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Behind ‘Salt Typhoon’ – US Intelligence Agencies' Mass Surveillance of Its Citizens… Following the US hype of the so-called "Volt Typhoon" false narrative to discredit China in the first half of 2024, by the end of 2024, the US fabricated another so-called "hacker group associated with the Chinese government" - the "Salt Typhoon," promoting the narrative of "Chinese

As the long awaited ceasefire in Gaza took place, Israel's death machinery escalated its firing in the West Bank, killing 10 people in Jenin today. If it is not forced to stop, Israel's genocide of Palestinians will not be confined to Gaza. Mark my words.

— Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt (@FranceskAlbs) January 21, 2025


North Korea Uses Neutral Tone After Trump ‘Nuclear Power’ Remark in Inauguration #DonaldJohnTrump #Government #JongUnKim #Media #NorthKorea #Nuclear #NuclearWeapons #Policy #Politics #washington #WhiteHouse

In a lot of corners of Trumpworld I think it's fair to base your policy predictions on the assumption of kleptocratic behavior, but immigration is one area I think that's bad math. Miller runs point there and the man is a sadist before all else. He really gets off on cruelty, first and foremost


Like, this is essentially the existing system. The Miller contingent, though, is disgusted by the very existence of immigrants. They want purity. They want a purge, at any cost.

in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

The best we can hope for is that kleptocratic oligarchs will manage to curb Miller (and Trump)'s worst impulses because it works against oligarchical economic interests. We've already seen it happen once with Elon and visas.

I think "sensible" Republicans understand that game. The Stephen Miller wing, I'm not so sure


in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

Like, this is essentially the existing system. The Miller contingent, though, is disgusted by the very existence of immigrants. They want purity. They want a purge, at any cost.

The censorship begins: According to officials, the Trump administration is instructing health agencies including the CDC, FDA, NIH, and HHS to pause all external communications, such as health advisories, weekly scientific reports, updates to websites and social media posts.

Asking health agencies to pause all external communications is NOT typical protocol for administration changes. Generally website updates, disease case counts, and other typical day-to-day work continues.

in reply to Dr. Lucky Tran

In their first term, the Trump administration instructed agencies overseeing environmental policy, such as the EPA, and the Agriculture and Interior departments to cease communicating with the public. In their second term, they appear to be targeting health agencies too.


A few good things today:

I have never been more excited about the future of Nantucket E-Books. I will be releasing Version 5 in the spring.


After missing an opportunity some years ago, I finally have a Patrick Nagel poster to hang on my wall.

So I wanna start a thing. I call it #NoonScrolling.

In your time zone between the hours of noon and 5 PM, find only the best, funniest, lighthearted articles, videos of sneezing cats or whatever ridiculous thing cheers you up a little.
Gloom scrolling and doom scrolling is all we seem to be able to do lately, and it's not good for our psyche, so time to change up the narrative I say.

Leave the extremely ill-mannered manchild behind, leave politics behind, leave the wars behind, just for a little while, and since it's gotta be noon hours somewhere in the world, if it kicks off, this hash-tag could be something like a glorified happy RSS feed you don't have to look too hard to find.
My hope is, that it brings you some enjoyment.
I can't start with my first article yet because it's 04:37 as I post this.

The other, darker side of my idea is just one character different, and that's #MoonScrolling.
The darker, less savory side of life.

I've no idea if this is silly or not, you decide.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to SaltPhoenix

@saltphoenix I would ttoo, I've just opened a search for the former anyway, hoping someone will start to populate it in-time. Excited to see if it takes off at all.

U.K. stocks higher at close of trade; United Kingdom 100 up 0.33% By #GreatBritain #UnitedKingdom

Oh, I think a lot of people realize that this will impact a lot of people. What I *don't* think they realize is, it is going to wreak havoc on the services they enjoy and depend on.


in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

It's not going to be everything all at once every day, but it will be an inconvenience at first and them-- maybe slowly, or maybe very quickly-- a crisis.
in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

Will it be a come to Jesus moment? It's our job to make it one. Will it be a blame the [internal enemy] moment? It's our job to make sure it isn't.

Klima-Richterinnen aus dem bunten Tiergarten… Lilli Gomez wurde wegen gemeinschaftlicher Sachbeschädigung und Hausfriedensbruch zu sieben Monaten Haft ohne Bewährung verurteilt. Sie war an einer Farb-Attacke auf einen Privatjet auf Sylt beteiligt. Ein Gastbeitrag von Gordon Pankalla für Haintz Media. Erstveröffentlichung auf Herzensanwalt Lilli Gomez (24) wird als Klimaaktivistin bezeichnet, dabei ist sie vor

Stop working for Russia, Britain tells its private spies – POLITICO #China #Companies #DanJarvis #DueDiligence #GreatBritain #industry #Intelligence #investment #Iran #Russia #Security #services #UnitedKingdom #UnitedStates

in reply to Andrew Pam

Trumo is a vehicle for destruction. He aims to collide with things, and sometimes deigns to profit upon one of the pieces.
Do not follow him or you may be hit with shards.

If you think you can slay the beast of #hypercapitalism from inside the beast's stomach, then good luck with your #activism. I will do something positive and uplifting till the end of days, rather than engage in a lost fight.

We might do something else, and try activate 7 billion people to collaborate a tad more productively, for instance. Not *within* a system that is designed to not let that happen at all cost, though.

But first, let's not rhyme with history, please.
Can #mankind even learn?

DHH is a gigabrain fascist and everyone with any sense is long since tired of his shit. I hope the Rails community can wrestle it away from being that muppets fiefdom.…

Trump Administration Makes Deliberate Brutality Of Criminal Justice System 8% More Explicit

“The cruelty’s the point”.macro…

Trump Administration Makes Deliberate Brutality Of Criminal Justice System 8% More Explicit