Tinystatus: A tiny status page generated by a Python script
Discussions: discu.eu/q/github.com/harsxv/t…
It's official! "The PostgreSQL Global Development Group announces that the first release candidate of PostgreSQL 17 is now available for download...
The planned date for the general availability of PostgreSQL 17 is September 26, 2024."
#PostgreSQL #Postgres #technews #opensource #foss #database #databases #developer #dba #sql
Firefish is going away. What's notable, to me is how common the things in Naskya's goodbye message are for #OpenSource maintainers of popular things: no help for maintenance, or future features, abuse because some devs think it's ok to threaten & insult maintainers when they don't like something about their FREE software.
Open Source Maintainers are people. They need help, support, and respect if you want them to be able to keep making the thing you want them to make.
Und noch einmal was zu Nemo: Das Menü lässt sich über Bearbeiten/Einstellungen/Werkzeugleiste anpassen.
Hilfreich finde ich "Im Terminal öffnen" - damit wird der aktuelle Ordner im Terminal geöffnet.
(Klappt natürlich auch über das Kontextmenü - aber wenn man einen Klick sparen kann ... ).
💬 #Fediverse-Service-Information
Falls ihr ALLE Postings lesen wollt, aber nicht alle Accounts abonnieren möchtet, die mittlerweile auf social.bund.de vorhanden sind, dann abonniert einfach:
I still #AmReading Madhulika Liddle's "An Unholy Drought" and this comment from one of the characters shows the writer having fun with history.
"Perhaps, a hundred years from now, no one will even remember the name of Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar"
Not one hundred years later, but nearly FIVE hundred years later, Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar is of course, well remembered. As in this catchy panegyric from Jodhaa Akbar
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
bookstodon group reshared this.
Les pluies historiques au #Niger causent l'effondrement de la plus ancienne mosquée de Zinder.
Du fait du réchauffement climatique, certaines zones du Sahara ont reçu l'équivalent de plusieurs années de pluie en quelques heures.
Compilation non-exhaustive pour le mois d'août, du #Mali au #Soudan et au #SoudanduSud : medium.com/@mathieu.gotteland/…
#Niger #Tchad #inondations #climat
Essi trovarono una #sintesi geniale tra il suono strumentale delle big band e l'euro-techno-pop algido di metà anni settanta e dei primi anni ottanta. Per questo non può esistere purezza techno, sarebbe un controsenso. L'identitarismo è una brutta bestia.
moving to scholar.social reshared this.
"For the past week [Trump] has been telling a story about a residential building in Colorado taken over by a gang from Venezuela. But it appears the story is entirely made up. Similarly, Trump on Friday said at a right-wing Moms for Liberty event that public schools in America kidnap children and operate on them to change their sex."
~ Heather Cox Richardson
#Trump #crime #BigLie #immigrants #MomsforLiberty #trans #Putin #disinformation
Throughout history, menopause has been almost completely invisible. In the 19th century, we saw a shift in paradigm. Suddenly people were talking about it - and those people were doctors. It began to emerge as a problem which could be solved with the right medicine.
We could even tell you the name of the man who invented the word "menopause", where previously there had been no name for the common life event (Charles-Pierre-Louis de Gardanne, a student doctor in 1821).
Things are starting to change. Celebrities are speaking out. Brands are jumping on the bandwagon. But where's menopause in the cultural sphere? Where's the art and the literature? Menopause: What's Changed will bring together the burgeoning cultural space around menopause. We're carving out space to knit together a tapestry of rich experiences, and making a space to create.
But we need your help to do this. Any donation helps smash the silence and erasure gofundme.com/f/r9tszw
Oh wow.
Donated! I couldn't match the thousand quid one that was up at the top of your "recents" list (congrats!) but love the cause. Hope there's some virtual component as this gets developed, as I'm in North America.
Harris or Trump? The Prophet of Presidential Elections Is Ready to Call the Race. (New York Times)
@KamalaHarrisWin For those wishing to not give the NY Times their clicks or eyeballs, Lichtman's model predicts a Harris victory.
GOP slur. “Democrat” is a noun, “Democratic” is an adjective.
“Sen Joseph McCarthy helped popularize the term.
Over the decades, Democratic party became assoc w liberal policies, & eventually, “the ‘Democrat party’ slur became condemnation of liberalism itself”..Phrase was huge hit in 90s & 2000s; Gingrich, Limbaugh & GW Bush played it on repeat. By following decade, Trump was mandating the word: “The Democrat party. Not Democratic. It’s Democrat. We have to do that.”
Rust in Linux lead retires rather than deal with more "nontechnical nonsense"
Discussions: discu.eu/q/arstechnica.com/gad…
#linux #technology #unix
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Gerhard Hallstein
in reply to » Aakerbeere 🏖️ • • •@» Aakerbeere 🏖️ :mastodon: @social.bund.de
Hallo @» Aakerbeere 🏖️ :mastodon:, ich finde es super toll, dass Du hier so hoch gradig aktiv für das Fediverse bist. Dafür erst einmal ein großes Lob!
Bei dieser Gelegenheit würde ich Dich gerne fragen, was die Grundlage und Motivation für diesen Einsatz ist. Du führst sogar Telefonate 🌈🌈🙂🙂.