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"For reasons I couldn’t fully grasp at the time, I found a strange solace in that book, which all these years later I understand to be about the fickle and fugitive hope, when living in a difficult historical period, that punishment might once again, somehow, fit the crime."…

Posting factual information is ... becoming radical. Making it easy to find? Extremist behavior. Not making people look at ads to see it? Downright suspect! How dare you.

Some #OpenSource #EdTech (related) tools: * ClassQuiz polling tool* Anytype #PKM* OATutor Adaptive Tutoring* PocketPal #LLM on your phone* ActivityWatch time tracker* Liascript & H5P

ClassQuiz - Home

Some #OpenSource #EdTech (related) tools that may be of interest:
* ClassQuiz - polling/quiz tool
* Anytype - knowledge management
* OATutor - Adaptive Tutoring System
* PocketPal - run #LLM on your phone…
* ActivityWatch - time tracker
* SceneryStack from PHET team
* Liascript & H5P keep improving

pro-audio ubuntu, alsa:
systemctl --user --now disable wireplumber.service
systemctl --user --now disable pipewire.socket pipewire.service pipewire-pulse.socket pipewire-pulse.service
cd /etc/alsa/conf.d/
sudo mkdir moved
sudo mv 50-pipewire.conf ../moved/ sudo mv 99-pipewire-default.conf ../moved/
cd /usr/bin
sudo mv pipewire pipewire-dumbass
sudo mv wireplumber wireplumber-dumbass

Post 1
#linux #ubuntu #audio #proaudio #studio

post 2:
@audio - rtprio 95
@audio - nice -19
@audio - memlock unlimited
cat .asoundrc

#linux #ubuntu #audio #proaudio #studio

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

post 3:
cat .asoundrc
##DANIEL MURRAY alsa config for the US16x08 and ignore stoopid pipewire/wireplumber
##This seems to stem all audio streams to the main output of my usb card
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmixer"

pcm.dmixer {
type dmix
ipc_key 1000
slave {
pcm "hw:1,0"
period_time 0
period_size 1024
buffer_size 4096
periods 2
rate 48000
bindings {
0 0
1 1

ctl.dmixer {
type hw
card 1
#linux #ubuntu #audio #proaudio #studio

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

sudo apt install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra
#linux #ubuntu #audio #proaudio #studio
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

post 5:
sudo apt remove pulseaudio*
sudo apt update
sudo snap remove firefox
sudo apt remove firefox
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo reboot -n
#linux #ubuntu #audio #proaudio #studio

A 20-year-old patient, who had been waiting for hours on a stretcher, died in the Longjumeau emergency room #France

Say I consider "Audacity" to be a frustrating program to use.

Is there a Linux audio recording program which is a little more stripped down than Audacity? Like say some sort of "voice memo" program that lets me just record voice clips and recover the wavs. Export as MP3 a bonus but not required.

Super ultra bonus points if it's in either the GNOME Software repository or on Flathub.

in reply to mcc

I've been using for the last 2 years since what passes for a GPU on my devices does not play well with audacity. My use case (view waveforms, zoom, pan, play subintervals) might differ from yours though.

Allegedly there's a more recently active fork at… but I haven't tried it.

in reply to mcc

GNOME Sound Recorder has always been too unreliable/buggy and lacking in flexibility for me. I can NOT afford having a voice recorder fail on me, and I want to be able to record multiple streams at once (i.e. "podcast interview" style).
I swear by Ryo Nakano's "Reco" app now (and they have been quite appreciative of my feedback / bug reports, so that's nice):…

Farm transport in El Salvador.

🔖 How OpenAI's bot crushed this seven-person company's web site ‘like a DDoS attack’ | TechCrunch… #BookmarkShare
in reply to Mike Taylor 🦕

@mike yes, but is there any honor among thieves? (Bots have been taking down our VuFind sites at work, too)

🔖 Here’s the Real Number of Children Receiving Gender-Affirming Medical Treatment: Just 0.017 percent of youth were coded as trans and received puberty blockers. And just 0.037 percent were trans and accessed hormone therapy | Mother Jones… #BookmarkShare

Iranischer Brandstifter mit 27 Identitäten kann nicht abgeschoben werden… Der Brandstifter von Krefeld war den Behörden bereits durch zahlreiche Straftaten bekannt und wurde 2021 zu viereinhalb Jahren Haft verurteilt. ...
The post Iranischer Brandstifter mit 27 Identitäten kann nicht abgeschoben werden appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

if you haven’t read @kissane’s latest, this is an especially good time to do so

in reply to Tim Bray

just learned about this myself a few weeks back as I’m deploying CockroachDB and they urge you to make sure your time infrastructure smears leap seconds like this 😵‍💫

Apparently Google has public NTP servers you can use, but since we too have GPS-regulated NTP servers I opted to do this using chrony on the database servers instead.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

During almost a decade in power, Trudeau offered up symbolic postures while assisting Canada's corporate elite.…

#canada #cdnpoli

Zamek z widokiem na góry i jezioro. O więcej nie proszę. 😅
in reply to kopimi

Jak wspomnę poznański zamek, to lepiej w lochu, żeby tej abominacji nie widzieć.
in reply to Brie Mmm

oj Pany na poznański zamek mogę jedynie odpowiedzieć stosowną analogową fotką z moich zbiorów 😅

@brie @wariat @emill1984 @kopimi

CC: @kuba

Kuba Orlik reshared this.

in reply to Brie Mmm

@brie @wariat @emill1984 masz rację. Jak do zamku Gargamela, to już lepiej chyba skoczyć z muru niż oczy kaleczyć tym pokractwem... Warszawę Polacy pięknie odbudowali, ale poznaniacy zamku już nie dali rady....