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From Paul Krugman, some perspective on tariffs I missed in all the noise (and maybe you did too):

❝Trump folded.

…[S]upposedly both Mexico and Canada made some concessions in return for the tariff hold. But there’s really nothing there; neither country is doing anything it wouldn’t have done without the tariff threat.…Trump will spin this as a victory; low-information voters and some intimidated media outlets may go along with the lie. But basically America backed down.

So is Trump the classic bully who runs away when someone stands up to him? It definitely looks that way.❞

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in reply to Paul Cantrell

he essentially backed down with the threats he made to Colombia too, and that was widely reported as a win for him anyway. He said, "accept our planes full of deportees or we'll impose tariffs" to which Colombia responded "we aren't going to accept any planes that have non-Colombian citizens, and we aren't going to accept planes if you are shackling the passengers." and he said "ok fine" - then the media reports "Trump pressures Colombia into accepting planes, what a guy!"

ProPublica is hiring a Deputy News Applications Editor to manage members of the news apps team; develop their ideas and edit their projects; identify opportunities for the team in existing lines of reporting; and show both editorial and technical leadership. It's a big role.… #getfedihired

Politics, USpol, FBI

Sensitive content

1. Let's be clear

A central premise of the Trump admin is there is pervasive discrimination against hard-working white men, who are being replaced by less-qualified women and minorities

So over the last 2 weeks Trump has implemented an aggressive affirmative action program for white men

in reply to Judd Legum

2. The effort to "eliminate DEI" is just a code to avoid talking explicitly about white power…

swing by the Ellijay Makerspace and we’ll boot up our Audrey and get her online for you to play with on request!


3Com Ergo Audrey
Computer Chronicles - Computer Buyers Guide (2000)…

The Trump concentration camps are underway.
Who are these prisoners? Will they have legal representation? Will there be independent oversight of their conditions?…

Nach Beschwerde von Transpersonen Woke hinter Gittern: Berliner Gefängnisse sind jetzt divers… Der graue Gefängnisalltag wird bunt - zumindest in Berlin. Mit woken Änderungen soll sichergestellt werden, daß sich kein Häftling mehr diskriminiert fühlt. Wie die Insassen den Knast jetzt in eine Wellnessoase umbauen wollen.
Dieser Beitrag Nach Beschwerde von Transpersonen Woke hinter

In an (uncritical) Washington Posts Q&A, Bill Gates seems to admit that he had a ghostwriter. "He would write it, and then I would edit it."

I know, you're not shocked. But---ethically speaking---it matters. The real author's name should be on the book.…

in reply to Tim Schwab

Absolutely wild:

He [Rob Guth] would write it, and then I would edit it, and then I would read, and I think, “My God, the impression you get here is just constant war.”

Especially after the anecdote about Rob Guth, who did the "research" uncovering that Gates did not get straight As in 9th grade like Gates was sure he had (?!). I fail to see how this process is producing something that should be called a memoir or autobiography. This is literally not the writer's memory, and it is not being written by him.

Yet the article is titled

Why Bill Gates buried a headline in his memoir’s epilogue

The Microsoft founder discusses “Source Code,” the first in a planned three-volume autobiography.

On top of crediting the real author, words matter!

AI-generated slop books are now in public libraries and librarians who are already stretched very thin, underfunded, and are under attack are struggling to deal with the onslaught…

When someone says, "There's nothing Dems can do," I think, "Tell me you've never read anything about the resistance in WWII or the abolitionist movement without telling me you are completely unfamiliar with history."

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Iconfactory, the company behind Twitterrific, launched its multi-feed app called Tapestry today, which lets you add sources like Bluesky, Mastodon, YouTube, Reddit, RSS, Podcasts, Tumblr, and more to unified feeds.

#tapestry #twitterrific #unified #feeds…

#Trump's Plan to Make European Cars More Expensive Has a Fatal Flaw -… "EU-built models are generally safer than US-built cars because of more demanding EU safety standards and, because of stricter emissions regulations, they also tend to have cleaner engines"
in reply to Glyn Moody

This suggests that he or his followers might give the tiniest hoot about safety or the environment. More likely it'll become a MAGA badge of honour to die in a proper American car accident, the wreck belching patriotic toxic fumes as they pass 🙄
in reply to Andy Buckley

@agbuckley I remember reading how some trumpies actually made their cars even more polluting to show their support...

