As Tornado Alley Shifts East, Bracing for Impact in Unexpected Places
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Premier ministre : Michel Barnier à Matignon
Merveilleux message démocratique à l'attention des électeurs qui se sont massivement mobilisés pour infliger deux défaites électorales successives à Macron.
Pour soutenir la lutte dessinée :
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
MMR Nmd reshared this.
Devastating review of the degrowth literature (561 studies):
- 'few studies use quantitative or qualitative data...'
- [those that do] 'tend to include small samples or focus on non-representative cases'
- 'large majority (almost 90%) are opinions rather than analysis'
@mysteriarch @noam @koen_hufkens I agree with that, and having the research on sustainability available will be useful when the conditions for trying these ideas come around.
I'm definitely not opposed to more research in this area, I just think we need to be clear on what the core problem we're facing is.
Finally: Top Journo Erupts at Media for Ignoring Trump's Mental State (Greg Sargent/New Republic)……
Barnier, un "homme de consensus à Matignon" selon Le Monde. On rêve. L'ancien commissaire européen a provoqué la consternation de toute l'Europe en proposant d'enjamber les Cours de justice communautaire en 2021 quand il a voulu se présenter à la présidentielle. J'ai honte de ma corporation quand je lis ces bêtises. La presse aux ordres. Pendant que ma consoeur sert la soupe au pouvoir, je gagne moins d'un smic...…
In light of the Internet Archive losing its appeal to hachette, I just wanted to point out some websites you should avoid:
If you were to download books from these websites, you might cut into hachette's more than three billion dollars of annual revenue. So make sure to avoid those websites and the following:
* ... or any of the other sites listed at
uoou (moved to likes this.
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AI/ML data aggregators aren't sharing their data openly or adhering to the #FOSS licenses & #TOS of data they scrape from less litigious content creators. This is a criminal act.
Copyright theft hurts independent writers, bloggers, educators & journalists more than big media groups. This insults every open-source & open-content creator. #DRM isn't the answer, and neither is paying off big media. #OpenAI and others should either pay for that data, share alike, or exclude it.
Bummer. I've seen a few posts here and there talking about #firefish shutting down over the past few months, but now it's official.
"Firefish will enter maintenance mode"
Tim Chambers reshared this.
In the light of this news, it's even more important to support other fediverse platforms and server admins and moderators.
Tim Chambers reshared this.
Happy Release Day/Book Birthday to NOTHING BUT THE WILLOWS & OTHER THINGS THAT ARE NOT THERE which comes out today, with cover art by MEEEE
It's an eclectic collection of sad horror & cosmic weirdness by J.D. Buffington, out now!
You can help support
-an indie writer
-human-made art
AND own some art by me,
if you get it!…
#indie #horror #book #art #HumanMadeArt #artwork #BookCoverArtist #bookstodon @bookstodon @horror @horrorbooks #NoToAI
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Sorry but I found this really quite funny. It's FOSS linked to one of their own articles for "Gaming on Linux" in their text, and so just referenced my article they used as by "Liam".
That's hilarious.
Every time I see Square Enix mentioned, I immediately think "When are they going to do a remake or sequel to Einhander?"
The way they ended the game they can EASILY make a sequel.
Sarah Jaffa kicking off the Project Management in Research Software birds of a feather session at #RSECon24
Sarah and others are setting up a Special Interest Group for us to work on this together and provide each other peer support.
Get lost in a huge castle in the 2.5D metroidvania 'The Throne' on September 30…
Tech Cyborg reshared this.
bernard s
in reply to Allan Barte • • •@MMRnmd
En fait Uderzo et Goscinny avaient tout compris, non ?
Trouvé sur babelio.
MMR Nmd reshared this.
in reply to bernard s • • •@bers Je me souviens parfaitement, c'était avant d'aborder les côtes corses.
Ocatarina expliquait le système de vote aux 2 gaulois...hilarant.