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Ancient asteroid 20 times larger than the one that wiped out the dinosaurs likely hit Jupiter’s moon Ganymede.

CNN reports that Japanese researchers are studying the possible impact of the collision some 4 billion years ago:

#Space #Jupiter #Asteroid #Astronomy #Moon #Science

This EU #openscience policy announcement, despite the somewhat underwhelming EU lingo in some places, is a bombshell, if/when properly implemented:…

IMHO, many places around the world, especially the rich ones not running something like SciELO/Redalyc etc. (looking at you, USA!), should closely study this document and what it actually means and entails.


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mastodon - Link to source
Björn Brembs


That could be more accurate, yes, but it'd cost me a ton of characters 🤣

Today in Labor History September 5, 1917: Federal agents attacked Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) halls and offices in 48 cities across the nation as part of the Palmer raids against the left.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #police #policebrutality #union #repression

in reply to MikeDunnAuthor

Moneyed interests, and all-too-eager stooges to do the dirty work because they get to play shoot 'em up... And oligarchs wonder why they are so despised by working people

Room With Cat.
Where is the cat?

🔸 Please don't give your result away, no spoilers 🔸

#Cats #CatsOfMastodon

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Today at 10:15 a.m. Eastern, astronaut Matt Dominick, who recently captured an amazing video of auroras on Earth from the International Space Station, will be talking with Scientific American--the first ISS interview from the cupola, the beautiful room of windows…

pixelfed - Link to source

#FotoVorschlag 'In den Bergen' - Triglav National Park bei #KranjskaGora in #Slowenien

#Berge #Mountains #Alps #Slovenia

Next step of the solar image processing. Still can't see the prominences but they'll appear. Thinking about putting my h-alpha scope back outside during lunch and live streaming it. *note* It will not look this sharp but it will be monochrome.

#astrophotography #astronomy #space #sun #solar

#politique #environnement #agrivoltaïsme #foutagedegueule
Il y a 3 fois plus de projets que de possibilités de retour sur investissement ! Les agriculteurs vont ENCORE se faire niquer, et l'environnement saccagé!

Found 5 new servers and 17 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,799 servers checked. 13,671,100 Total Users with 1,047,040 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #gotosocial server from Private a #sharkey server from The Netherlands a #mastodon server from Japan a #sharkey server from Germany a #wordpress server from United States

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"Since the start of the year, Oregon has tallied 31 cases of measles, all in unvaccinated people. The cases have been accumulating in sustained waves of transmission since mid-June."

~ Beth Mole

#Oregon #measles #vaccination #antivaxxers #epidemic

in reply to Damkina

@damkina Yes, a good point. Parents should also know that, even when measles doesn't kill children (and it does so sometimes), it can cause blindness. One of my cases of childhood measles was a serious case with high fever, and I remember my parents' strong concern that I might lose my sight. The photophobia was so intense that they had to find ways to block out any light coming into my bedroom, and for days, they worked hard to get the fever down.
in reply to Damkina

@damkina Yes. I'm grateful for whatever and whoever helped me survive — notably, a grandmother and aunt who made clear to me from early childhood forward that they loved me unconditionally and that I always had a safe place with her. My aunt was unmarried, a teacher, and kept house for her mother, my grandmother.
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William Lindsey
@LaNaehForaday Yes, they count on a herd effect that they themselves are, selfishly and dangerously, refusing to assist. And then the numbers of vaccinated children fall dangerously low, and all unvaxxinated children are at serious risk — and diseases we once considered "conquered" roar back. The stupidity of this is mind-boggling.

ASML CEO says US desire to restrict exports to China 'economically motivated'.…

I’m guessing there must be people out there who both have the necessary skills and time, and would love to help @dansup build Pixelfed. Boosting to help this get to the right people, whoever you are.…

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Wait, you need an actual copy of the game, which was published by EA? Hang on...

🎶Do what you want cuz a pirate is Free, You are a Pirate.🎶

"There are too many guns. There is too much access to these guns by young men with a fight to pick against the world and a nearby school for a place to start the fight. There is way, way too much apathy about all of the ongoing crises –"

~ Lucian K. Truscott

#guns #Republicans #Georgia #SchoolShooting

in reply to William Lindsey

"the guns and the pissed-off boys and the parents who don’t secure their guns and the laws that allow 18-year-olds to walk into a gun store and put down a drivers license and $1,500 and walk out with a high-powered rifle that was designed for the military to use in wars against foreign enemies and enough ammunition to arm an infantry platoon."