„Keine Duldung, keine Zusammenarbeit“: Merz wiederholt Absage an AfD… Beim CDU-Wahlparteitag stand ein zentrales Thema im Fokus: die Abgrenzung zur AfD. Parteichef Friedrich Merz erklärte während seiner Rede: „Es ...
The post „Keine Duldung, keine Zusammenarbeit“: Merz wiederholt Absage an AfD appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

Demo gegen ÖVP und FPÖ Regierungsverhandlungen, sind gerade vor der ÖVP Zentrale.

#Demo #WiederDonnerstag #Wien #KeineNazis #w0402

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L’ #appel d’une centaine d’ #ONG : « L’ #IA telle qu’elle est développée alimente un #système d’ #exploitation #global »

Un #collectif, parmi lesquelles #Amnesty #International et la #Ligue des #droits de l’ #homme, recommande, dans une tribune au « #Monde », de placer les #droits #humains et la #justice #environnementale au cœur de la régulation de l’ #intelligence #artificielle #IA #AI…

in reply to Rod2ik 🇪🇺 🇨🇵 🇪🇸 🇺🇦 🇨🇦 🇩🇰 🇬🇱

Comme c'est derrière un paywall (quelle stupidité pour un appel politique !), une copie est en…

“The Sniper Elite games are a gift to this world because they understand that the only thing more satisfying than shooting a Nazi in the balls is watching the bullet tear through their tiny testicles in glorious slow motion x-ray vision.”…

(h/t: @billyjoebowers )

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in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

If you're unfamiliar with the Sniper Elite games, they just dropped a brand new one last week. It's free to play on Game Pass, if you have that, and available for purchase on Xbox, PlayStation, Steam and Epic.

Or you could save a few bucks and pick up one of the older titles. Sniper Elite 4 and 5 are both great. (I personally prefer 4 a little more than 5.)…

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in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

I'm struggling with Sniper Elite 5 as it seems that I have no idea how to be stealthy.

"He's over there! Everyone pile in and kill him!" <dies>

in reply to Thomas Beagle

@thomasbeagle One of my gripes with 5 was that they made it much harder to stay in stealth. Rifle shots made from anything but extreme range bring a ton of bad guys down on your head.

It gets somewhat better as the game goes on, because you unlock suppressors and such you can apply to your rifle that cut down on its noise level. But the first couple of levels are rough, because you don't have any of that stuff.

4 is more forgiving in that regard. It's part of why I like it a little better.

in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

Hmmm, maybe I should start with 4 then. Although it may not be on Gamepass which basically means it doesn't exist for me. :)

I always enjoyed playing the sniper role in 'normal' FPS games, so this was my first attempt to try a specialist sniper game.

in reply to Thomas Beagle

@thomasbeagle 4 is getting pretty long in the tooth, so if you're playing on console you can probably pick up a physical copy for under $20 on eBay. I'm not sure it ever got a physical release on PC, but I see people offering Steam keys there for around the same price. (YMMV when buying Steam keys from third parties, of course.)

The graphics in 5 are a little nicer, but not so much that stepping back to 4 will knock your socks off. It still looks very good today.

in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

4 was great. I’ve never spent so much time sat in one place in a game, scanning back and forth with a pair of binoculars trying to tag all the enemy. Sometimes just nothing but that for 15-20 minutes. But it still very tense and exciting. Loved that game.

Hawkins to cover Asia tech and geopolitics for Bloomberg #Bloomberg #Geopolitics #InternationalCoverage #JobChanges #TechnologyCoverage

Convicted felon Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown is pure propaganda, a grotesque spectacle designed for MAGA theatrics. His team stages photo ops, dresses officials like ICE agents, and parades military planes for effect. Meanwhile, arrests remain vague, and Trump’s regime openly lies, branding all undocumented people as criminals in a blatant attack on truth.…?