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Some claim the famous magical word 'abracadabra' derives from phrases meaning 'I create as I speak' in the Aramaic and Hebrew languages. The logic is that God used speech to create and speech is made up of words and words are made up of letters. Letters are, therefore, building blocks of creation and manipulating them can, thus, manipulate and transform elements of the cosmos. There is evidence that people inscribed 'abracadabra' on amulets or above doorways to ward off sickness. #magic #occult #history #language #weird #folklore
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Täter wieder frei: Türkischer „Flüchtling“ vergeht sich an mehreren Ponys… Er verschafft sich Zugang zu einem Pferdestall in de bayerischen Ortschaft Oberneufnach im Allgäu und verging sich an mehreren Ponys, die erheblichen Schaden erlitten. Dem mutmaßliche Täter scheint bewusst gewesen zu sein, dass eine Videokamera sein abartiges Tun aufzeichnete. Ach ja- der widerwärtiger

What is motivating Trump’s reckless trade war? | Robert Reich | The Guardian…

Trump is bullying his way into international politics, while it is working on the short term, in the end it will not work. He will make a lot of enemies while doing so...

#uspol #musk

Dagens uthållighetspris till polischefen i Örebro.

-“Vi vet inte vem skytten var eller vad han ville.” -“Vad hade skytten för motiv?” -“Det är inte information vi har just nu.” -“Vem var skytten?” 🙄 …

Snabbspola 15 min, han har inte lämnat rummet och blivit briefad med mer info…samma frågor en gång till…besvarade med ett otroligt lugn.

Ercanbrack reshared this.

Give Ukraine nuclear weapons, says Zelenskyy: “If Ukraine isn’t granted NATO membership it will need another way to defend itself from Russia in future.” #Ukraine #UkrainianConflict #UkrainianConflict

10 killed in school shooting in Sweden

What is known so far.

Shooter was 35-year old male

Shooter dead at the scene

The school is what could be described as an adult municipal school (komvux). Classes there are mainly for those looking to improve grades from primary and high school, aswell as SFI (Swedish for immigrants)


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in reply to teslasaur

What's going on in Sweden? We're not used to hearing about this many shootings in a country other than the US.
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in reply to Someone

Shootings against civilians like this are very rare. The immigrant gangs however hire 15 year old trigger men, pay 10 000 dollars per kill. They usually only go for other gang members. Except when they use explosives.

30 explosions just in January due to a gang war.

The gang leaders are in Iran and lead from a distance. Iran doesn't help.

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in reply to teslasaur

The immigrant gangs

Lol. This is the same person saying how swedes aren't racist, right?

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UCHealth and Denver Health pause gender-affirming care for trans youth DENVER — Denver Health and UCHealth both announced this week that they will no longer offer gender-affirming surgeries to those under the age of 19.

Messer-Attacke auf Mitarbeiterin einer Wiener Kanzlei – Verdächtiger gefasst… Nach der Messerattacke auf die Mitarbeiterin einer Wiener Anwaltskanzlei auf der Landstraßer Hauptstraße ist es der Polizei gelungen, den 53-jährigen Tatverdächtigen festzunehmen. #news #press

I should figure out how to program a macro into my phone that posts "female nipples aren't 'nudity' if male nipples aren't" so I can just hit that to reply every time yet another cis male nudist jumps from "women should be allowed to go topless online and in public exactly like men already can" to "yeah, nothing wrong with nudity*!"
(*meaning full body nudity, including their penises)

#18xx in Belgium.
6.6 to 9.6 this year. Registration is Open.

Someone want to visit it?

in reply to Richard Grant

@richardgrant @frankie_flowers
It might not be 100% though! Hashtags might be noticed if a post is shared more widely after you did the edit.

The face of American Fascism is extremely punchable…

reshared this

Former #Boston School Committee member sues education-reform group that fired her in middle of MCAS ballot campaign; charges CEO is a misogynist…