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Yes, Gnome, of course I want to disable my Ethernet connection when I plug in my reMarkable to transfer a few files locally, and the connection is explicitly configured for "use only for connections on its own network".

I need to find another desktop environment.

#Gnome #Linux #Facepalm

We just built something cool.

We aded our Zero and Weekly net DTE flow charts.

You can filter based on Indices like $SPX $SPY $QQQ and more, or all ETFs or Equities.

You can also check 0dte flow for ATM, ITM, or OTM ONLY for quick scalps.


#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

NARRATOR: Having never played with a GAME.COM console, the reviewer naturally rounded up the usual suspects

Frontier’s 3 million users to become Verizon users in latest telco merger

Verizon once sold part of its network to Frontier; now it's buying the company.…

20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just book covers. #20books #20Books20Days #books #bookstodon #tolkien @bookstodon


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Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
women are excellent long distance slow pace powerhouses.

Invest #90L has been designated near #Texas in the Gulf of Mexico. It has a low chance of forming into a tropical depression in the next 7 days.

Latest info here:…

I haven't read the paper yet, but this may be a good idea for future elections (too late for 2024).

Open Source Tool Allows Voters to Verify Election Results…


What's the best way to mount hard drives so that all users can access them at all times? Mint 22

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

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in reply to eldavi

Thanks for replying :)

I managed to get it working with the answers from and this link:…

I must have been testing it when you answered :)

It might be #football season in #Tennessee, but we had a gully-washer rainfall 🌧️ a few days ago and the sun 🌞 has been shining brightly since. So our heirloom rain lilies 🌸 are pushing up the pink!

Interesting paper
Hiltner, S., Eaton, E., Healy, N., Scerri, A., Stephens, J. C., & Supran, G. (n.d.). Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review and a research agenda. WIREs Climate Change, n/a(n/a), e904.

Learning to look at work to see where it might need adjusting also includes learning to see work that is presenting itself: the front of this card was random scraps until I saw them in place. #Gestalt #Lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes


Unser neuestes Familien-Mitglied 🙂

Sehr flott unterwegs.

Erste Amtshandlung:

"Kill Windows 11".

"An meinen Mini lasse ich nur Linux.(Mint)" :-)

Einzelheiten folgen die Tage.

#linux #minipc

Having used #fedora for months now I can see why #nvidia on #linux has gotten such a bad reputation.

Having used #arch for many years prior basically meant typing pacman -s nvidia and never thinking about it again.

It’s a huge pain in the ass on Fedora. First finding and enabling rpm fusion. Then there’s this whole module building business. Don’t restart your computer too quickly after upgrading the kernel or it’ll be broken! Still blows my mind that dnf cannot just block on building akmods.