He Got Away With Everything: Reading True Grit After the Reelection of Donald Trump
In the days after the election, as the list of cabinet appointments seemed to confirm the likelihood that Trump would make good on the worst of his promises and threats; as House races ticked close…Literary Hub
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Some #OpenSource #EdTech (related) tools: * ClassQuiz polling tool* Anytype #PKM* OATutor Adaptive Tutoring* PocketPal #LLM on your phone* ActivityWatch time tracker* Liascript & H5P
ClassQuiz - Home
ClassQuiz is a quiz-application like KAHOOT!, but open-source. You can create quizzes and play them remotely with other
* ClassQuiz - polling/quiz tool
* Anytype - knowledge management
* OATutor - Adaptive Tutoring System
* PocketPal - run #LLM on your phone…
* ActivityWatch - time tracker
* SceneryStack from PHET team
* Liascript & H5P keep improving
ClassQuiz - Home
ClassQuiz is a quiz-application like KAHOOT!, but open-source. You can create quizzes and play them remotely with other
pro-audio ubuntu, alsa:
systemctl --user --now disable wireplumber.service
systemctl --user --now disable pipewire.socket pipewire.service pipewire-pulse.socket pipewire-pulse.service
cd /etc/alsa/conf.d/
sudo mkdir moved
sudo mv 50-pipewire.conf ../moved/ sudo mv 99-pipewire-default.conf ../moved/
cd /usr/bin
sudo mv pipewire pipewire-dumbass
sudo mv wireplumber wireplumber-dumbass
post 3:
cat .asoundrc
##DANIEL MURRAY alsa config for the US16x08 and ignore stoopid pipewire/wireplumber
##This seems to stem all audio streams to the main output of my usb card
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmixer"
pcm.dmixer {
type dmix
ipc_key 1000
slave {
pcm "hw:1,0"
period_time 0
period_size 1024
buffer_size 4096
periods 2
rate 48000
bindings {
0 0
1 1
ctl.dmixer {
type hw
card 1
#linux #ubuntu #audio #proaudio #studio
A 20-year-old patient, who had been waiting for hours on a stretcher, died in the Longjumeau emergency room
A 20-year-old patient, who had been waiting for hours on a stretcher, died in the Longjumeau emergency roomhttps://www.leparisien.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Say I consider "Audacity" to be a frustrating program to use.
Is there a Linux audio recording program which is a little more stripped down than Audacity? Like say some sort of "voice memo" program that lets me just record voice clips and recover the wavs. Export as MP3 a bonus but not required.
Super ultra bonus points if it's in either the GNOME Software repository or on Flathub.
I've been using for the last 2 years since what passes for a GPU on my devices does not play well with audacity. My use case (view waveforms, zoom, pan, play subintervals) might differ from yours though.
Allegedly there's a more recently active fork at… but I haven't tried it.
GitHub - magnush/mhwaveedit: Sound file editor (written in C using the GTK+ toolkit)
Sound file editor (written in C using the GTK+ toolkit) - magnush/mhwaveeditGitHub
I swear by Ryo Nakano's "Reco" app now (and they have been quite appreciative of my feedback / bug reports, so that's nice):…
The El Salvador Tropical Experience — Gastronomad travel
El Salvador: Immerse yourself in the culture of this Central American gem and explore its black sand beaches, volcanoes, colonial architecture, Mayan ruins, tropical forests, natural springs and delicious food.Gastronomad
How OpenAI's bot crushed this seven-person company's web site ‘like a DDoS attack’ | TechCrunch
OpenAI was sending “tens of thousands” of server requests trying to download Triplegangers' entire site which hosts hundreds of thousands of photos.Julie Bort (TechCrunch)
Here’s the real number of children receiving gender-affirming medical treatment
New research reveals it's a fraction of a fraction.Mother Jones
The post Iranischer Brandstifter mit 27 Identitäten kann nicht abgeschoben werden appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press
Iranischer Brandstifter mit 27 Identitäten kann nicht abgeschoben werden - Apollo News
Ein 38-jähriger Iraner hat 27 Identitäten, dutzende Straftaten und Haftstrafen in mehreren Ländern – dennoch bleibt Hassan N. in Deutschland. Eine Abschiebung sei nicht möglich, erklärt die grüne Flüchtlingsministerin in NRW Josefine Paul.Redaktion (Apollo News)
Roland Häder likes this.
Bad shape
The idea I keep coming back to is that the big platforms, like Dickens' Marley, were dead to begin with, and are now something particularly bad, which is dead on their feet.Erin Kissane (wreckage/salvage)
Insider war story on time-smearing and fooling NTP to get around a leap second:…
Fun stuff!
Karl Voit reshared this.
just learned about this myself a few weeks back as I’m deploying CockroachDB and they urge you to make sure your time infrastructure smears leap seconds like this 😵💫
Apparently Google has public NTP servers you can use, but since we too have GPS-regulated NTP servers I opted to do this using chrony on the database servers instead.
During almost a decade in power, Trudeau offered up symbolic postures while assisting Canada's corporate elite.…
The sun sets on Justin Trudeau’s faux progressivism ⋆ The Breach
Taking stock of nearly a decade of Liberal ruleThe Breach
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