have been inextricably linked since the organization was founded. Its departments have been criticizing Israel’s actions for over a year.

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese explains how Israel is conducting a settler colonial genocide, how international law works, and encourages countries in the Global South to come together and work to liberate Palestinians like they did during apartheid South Africa.…

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

Här kan man säga mycket om exempelvis varför vinstintresset till slut alltid vinner eller vikten av öppenhet.…

Award-winning Palestinian novelist and activist Susan Abulhawa talks about the Oxford Union debate on Israel's genocide where she debated Yoseph Haddad and Mosab Hassan Yousef, two Israel-defending 'Arabs'.

"They have  no place in the Oxford debates. These are not thinkers. They're not academics. They're not writers. They're not politicians. They're just these angry brutes who yell and scream. And they literally have blood on their hands."…

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
End Israeli Apartheid

I don't want to get into a debate about semantics, because it would probably never end.

The text was written by Katie Halper, a Jewish woman, based on the statements of Susan Abulhawa, an award-winning Palestinian-American writer, human rights activist and animal rights advocate.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
End Israeli Apartheid

I have no problem with the text, otherwise I wouldn't have included it in the post.

If you clicked on the video, you would find the text in the video description.


Plus que 4 jours pour soutenir la campagne #LeLamaDéchaîné de l' @aprilorg

Après la tonte partielle, la teinte en orange de ce qui restait de laine, l'enfermement dans une bergerie, la tentative d'équitation, Compostelle...

(lourde menace en approche)


Allez.. plus que 4 jours pour
🦙 adhérer :
🦙 faire un don:….
🦙 lire: