#Gaza #Palestine
Police officers in Munich opened fire Thursday at a person who appeared to be carrying a firearm in an area near a museum on the city’s Nazi-era history and the Israeli Consulate.
The person was wounded, police said on social network X. They didn’t identify the person or detail the extent of the injuries.
Thursday was the 52nd anniversary of the attack by Palestinian militants on the Israeli delegation at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
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Åtal för grov utpressning och grova bokföringsbrott. Åklagare vid Åklagarmyndigheten och Ekobrottsmyndigheten har väckt åtal i ett ärende som handlar om försök till grov utpressning, grov mordbrand, grovt ocker, osant intygande, olaga tvång, grov utpressning, övergrepp i rättssak, folkbokföringsbrott och grova bokföringsbrott.
TUXEDO OS 4 is approaching!
We have released a preview image for you to test. Built with Ubuntu 24.04.1, it includes kernel 6.8, NVIDIA 560 and Mesa 24.2.1. The only thing missing is Tomte, which needs a bit more testing. Please let us know of any issues you run into.
You can download the preview from os.tuxedocomputers.com/preview…
Don't use this in production.
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We are currently still testing - so it will take some time. But we will inform you here on Mastodon when TUXEDO OS 4 is ready.
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Die neue Studie zur algorithmischen Aufklärung bei Nachrichtendiensten & Co. von #Interface, früher #StiftungNeueVerantwortung, ist gerade nach #Solingen sehr lesenswert. Schneller als die vorgestanzten politischen Phrasen purzelt nur die Einsatzpraxis voran und enteilt dem Rechtsrahmen.
Worüber ich gern mehr wüsste: wer ist die Enabler Industry? #Palantir und #SAP werden genannt, aber wer sind die anderen Feinde der freien Gesellschaft mit den vollen Auftragsbüchern?
#Gaza #Palestine
At least five Palestinians have been killed in an Israeli air attack on a car in the occupied West Bank city of Tubas and Israeli forces shot dead a teenager in the Far’a refugee camp.
Israeli soldiers fired several bullets at the 16-year-old, Majed Fida Abu Zeina, in Far’a, “abused him and prevented ambulance crews from reaching him”.
“Then they dragged him out of the camp using a military bulldozer,” WAFA said.
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Alexander Goeres
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