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Very excited about recent progress in reworking rhe handling of “#if” in the Swift compiler:…

"Hem estat tractats com una colònia políticament, en el sentit de no ser reconeguts amb el dret d’autodeterminació, cosa que, des del punt de vista del dret internacional, podem exigir i hem d’exigit. I som tractats econòmicament com una colònia, amb una extracció anual, una espoliació de 22.000 milions d’euros l’any. Això representa un atac continuat contra les estructures de país bàsiques (sanitat, educació, mitjans de comunicació, pagesia, habitatge, energia…).'…

in reply to icaria36 🎶

@icaria36 malgrat ser d'una intensitat molt menor però crec que és el mateix mecanisme. L'explotació dels recursos per obtenir beneficis la metrópoli tot invertint el mínim. A Cuba era colonialisme i Catalunya no?
A Catalunya no hi hagut ni genocidi ni esclavatge, per sort nostre. I el fet de parlar d'un procés colonial no ens treu la responsabilitat que Catalunya és un país del primer món i que part de la riquesa es deu a l'explotació del tercer món.
in reply to FrancescGali

@FrancescGali @icaria36 per no parlar d'història i cenyir-me només al que diu Julià de Jòdar a l'entrevista: "en termes de país, no cal estar geopolíticament al Tercer Món per a patir un colonialisme interior. Saps molt bé que aquí s’ha invertit el 45% del pressupost mentre a la capital de l’estat la inversió ha estat del 200%. Per tant, si no en volem dir colonialisme intern, l’anomenarem exacció, espoliació, o robatori legal. Però el tracte és colonial."

Dick Cheney saying you can't be trusted with power is like the late great Hannibal Lector saying your diet is too high in sodium.

Lowest average unemployment rate of any Administration in **50** years!

Wages ⬆️ faster than prices 17 consecutive months.

Inflation ⬇️ below 3%

142,000 jobs created in August

Great jobs report Friday!!


This entry was edited (6 months ago)

So I joined a union — @sagaftra — does this mean @officialfrandrescher shows at my house with fresh pastries?

“Criticized”? The term I often use: Nazi-loving, Putin-adoring chode…

Close all the borders to Europe and Middle East, let us feel the pinch and be accountable, this will accelerate the fight against corruption.

Why do so many young Africans want to leave their continent? – DW – 09/06/2024…

Please do organise more events on #OpenScience and AI. That means I have less fear of missing out when I'm ignoring your event that is right now very late to join the hype train (didn't we already decide it is not ethical next to the crap coming out of it?)...

I much rather attend an event where we discuss the actual underlying issues such as... I don't know.. capitalism and its devastating effects on knowledge production and dissemination?

(Do it now before I leave the country, thanks!)

in reply to Egon Willigh☮gen 🟥

@egonw it's definitely worth more conversation as there are so many divergent trends - it's the 'number crunching' variant that increase productivity. All the stories I hear about the 'generative' variant is how much more work it is to clean it up and correct it afterwards (for example in professional translation work).
in reply to Margaret Gold

@MobileMaggie right, and since quality of not routinely rewarded (if I look around), it means that workers will often end up doing that in their own time because they care :(
in reply to Egon Willigh☮gen 🟥

@egonw exactly...and it also leads to commodification of the service as well, making professional work even less valued!
in reply to Open Science Community Twente

@OpenSciTwente sort of, I think. KUOZ needs to improve in NL. I did not hear about a public discussion about this yet. About time for that to happen.

*) KUOZ: "Kengetallen universitair onderzoek"

in reply to Margaret Gold

@MobileMaggie @OpenSciTwente what I got from that link is that we were not really good at judging what good research (output) is (tracking KPIs), and generative methods will make that more obvious (and I worry, worse)
in reply to Egon Willigh☮gen 🟥

@egonw @MobileMaggie Sorry for being cryptic, but I meant something different, though related (anecdotes, though a lot, is all I have): People (especially researchers?) like being able to focus. It seems administrative systems hurt focus. Where I think Egon primarily meant the usefulness of what is registered, I primarily meant the usability of the systems to do that with. And I was wondering about turning this usability into some useful number(s) to influence choices. Less cryptic?
in reply to Open Science Community Twente

@OpenSciTwente @egonw thanks for clarifying. KPIs could be an interesting way to go, assessing usability, productivity gains and where the 'diminishing returns to scale' tipping point is. (I think I may still be missing your meaning though - I'm thinking of the 'tool' end of it, not the 'output' end of it)

What are you using for automatic releases/changelog generation from CI?

I was looking at python-semantic-release, but it way less popular than node semantic-release, and looks a lot slower too.


This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Tomorrow will be #Cosmic testing day. On real metal not VM. In case you have not seen it n love ricing check out

#FOSS #Linux #OpenSource

Svante had to wait decades after his death to see his H-index to really take off



108 Camarillo all time high tied
114 Ramona monthly record
113 Fullerton monthly record

MEXICO entering Celsius zone
50.2 Mexicali (dubious)
48.7 Ejido Nuevo Leon

NBC News - Former Republican VP Dick Cheney will cast his ballot for Democratic VP Kamala Harris, according to his daughter, former Rep. Liz Cheney, who is also a Republican Party member.…
in reply to Steven L Herman

“He can never be trusted with power again,” former VP Dick Cheney says of former President Donald Trump.

Harris is preparing for potential volatile moments in her first debate against Trump…

"potential volatile moments"? Ya Think?

in reply to Tom Grzybow

I want to see Trumpo's stream of consciousness run out the door
in reply to Tom Grzybow

She'll end up doing the "word salad" thing so that no one can even guess what the heck she's saying.