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“Scientists brace ‘for the worst’ as Trump purges climate mentions from websites” by @olliemilman for @guardian. Read more here:…

Talk amongst yourselves, get on the same page, and work together to get the job done! This “pep talk” roughly describes how new NASA technology works within satellite swarms. This technology, called Distributed Spacecraft Autonomy (DSA), allows individual spacecraft to make independent decisions while collaborating with each other to achieve common goals – all without […]

Our response to Apple's statement on Hot Tub
in reply to AltStore

Apple did the same with my Flappy Cat game

They didn't like the game and that's fine so not in the app store but they did approve it for outside the app store so it's literately accepted in review for that lol!

in reply to stux⚡

It even freaking says so

This is also how the Hot Tub app should look like

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

woah i know those things are all bad but you didn't have to throw him in prison for it

Der Linksstaat macht mobil: Die Verlogenheit der „Anständigen“… Seit die CDU nicht mehr ohne Weiteres bereit ist, den Bettvorleger für Grüne und SPD zu spielen, deren ideologischen Wahnsinn zu exekutieren und endlich einen härteren Kurs in der Migrationspolitik einschlägt, suchen die selbsternannten „Anständigen“ wieder einmal das ganze Land heim. Natürlich handelt es sich dabei ausschließlich

I plugged an Nvidia RTX 5090 into a gaming handheld

The most powerful docking station a gaming PC has ever seen.

Technology is supposed to decrease teacher burnout – but we found it can sometimes make it worse

The Verge interviewed federal employees about the chaos they’re seeing. “Many workers still worry that outside the government, people don’t realize how unprecedented this situation is — or how much is at stake.”…

reshared this

📄 Ich musste schon arg Schmunzeln, als ich die ersten Zeilen des Artikel bei @404mediaco gelesen hatte 👇

"Anthropic, das Unternehmen, das einen der populärsten KI-Schreibassistenten der Welt entwickelt hat, verlangt von Stellenbewerbern, dass sie sich verpflichten, keinen KI-Assistenten zu benutzen, um ihre Bewerbung zu schreiben."


#ai #claude #anthropic

Trump administration adds fine print to 'Fork' resignation offer, deepening confusion (Andrea Hsu/NPR)……

OK, this is a problem, blind people said, "Use capitals in your hashtags so reading devices can find the words without the spaces," and so I have been - and it's been a pain, I have to retype it all the time, #ActuallyAutistic , but it's been many months and I am finally seeing that Mastodon thinks that's a different hashtag than the lower case one, #actuallyautistic .
That's a problem, isn't it. admins?
in reply to Goiterzan/Amygdalai Lama

I'm not seeing this issue. If I click either of the 2 hashtags in your post, I see the same group of results. Maybe it's something instance specific?
in reply to Erzbet

same here. There is a separate one that is slightly misspelled (missing last *i* in autistic) but outside of that anomaly, both #ActuallyAutistic and #actuallyautistic results are merged on my end. I'm using Moshidon. What client are you using to view posts? Maybe we can narrow down the problem?

It was wonderful connecting with more folks this weekend at the Women in Open Source meetup during #fosdem on Saturday. If you haven't joined yet, consider doing so! community.womenofopensource.or… #WomenInTech #OpenSource

Advice on Graphic Cards for Linux

Sensitive content

Am 27. Februar ist wieder ein Embedded Software Meetup im #Gardena #digitalHub in #Zürich geplant. Dieses Mal zum #IoT-Standard #Matter, mit Fokus auf die Matter Bridges.…

Sprechen werden, neben anderen, auch @luz und @adi.

#Rust #EmbeddedLinux #FOSS #GardenaDigitalHub

“We are ready to extract our minerals together with partners,” — Zelensky responded to Trump’s proposal. #Ukraine #Україна