#App is overloaded to meaninglessness.
@cwebber once wrote a fine paper on #petname systems. The word "app" should become a pet name that one chooses where it suits as convenient and intuitive personal concept. Someone else might prefer the word "foo" or "bar" if that resonates better.
If we do the same with "platform", then mankind will have made progress.
RFC 9720: RFC Formats and Versions
Vous le savez, les #RFC ne sont plus en texte brut depuis des années, leur format officiel est du #XML. Le système était décrit dans le RFC 7990, que ce nouveau RFC remplace. Il y a beaucoup de changements sur la forme et aussi sur le fond, notamment la possibilité de modifier un fichier déjà publié (sans changer sa sémantique, bien sûr).
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More than 10,000 Toronto seniors missing out on old age benefits: report
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Also ich fahre sehr gerne mit den RRX durch NRW.
Schnell und sauber und WLAN.
In weniger als 40min von Duisburg Zentrum nach Dortmund Zentrum. Für läppische 58€/Monat.
Mit dem Auto völlig unmöglich!
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Gestern haben wir noch drüber gesprochen @larsbas
Desinformation: Russische Einflusskampagne auf Social-Media-Plattform Bluesky
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- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
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{Insert Pasta Pun}
in reply to small circle 🕊 in calmness • • •...I'm pretty sure that petnames are about nicknames in a contact list, not about any noun in a dictionary
seeing as you need common words to express things like "browser" "computer" or "ipv6",
vs petnames like "Alice's friend Dave"
Petnames: A humane approach to secure, decentralized naming
files.spritely.institutesmall circle 🕊 in calmness
in reply to {Insert Pasta Pun} • • •@risottobias
If you want them to be that, and that is useful to me. There are other users, like indicating the name of your dog or cat ;p
Just kidding. The more serious yet still #showerthought'y idea is that in so many discussions the word "app" flies around with everyone having a different understanding what that means. Esp. in R&D contexts where it becomes a dogmatic concept that may hamper innovation.
Both in technical as well as conceptual space I'd prefer 'app-free computing'.
small circle 🕊 in calmness
in reply to small circle 🕊 in calmness • • •@risottobias
An example is Solid talking about "Solid Apps". Then if you look what they are you find a bunch of JS projects. Or you may start to wonder "Does Solid wants us to rewrite all existing apps into Solid apps to reach their technology adoption ambition?" and stuff like that.
On fedivers an app can mean the server project, while a non-tech fedizen thinks about a client and gets confused. Etc.
App is in the eye of the beholder.
{Insert Pasta Pun}
in reply to small circle 🕊 in calmness • • •tangential to this,
I have a concept in spec called "decals", which are hashtags with a short description and a wiki article attached to them, curated by a group (they're non-global, group defined tags).
for example `#wiki:cats@wikipeeps@@somegroup.someserver.phish` "for posts that include cats"
or `#mod:spam`
decal - group tagging
bivouac.wikismall circle 🕊 in calmness
in reply to {Insert Pasta Pun} • • •@risottobias
Ohh, fascinating project is Bivouac! 😍
Related to the name.. I ditched my TV but unfortunately now I watch more YT to replace that. And I binge-watched this channel: youtube.com/@AntsCanada
Your project is very related to some stuff I am brewing on and elaborating for a long time now, and slowly emerging under the umbrella of the social coding movement (yes, emerging. I am using an approach quite unortodox for planning life and work, and involves mimicry of nature voodoo magic :)
YouTube{Insert Pasta Pun}
in reply to small circle 🕊 in calmness • • •myrmepropagandist
in reply to {Insert Pasta Pun} • • •@risottobias
Mikey Bustos seems like a fine person. I do think he’s a little more focused on “being a youTuber” than ants in particular sometimes— and he has never promoted others in the online ant community much.
But I don’t read too much into that. His content is nearly error free and he *will* make corrections. He’s built a lot of enthusiasm for ants and is skilled at making popular videos.
small circle 🕊 in calmness
in reply to myrmepropagandist • • •@futurebird @risottobias
Thanks. Yes, I liked his narrative style which helps a - in my case total noob - person look on in wonderment about the miracles of nature. Really uplifting tone, and a good help against doom & gloom exposure to me :)
{Insert Pasta Pun}
in reply to myrmepropagandist • • •small circle 🕊 in calmness
in reply to {Insert Pasta Pun} • • •@risottobias @futurebird
Which implies open-mindedness and self-refflection. Golden qualities in any human being. 😃