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today's issue of the Pycoders Weekly newsletter mentions my blogpost about creating portable #Python environments that are "ready to run" on any #Windows machine.

Here's the link to the article:…

Brainstorming 🧠

Tariffs may be paused for 30 days, but we shouldn't sit back and wait. So, what are your ideas about how to effectively fight back as individuals? Do you have an idea that is...

relevant, &

The most effective actions are specific and targeted so that we all combine our power. 💪

#tariffwar #canpoli #bcpoli

in reply to Zeb King 🇨🇦

I like your thoughts, and I don't know if my actions follow your criteria but here goes.

I'm not supporting American companies by buying their products or services. This includes free services. I will carve out an exception to this for #OpenSource software, but it must be Open Source. Or business' that support #RightToRepair
I'll #BuyCanadian European, or some other market. Even if it means I spend more.

As for time. Until threats are lifted.

Today's Sesame Street episode is brought to you by SIGKILL. Unlike polite signals, SIGKILL doesn't ask - it tells. No cleanup, no goodbye, just poof! Remember, kids: when all else fails, kill -9 never does. #TechHumor #GNU #Linux

As ever, Yann LeCun is on target. He is the sensible voice in AI:
“If we want eventually to build things like domestic robots and completely autonomous cars, we need systems to understand the real world.”
And now they do not. Not yet.…

Glyn Moody reshared this.

in reply to Jeff Jarvis

I took his machine learning class when i was in graduate school at NYU for comp sci. Smartest person I ever met, as well as humble and kind. Sort of the anti-Elon.

Jeff Jarvis reshared this.

Please call your Senators and representatives repeatedly...
Nobody elected Musk and he has no business near our Treasury.

1. The state department has removed transgender people from its website and just reads "LGB Travelers," as reported by a number of journalists. However, on further investigation, it is also removing trans-specific directions for individual countries. Subscribe to support my journalism.

State Department Travel Safety...

in reply to Erin Reed

2. As reported by Jo Yurcaba yesterday, the State Department has changed its website from "LGBTQI+ travelers" to "LGB travelers." This is part of a Trump-admin wide purge of transgender people from all data and every aspect of life it has power over.

Government agencies scrub LGBT...

From: Alt National Park Service
"Our coalition has grown rapidly, now standing strong with over 92,000 federal employees. We are united by our oath and our commitment to hold the line. Every day, more of us are being targeted simply for speaking the truth to America. Many who have stood up have already been placed on administrative leave.
in reply to Prainbow (she/her) 🏔️Colorado

From Alt National Park Service 2/2
But we will not back down. We are standing for what is right and lawful, defending the Constitution with courage and integrity. Together, we are stronger, and we will continue to fight for the truth and justice all Americans deserve. We love our country and are proud to serve the American people."

#bookreleaseday : In this transporting and suspenseful companion to the New York Times bestselling Once There Was, Marjan travels around the globe in search of a mythical bird in terrible danger, whose fate could determine the future of the world. #gifted by #simonkids #mglit #littlefreelibrary #booksky #kidlit #bookstodon @bookstodon @kidlit @mglit

bookstodon group reshared this.

I already did a joystick live stream just now while doing beat saber and I'm just going to be putting comic books and gaming stuff on my shelves, nothing risqué, so I think I'll resume today's stream on Twitch instead

SLS could launch a Titan balloon mission | Boeing engineers proposed a design akin to a “traditional blimp” filled with helium and two ballast tanks, equipped with RADAR/LIDAR systems and atmospheric sensors. The team expects such a balloon to last in Titan’s atmosphere for years. #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

A quasi ogni relazione che ho avuto, ho permesso che la loro "gelosia" manipolasse la mia vita; così ho dovuto buttare ricordi: foto, lettere, regali. Ogni volta che ci penso, mi prenderei a schiaffi.
Oggi non faccio più uno sbaglio del genere, e mi sento di consigliare a tutti di mandare a cagare chiunque misuri il proprio amore per voi da questo genere di azioni tossiche.
Tenetevi strette le persone che vi amano per ciò che siete, pacchetto completo, compreso il vostro passato.


Breaking news: Lambda Legal and ACLU are suing on behalf of PFLAG and GLMA to end Trump's illegal executive order banning trans care under 19 years old. The suit has been brought in Maryland. A similar suit was brought on behalf of PFLAG to end child abuse investigations in TX 3 years ago.

Families and doctors sue over ...

in reply to Erin Reed

One plaintiff had already fled one of the unsafe states to get her care in the region, and has had her care interrupted. The EO has caused disruptions across hospital systems and even featured a few hospital systems complying in advance with the EO and ending care. Now it is under lawsuit.


Government of Western Australia: Online database sheds new light on Wadjemup/Rottnest Island incarcerations. “For about 100 years to 1931, more than 4000 Aboriginal men and a small number of boys were sent to Wadjemup from across the State, often for petty offences or for cultural-related acts that followed customary laws and practices. The resource seeks to assist […]…

I'm just going to leave Freedom of the Press Foundation's excellent guide to leaking to the press right here in case anyone happens to need it:…

Does it even matter which one you hold from top 30 ? #Crypto #CryptoCurrency #Currency

Oggi è migrato su un nuovo server dedicato ed è nettamente più veloce di prima!


per hi avesse creato un account o caricato qualche pezzo potrebbero esserci stati dei problemi a casa del lungo processo di migrazione sul nuovo server.

Consigliamo di ricreare l'account o i ricaricare i file se non più presenti, scusate il problema ma funkwhale sta cominciando a avere dimensioni considerevoli 🚀

:diggita: @fediverso

#funkwhale #fediverso

Schweizer Solidarität: Ueli Maurer lobt AfD und stärkt AfD-Kandidatin Alice Weidel den Rücken… Alt-Bundesrat Ueli Maurer mischt sich in den deutschen Wahlkampf ein – per Videobotschaft für die AfD. Er grüßt Alice Weidel freundschaftlich, kritisiert den Widerstand gegen die Partei und warnt vor einer "schiefen Ebene". #news #press

Assuming Josh Marshall's reporting here checks out -- and he's got an excellent track record -- ...

25-year-old Marko Elez, a Musk software guy with no experience in governmental systems, is pushing code updates to Treasury systems without first testing them

this would be incredibly reckless

Man, I wouldn't push an update to a *DIY chrome plugin* without testing it first…

Glyn Moody reshared this.

in reply to Clive Thompson

Also, via @irwin, here's an excellent Q&A with Nathan Tankus, going deeper into the weeds of what's incredibly dangerous about an unseasoned developer messing around with a system that -- because it is critical for government payments -- needs to work *all* the time, and thus ought to be updated only *very* carefully…

reshared this