#guns #Republicans #Georgia #SchoolShooting

in reply to William Lindsey

"It's never going to end. There is an entire political party dedicated to the proposition that it’s all okay because a poorly written clause in the Constitution says it’s okay."

#guns #Republicans #Georgia #SchoolShooting

in reply to William Lindsey

here in Britain we have a problem with the same angry young boys bringing knives to school and they are prepared to use them and it seems many only regret doing so when they end up spending 13-25 years at His Majesty's Pleasure; but gun control does at least limit the overall body count (the only mass shooting in a school here within my living memory was a pedo in Scotland shooting up an primary school he worked in and it led to a general ban on handguns in the entire country)
in reply to Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@vfrmedia Thank you for underscoring that important point — that the disaffection and rage of increasing numbers of young males is at the heart of this problem. And that disaffection and rage are being exploited by some very maleficent players from J.D. Vance to Andrew Tate to Elon Musk.
in reply to William Lindsey

this is the kind of thing we are up against - angry young man at 16 commits multiple crimes leading up to murder/sexual assault, does full 15 years minimum tariff (low as he would have been tried as juvenile), gets out in his late 30s driving recklessly as if nothing has happened - the choice of car is a pointer, it would have been a popular car when he went to prison and he would have made a choice to drive it (seems almost like a show of defiance)…

in reply to Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

if men like this are on the streets (even after attempts to punish/rehabilitate them for the crimes they have already committed), and they treat life (even their own) as cheap (also the driver of the van he crashed into was badly hurt) you can imagine what it would be like over here if we *didn't* have quite strict gun control (even so there's a trend to substitute cars for guns as "angry mens toys")
in reply to Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@vfrmedia Yes, you're absolutely right to point to that difference. American exceptionalism is nowhere so apparently — shamefully so — in our attitude towards guns and in our super-high rates of gun violence, which have everything to do with the easy accessibility of guns.
in reply to Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@vfrmedia Thank you. A good illustration. Just yesterday, when I did my weekly Tuesday-Thursday pool walking at our med school's center on aging, I overheard a conversation by a group in the pool about the Georgia shooting. One of the men was arguing vehemently that guns are not the problem. He kept saying he had his grandfather's gun, as if that somehow sanctifies all gun ownership. And a woman in the group kept shoutingn back at him in exasperation, "He was 14 years old!"
in reply to William Lindsey

whilst I suspect neither him nor his grandad shot anybody, its likely because they both grew up in an era where the patriarchy was accepted and respected, and that is the "good old times" many men are hoping to get back to..
in reply to Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@vfrmedia Yes, I think that's it — the idea that the world functions best when the "natural" or "divinely ordained" patriarchal order is firmly in place.
in reply to William Lindsey

"Meanwhile, Donald Trump, who has spent years downplaying the scourge of gun violence—most recently telling us to "move on" after a school shooting—now delivers his election speeches behind a layer of 3.5-inch-thick bulletproof glass."

~ God

#guns #Republicans #Georgia #SchoolShooting #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey


three and a half inches thick? Damn, that could stop more than a bullet, I'd think…

Now I want to look up lexan/bulletproof glass specs

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William Lindsey
@Chip_Unicorn The very same Donold! He whose ear was almost totally shot off and then, in the twinkling of an eye, healed itself….

A further OS-APS Community-Call takes place on September 18th, 2024, at 2 pm CET. The topic is BITS metadata. The link to the video converence via Zoom ist available under #opensource #software

SUSE Liberty Linux: Support for CentOS and RHEL until 2028

CentOS users must act now, the end of official support is imminent – or they can book new support from SUSE.…

#centOS #KünstlicheIntelligenz #OpenSource #SuseLinux #news

Ready to elevate your Python skills? Dive into our latest blog post, "First Steps into Python Testing" and unlock the power of pytest!

Discover how you can write more robust, reliable code and take your development to the next level.

Check it out here:…

#Python #pytest #Coding #SoftwareTesting #Learning…