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„Say their names“? Aber nicht, wenn es um die Vornamen krimineller Passdeutscher geht…… Silvester 2022/2023: Sozial benachteiligter, von Klima- und Zukunftsängsten geplagter junger deutscher Rechtsextremist bei seinem stummen Hilfeschrei in der Silvesternacht (Foto:ScreenshotYoutube) In Berlin zeigt sich derzeit wieder einmal, dass die berühmte Feststellung von Kurt Tucholsky, in Deutschland

OC Transpo encouraged after first week of Lines 2 and 4 - Agency adds 'there remains plenty of capacity for ridership growth'

OC Transpo says it's encouraged by the ridership numbers observed on Lines 2 and 4 during their first four days of service this week, but adds "there remains plenty of capacity for ridership growth."

Customers made almost 21,000 trips on Line 2 on Monday, with "positive" ridership numbers over the next three days, while Line 4 saw an average of 400 trips to and from the airport each day.

#CBC #News #Ottawa #OCTranspo #train #trains #rail #railway

in reply to Adam Hunt

I have the advantage of living near a new station, so can just walk from home.
in reply to Adam Hunt

We will be taking a ride on the new trans soon and will post some pictures and possible some video as well.

#MastoPrompt #borrow
@stevencudahy @poetry
#poem #poetry

Wrapped in borrowed jumper blue
I'm swaddled in your scent
The fibre with your form imbued
The sweetest of torments

Though I borrowed oft from you
Each treasure was returned
But what I gave, I bade adieu
E'en though each gift was spurned

And unbeknownst you have it still
Though decades since bestowed
This truth revealed when I fell ill
All given, nothing owed

poetry group reshared this.

Looking to get in on the #3rdStrike Action and not sure where to begin? As always, all things #Jazzy3S can be found at If you want to chat with fellow players or get more involved with Jazzy directly, please join our discord:

Insurance Claims to Impact Finance…

in reply to Tom Grzybow

and those who made the money causing it, will poof the proceeds
in reply to Tom Grzybow

If the wine cellars are deep enough the wine will stay cool.

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Migration, Diskriminierung, Queer: So endlos ist die Liste der Berliner Beauftragten… Sie schweben irgendwo zwischen Regierung und Parlament, haben ein Budget und Mitarbeiter... Und doch weiß kaum jemand, was sie eigentlich tun. Die Rede ist von den „Beauftragten“ in der Politik. Ihre Anzahl nimmt in Deutschland immer mehr zu. Und manche von ihnen verfolgen dabei erkennbar eigene

Podoljaka über Lage im Gebiet Kursk: Kiewer Offensive versinkt im Schlamm… Die im Westen medial groß begleitete "neue Offensive" der Kiewer Truppen im Gebiet Kursk ist schon kurz nach ihrem Start ins Stocken geraten, so der ukrainische Blogger und Militäranalyst Juri Podoljaka in seinem jüngsten Frontbericht. #news #press

Biden says he hasn't made a final decision on preemptive pardons but is considering it.

The remains of the birdsight have gone from being called "formerly known as Twitter" to "hate speech incubator."…

Has anyone else had the experience of signing up for winter activities (sports/classes) and having them cancel/postpone/waitlist you?
It’s been quite frustrating having so many things I was nervously excited about fall through.
in reply to PAIGE! 🍁

i know a lot of folks who know a lot about a lot of things. skiing, skating, snowboarding, etc and who enjoy teaching others (or at least enjoy teaching me, which might matter cus I have the "being a hot girl factor"). could probably hook you up with someone to privately teach you something if you wanted to make something out of nothing

9 times out of 10 tho you'd need to figure out the ottawa to montréal thing with them

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in reply to mademoiselle ♡ 🌸💖

@elysia thanks, but yeah I'm trying to do team/group things rather than solitary stuff which being shy is what I've always done.
I find most of the fun with the solitary stuff is figuring it out on my own with a few tips from a friend when I plateau.

F-35s in Greenland: US Nuclear-Capable Fighters and Russia’s Arctic Defense Strategy… Russian Ambassador to Denmark Vladimir Barbin stated on January 10 that the US is building airfield infrastructure for F-35 fighters in Greenland. #news #press

Carte de la Conquête de l’Algérie (1830-1845)
🔴 les péripéties des batailles contre les Algériens, dont l’asphyxie de la tribu Ouled Ryah dans les grottes de Ghar El Frachich (19 juin 1845)…
#Algérie #guerre #conquête #France #colonisation #impérialisme #carte #cartographie #histoire #géographie #maps #cartography

A strange detail from the Obama-era normalization of US-Cuba relations I hadn’t heard until now.

A sticking point was the status of several imprisoned Cuban agents convicted of espionage in 2001. One of these had a wife back in Havana. So, as a gesture of goodwill, US Senator Patrick Leahy arranged for some of the agent’s sperm to be sent back so his wife could use it for artificial insemination.

It worked; she got pregnant. But the negotiations dragged out long enough that she started to show before a deal had been struck. US negotiators had to ask the Cubans to hide her to keep the negotiations secret.…

Jason Lefkowitz reshared this.

MFP Weekly Roundup: January 6, 2024-January 10, 2025
🗣️ Catch up on all the latest stories from the Mississippi Free Press.

#FinishedReading this book on chess and substance abuse, which resonates in my household because my 12yo is getting into the former. It's beautifully written but very much a sports story so avoid if lovingly detailed descriptions of chess games doesn't sound like fun to you. The Netflix adaptation, which I saw last year, is extremely faithful. #Bookstodon @bookstodon #WalterTevis

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in reply to RanaldClouston

you might enjoy The Queen's Gambit: The Board Game?b😂
(which I did actually see in a store window once)

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