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Violet Blue's Threat Model - Cybersecurity: February 4, 2025
This week: the US coup continues and Chuck Schumer really hopes someone on Bluesky will do something about it, Brazil bans Sam Altman’s AI iris scanning company from paying citizens for biometric data, how to keep your IOT devices from getting grabby with your personal device data, and a failed attempted kidnapping – of a robot waiter.

As a science advocate, something I hear a lot is that people think government would be better if there were more scientists and physicians elected to Congress. Senator Bill Cassidy's cowardice in voting for RFK Jr, show us that expertise is useless if you have no morals.

reshared this

A recurring thought of mine is how any Democratic president with a spine could have done dramatic things within a few weeks of taking office, too, inasmuch as the civil service, universities, and hospital groups essentially rolled over and did as they were told -- even when the orders were illegal. And sure, some are more inclined to obey Republicans. But the president really could just fire people who stood in their way.

Meanwhile, Biden wouldn't even get rid of Louis DeJoy.

Archaeologists Say They've Located Harold II's Lost Manor House

Posted into Smartnews @smartnews-Smithsonianmag

What Is the Hour? It’s XVII o’ Clock

When live-action role playing, or LARPing, one must keep fully in tune with the intended era. That means no digital watches, and certainly no pulling out your fantastic rectangle from …read more
#hacking #projects…

Trump Administration Live Updates: Committee Votes to Advance Tulsi Gabbard's Bid for Intelligence Post (New York Times)……

Surviving a Medieval Winter……

RFK Jr a dangerous choice for Health and Human Services #Children #Commentary #DonaldTrump #Health #RobertF.KennedyJr. #Vaccines

VW ist besser als sein Ruf… Jede Wissenschaft hat ihre fundamentalen Lehrsätze. Ökonomen und empirische Wirtschaftswissenschaftler etwa sind der festen Meinung: „Statistiken lügen nicht“! – Auch wenn diese Vorgabe laut Winston Churchill nur dann gilt, wenn man sie zuvor selbst gefälscht hat. Fakt ist: Die deutschen Statistiken zählen zu den zuverlässigsten der Welt. Gerade auch, was die Berichterstattung über die

Australische Austauschstudenten als Gruppenvergewaltiger? Jetzt dreht „Hart aber fair“-Klamroth völlig ab… „Hart aber fair“-Moderator Louis Klamroth hat die von Frank Plasberg begründete, einst beliebte Sendung nicht nur endgültig auf links-woke gedreht und damit in ein verdientes Quotentief geritten, sondern ist inzwischen offenbar von allen guten

Where the Icelandic @homeassistant community at?

On Feb 24, some of the core team are in Reykjavik and we would love to meet you.

Interested? Leave your email and we'll be in touch when we have a time and location.