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Matrix, c'est un peu comme XMPP : tant qu'on n'utilise que les fonctions de base, ça marche. Dès qu'on utilise les extensions (par exemple le chiffrement de bout en bout) tout déconne. Là, alors que Nheko marchait bien, tout à coup, Element ne peut plus déchiffrer ses messages (mais Nheko peut toujours déchiffrer ceux d'Element).
Quitter la salle et y revenir ne change rien.
in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer

@julia Et, oui, si tout le monde utilise Element, ça marche. C'est justement mon problème : il n'y a pas d'interopérabilité, Matrix impose que tout le monde utilise le même client.

in reply to nadloriot

Je l'ai vue hier soir, sur un autre site. Elle est trop rigolote !... ;D))
in reply to nadloriot

contente que ça vous ait plu ! :)❤ @Mireille M. tu t'es trompée de post :))

Students lead massive protests in Serbia against state broadcaster and president | National #GeneralNews #Politics #ProtestsAndDemonstrations #Serbia #SerbiaProtestRoofCollapseRts #violence #WorldNews


If you ASK ChatGPT what extra questions it needs to ask you, to clarify or disambiguate the requirements you've given it, it will often come up with some quite good ones, such that when you answer those, it improves the response.
GPT knows what it needs to know, even if it's incapable of taking the initiative and asking spontaneously.

One longtime Gaiman fan on where we go from here

Pop culture critic Glen Weldon says he can't separate the art from the artist. But in light of the sexual abuse allegations against Gaiman, he will separate himself from the author's future work.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

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#linux #2025

reshared this

in reply to It's FOSS

I have Spirallinux running in a virtual machine for now. Maybe I'll give it a try. It's Debian with some modifications like a more recent kernel and better media support offering numerous desktop environments.

From Packt Publishing:
Mastering Salesforce CRM Administration

By Gupta

(Publication date: Mar 2017, Pages: 412)

Learn about the Advanced Administration Certification Examination and build a successful career in Salesforce administration

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The forcing of AI gen into everything makes me wanna puke.

Eventually the bubble will burst, it’s only a matter of time, but I think we still have years yet as more rollouts continue.

I await for The Great Reset.

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Yeah. It's useful for some things but my good it's not for so many more. Stop making your things worse just to be able to add AI.

Ακόμη μια απόδειξη του πόσο μόνοι είναι οι Παλαιστίνιοι

Affinity Partners, the Saudi-funded hedge firm of President-elect Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, received approval from Israeli regulators to double its stake in Phoenix Financial Ltd., which funds the construction of illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.…

Heute waren beide Hörnchen wieder kurz zusammen auf dem Balkon. Die Zeit der Zweisamkeit scheint allerdings rum zu sein. Man hat sich toleriert und jeweils in gegenüberliegenden Ecken gefuttert. Da der Balkon momentan scheinbar Lumi gehört, hat sie den früheren Inhaber dann bald energisch verscheucht.

#eichhörnchen #Squirrel #squirrelcontent #balkonhörnchen

in reply to Pascal Le Crom

Particulièrement intéressant. Merci pour l’info. Je me suis abonnée au journal.
in reply to Pascal Le Crom

orientxxi très bon site et il y a aussi afriquexxi du même genre

Hanging out in @airadam 's stream as he's DJing some lovely soothing Saturday morning sounds - come join in!

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Au Mexique, des militants transgenres ont défoncé les portes de la Cour suprême pour réclamer justice pour Samantha Gómez Fonseca, une femme transgenre assassinée par balle l'année dernière.

#Mexique #LGBT+ #Lutte

Gómez était candidate au Sénat pour le parti au pouvoir MORENA. La coupable a été arrêtée, mais aucune condamnation n'a encore été prononcée.
Les manifestants craignent que cette affaire reste impuni,...…

State of Open Con 25 speaker Didar Gelici will be in our SOOCon25 Open Source Software and Security track! 🎤 Join to hear about Building Secure Open Source. 💡🌐 📆 Check out the full schedule on 4 and 5 February in London. Get your ticket now,
#opensource #opensourcesoftware #stateofopencon #soocon25 #opensourcelondon #openuk

Verdammt, dieses #Linux Zeugs funktioniert einfach out-of-the-box ohne zu fragen.

Great to see BBC covering the data vault on #Svalbard. If you've ever contributed to #OpenSource, your work is preserved in permafrost up north!…
in reply to Ain Tohvri

The Arctic Vault #OpenSource participation can also be seen from the badge on your #GitHub profile.

my wife put on a 10 hour version of the APT APT APT song and i'm going crazy