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in reply to anonymiss

I bet like Speer Musk will rehabilitate himself the best too @dr hydro...
in reply to anonymiss

But before that, he organises Trump's sick plans to destroy the democratic state. Just as Albert Speer organised the armaments industry for Hitler's wars. As an energetic manager.

As quakes rattle Greek islands, brave tourists have Santorini to themselves

Posted into World @world-PBSNewsHour

:: Se fossi Dio.
1) Chi premette: "Io non sono razzista, però..." dovrà adottare un bambino senegalese.
2) L'uomo che picchia la sua compagna sarà dato in affidamento a Serena Williams per non meno di sei anni.
3) Ogni luogo comune citato in ascensore vi farà retrocedere di tre piani.
4) Sono abolite le trasmissioni televisive con persone che parlano.
5) I nostalgici del ventennio dovranno vivere in bianco e nero e accelerati.
in reply to Antonio1959

6) Ogni intervista a un calciatore dovrà contenere la domanda: "Aristofane di Bisanzio o Posidonio di Apamea"?
7) Le battute sui francesi e il bidè comporteranno l'acquisizione della cittadinanza francese e faranno decadere il titolo Mondiale del 2006.
8 ) Silenzio negli stadi: vietati schiamazzi e urla, esattamente come ogni altro luogo al mondo. Durante l'intervallo i tifosi si scambieranno un segno di pace.
9) Sono vietati gli adolescenti.
in reply to Antonio1959

10) Dichiarare stima verso la Meloni comporterà l'acquisizione della paternità del suo bambino.
11) Non potrà essere tolta amicizia su Facebook: quelli sono e te li tieni.
12) Chi pronuncia la frase: "Adesso organizziamo, dai: ci vediamo per una rimpatriata" sarà obbligato a organizzarla davvero.
13) Nessuno potrà adottare nessuno, così tutti scontenti e vaffanculo.
14) Abolita la Chiesa e i suoi beni distribuiti ai poveri.
15) Che poi era l'insegnamento di Cristo.

3Com Ergo Audrey
Computer Chronicles - Computer Buyers Guide (2000)…

Wenn Ideologie über Kompetenz siegt – der Fall Yashar G.… Yashar G., ein deutscher Staatsanwalt, soll Ermittlungsergebnisse an Drogenbosse verkauft haben. Der Skandal wirft brisante Fragen auf: Warum wurde trotz früher Verdachtsmomente nichts unternommen?
Der Beitrag Wenn Ideologie über Kompetenz siegt – der Fall Yashar G. erschien zuerst auf #news #press

Wie geht es mit Israel und den Palästinensern weiter?… Ich habe letzte Woche erklärt, warum es ganz danach aussieht, als wäre es Trumps Ziel, die Palästinenser aus dem Gazastreifen und dem Westjordanland zu vertreiben. Zumindest hat Trump das selbst offen gesagt und ein solches Versprechen an Netanjahu würde erklären, wie Trump Netanjahu von dem Waffenstillstand mit der Hamas überzeugt hat. Bekanntlich ist Trump

in reply to [danct12@fosstodon ~]$

I first dipped my toes in about 7 years ago and I don't remember it tbh (but i have the memory of a goldfish and there was a whole personality-altering pandemic and stuff)

Roger Goodell Addresses Potential Implementation of Ball-Spot Technology in NFL #Technology

A truly shocking fraction of the JS community is carrying as if nothing has happened back on the hellsite. Negotiating with myself how to feel about that (and them) is increasingly easy and final.
in reply to Alex Russell

Yeah, it's a bit of a surprise, and very definitely disappointing


The Senate Intelligence Committee narrowly endorsed Tulsi Gabbard to become director of national intelligence after skeptical Republicans threw their support behind President Trump’s controversial nominee to the sensitive Cabinet-level position, USA Today reports.

#NeverTulsi #TulsiGabbard #PutinsFavoriteDemocrat #IndictAllRepublicans #USPol

Good morning, hopefully our pipes didn’t freeze so I can make coffee. My city is the coldest place on earth atm 😅
in reply to Daniel Supernault

this is exactly why I moved to southern Ontario instead of central/ western Canada 😂
in reply to Daniel Supernault…

📰🐍 Get the best Python links of the week: PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #667: String Templates, Missing Data, Dynamic Forms, and More (Feb. 4, 2025)

Team behind Twitterrific launches a multi-feed app called Tapestry #News #Mastodon…

Deng receives National Science Foundation award to research bone tissue engineering #Science

DAMAGE (book 1 of the Ghost Squad series, and also my love song to a particular Matthias Schoenaerts movie) is $.99USD in ebook for the entire month of February.…

Medienbericht: Iran will Produktion von Atomwaffen beschleunigen… Wissenschaftler im Iran arbeiten an einem schnelleren Weg zum Bau von Atomwaffen, wie die Zeitung New York Times mitteilt. Wie es heißt, forsche man dort an Technologien, die die Dauer der Herstellung von Atomwaffen auf einige Monate verkürzen sollen. #news #press

Lying in the dentist’s chair this morning I looked up at the tv on the ceiling and noticed that instead of their usual soothing coral reef channel they were playing AI sea creatures. I honestly don’t get why you would want to watch that rather than real marine life.
in reply to Charlotte Walker

what? I feel left out. I've never been to a dentist who had a cool screen to watch on the ceiling. Also, I've been left out when it comes to MRI machines where you can listen to music. This really is a Podunk town.

Canadian Politics

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in reply to Kris

Canadian Politics

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