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Fires in LA: Luís Montenegro makes “means available to the US” #Portugal

🇨🇦🇺🇦 Canada has now committed nearly $20 billion to Zelensky's corrupt government. It continues to funnel money to Ukraine despite the catastrophic defeat it has suffered on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, a new report reveals that about 81,500 people experienced homelessness in Ontario in 2024.…



Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

I’m sorry, exactly what is nonsense?

Either way, as per your wishes, I won’t be sending what you call SPAM about Ukraine to you from this moment on. I’ve never mislead this page once and have worked hard to share what I know.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

May I continue posting about Palestine? We need to crush Zionism and I sure as hell don’t want to get in the way of that dream but I do want to play my little role while I’m still on this side of the grave. No disrespect to anyone on this page or any other fighting the good cause🙏🏾🇵🇸

Dvide and conquer will never work so long as we communicate honestly(under surveillance) and stick with truthtelling

I'll be yours for eternity

🌍 Montreal
📸 DJI Mini 4 Pro
🗓️ Dec 2024


Rudy Giuliani Found In Contempt Of Court For Second Time This Week…

#RudyGiuliani #GOPCrook #GOPGrifter #USPol

Tom Sullivan reshared this.

Cabinet: a total ban on face-covering clothing for demonstrators is not possible #Nederland #Netherlands

Aktivist Sellner: "Die FPÖ muss jetzt offensiv verhandeln"… Aktuell verhandeln FPÖ und ÖVP über eine mögliche Regierung unter einem Bundeskanzler Herbert Kickl. Die Lage scheint gut - doch drohen den Freiheitlichen durch eine Zusammenarbeit mit der Volkspartei auch Gefahren? Darüber hat AUF1 mit dem Aktivisten und Publizisten Martin Sellner gesprochen.

📚 Die FPÖ verspricht eine Politik der Remigration. Was

War Hitler links, die NSDAP eine linke Partei? Eine ScienceFiles-Analyse… Es gibt keinen logischen Unterschied zwischen Marxismus und Hitlers völkischer Weltanschauung. Beider Ziel ist ein „Idealzustand“, der als Marker dafür dient, dass sich die überlegene Klasse bei Marxisten, Rasse bei Nationalsozialisten durchgesetzt hat. Ein Gastbeitrag von Michael Klein (Science Files). Das,

Übergriffe von Migranten: Studentinnen erlebten Horror-Silvester in Mailand… Studentinnen wurden in der Silvesternacht am Mailänder Domplatz von dutzenden Migranten eingekesselt, sexuell belästigt und angegriffen. Die Ermittlungen laufen. #news #press


I just saw this image in a video about termites. The video was OK, clearly made by someone who likes termites but very thin on sources and no crediting for any of the images. This image seems impossible to me. There aren't any termites with wasp like faces like this are there? I know a few termites have larger eyes, but... this looks like an AI mash up.

I tried to do a reverse image search?Found more monstrosities. Such as the second image which exterminators are using to scare people.

in reply to Paul Ferguson

There’s a few meters between the boiling slope and the frozen crater where you can grow date palms.

Bericht: Hoher Leitzins verlangsamt das Wirtschaftswachstum Russlands im Jahr 2025… Trotz des erwarteten Anstiegs des russischen BIP zum Jahreswechsel rechnen Experten im weiteren Verlauf mit einer Verlangsamung des Wirtschaftswachstums. Verantwortlich dafür ist der von der russischen Zentralbank festgelegte hohe Leitzins. #news #press

I just saw this image in a video about termites. The video was OK, clearly made by someone who likes termites but very thin on sources and no crediting for any of the images. This image seems impossible to me. There aren't any termites with wasp like faces like this are there? I know a few termites have larger eyes, but... this looks like an AI mash up.

I tried to do a reverse image search?Found more monstrosities. Such as the second image which exterminators are using to scare people.