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★ Ⓐ via le Groupe Kropotkine de la Fédération anarchiste



It’s that time of the week! Please accept our offering of this elegant horse-phallus tintinnabulum. Ward off the evil eye, increase your good fortune, all while enjoying the beautiful sound of bells in the wind.

@AimeeMaroux @antiquidons @histodons

antiquidons group reshared this.

Puinhoop bij het UWV. Medewerkers spreken van een loterij, waarbij het krijgen van een juiste uitkering een toevalstreffer is.

Directie, management, wisten ervan, maar grepen niet in. Naar slachtoffers en klokkenluiders werd niet geluisterd.…


Ons sociale zekerheidsstelsel is veel te ingewikkeld.
Tijd voor versimpeling, tijd voor een onvoorwaardelijk #basisinkomen!
#UBI #UWV #WIA #WW #WAJONG #Toeslagenschandaal

This entry was edited (4 months ago)


Hermann, Landgraf von Thüringen: Ludwig Weber
Tannhäuser: Max Lorenz
Elisabeth, Nichte des Landgrafen: Leonie Rysanek

L'Orchestre philharmonique de Marseille
Otto Ackermann

Opéra de Marseille, 5. März 1954…

#music #classic #oper #history

classicalmusic group reshared this.

in reply to Boerps ☑️

ich kannte diese Aufnahme nicht. Danke für den Link!

Ich muss ehrlich gestehen...das höre ich heute zum ersten Mal rein...Schager hat etwas Lorenzartiges ...😬🤧

classicalmusic group reshared this.

in reply to shōchi @Fischkopp

Ich auch nicht. Aber der Uploader ist für Überraschungen gut.
Schager ist zu laut...

classicalmusic group reshared this.

Just found the rudest possible way to interact with an open source project:

1. open an issue
2. put only a link to a commit in a fork hosted somewhere else in the issue description
3. refuse to elaborate

Don't do this. Ever.

#opensource #maintainers

Quanto ti chiedono qual è il tuo modo di programmare e tu rispondi "Beh, è un po'... spartano". 😅

Puoi vedere il replay della live completa su YouTube qui:

Segui le live di coding settimanali sul mio canale Twitch!

#delphi #python #coding #live #twitch #programmazione #peoplewhocode #programmers #learntocode #technology #code #developer #codinglife #coder #programmingmemes #softwaredeveloper #geek #development #coderlife

Worried about your drink getting spiked? Here are some safety tips

It's September, and many college students are arriving on campus for the first time. This exciting new chapter can have a darker side: College students are considered a high-risk group for drugging.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

my poor surface is compiling the #Linux kernel and almost dying

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

☀️ 🦛 Makulu Linux | A rising lesser known OS offers a rare "all available" easy entry XP

◉Supports both Snap and Flatpak OOTB
◉All package types integrated seamless on App Center
◉Electra: Makulu's own integrated household AI assistant (also helping users on website)
◉Rolling-release (install once - update continuously)
◉... yet still on stable Ubuntu / Debian base
◉Choose to use the default conveniences or not
◉Makulu X to be a new flagship…

#Linux #distros #Makulu

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

in reply to Linux ☑️

I have reviewed different versions of Makulu Linux over the years on my former show, Distrohoppers' Digest. It really isn't that different from Ubuntu, and one little major difference is that it is less secure. It's a fun distro to use but any security hack looking at it for their own use would run screaming away.

Comme d'habitude, Macron rejette sur les oppositions son échec pour imposer un nom à Matignon: "Le système ne veut pas fonctionner, s'agace le président en privé, selon Le Parisien. Le système ou son système?…

#Politique #Macron #Gouvernement #DirectAN

in reply to Nils Wilcke

Pourtant il a déjà appuyé sur le bouton "Redémarrer". Étrange, comme si c'était plutôt lui qui ne savait pas s'en servir…

in reply to Antonella Ferrari

Ne ho visti tanti e ogni volta sembrava il peggiore... ma forse questa volta ci siamo!

Se davvero questi non hanno nemmeno il coraggio di fare mezzo passo indietro (Toninelli, per capirci, è durato un anno come Ministro) o qualche rimpasto forse riusciranno davvero a fare la storia e a fare il governo peggiore e più longevo di sempre?

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Quintette à cordes n°2 en do mineur K 406

Ludwig van Beethoven - Quatuor n°14 opus 131

Quatuor Belcea…

#music #classic #concert

classicalmusic group reshared this.

New #PieFed design just landed. One theme has shadows, another is flat. You can take it for a whirl at



reshared this

Donnerstag, 5. September 2024. ab 20 Uhr

Strauss, Richard (1864-1949)
Die Frau ohne Schatten

Der Kaiser: Jess Thomas
Die Kaiserin: Leonie Rysanek
Die Amme: Grace Hoffman

Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper
Leitung: Herbert von Karajan

#music #classic #oper #history

@protonprivacy hello! feature request: on Proton calendar, would it be possible to have default notifications configurable? Thank you!
in reply to Audric

Hi! You can already do this by editing the calendar in question.

#OTD in 1921.

The Cervantes Theatre (Buenos Aires) opens with a production of Lope de Vega's La dama boba (The Foolish Lady, 1613). It is one of the earliest examples of the "comedia palatina" subgenre. De Vega completed it on 28 April 1613, as shown by a surviving manuscript copy in his own hand.…

Books by Lope Vega at PG:…

#books #literature #theatre