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Deras berättelser belyser den brutala exploateringen av migrantarbetare i dagens Sverige. Nu hoppas de att en kommande rättegång om människoexploatering ska ge dem den rättvisa de förtjänar.…

in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer

Oui, sur un courier papier Ministère de l'intérieur et des outremer accompagnant le permis de conduire sécurisé format carte de crédit et délivré le 26/01/23.

Dreame’s concept robovac can climb (small) steps.

At IFA this week, Roborock and SharkNinja showed off robot vacuums that can lift themselves up to get over high room transitions, but Dreame went “a step” further.

It demoed its new ProLeap system, which uses retractable legs to navigate very low steps, as this video from The Ambient shows.

The tech is still in development but the company says it should arrive on its product line soon.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Gradually implementing the enemies in #OpenCrystalCaves. It takes some patience to reverse engineer the enemy behaviour, for example the "hopper" enemy randomly but infrequently switches direction, so this involved observing the game with a stopwatch.

Also I got the sprite id wrong so the laser turret shoots robots - real rocket propelled chainsaw energy

#CrystalCaves #ScreenshotSaturday #GameDev #OpenSource #DOS

in reply to nadloriot

thank you for the link :)
now i guess it means "out of my head"
(i found a clue in the urban dictionnary)

TIL that a church in Ukraine was built with money donated by Alexandru Lăpușneanu, thus receiving the nickname “Vlach Church” #Romania

Smudge and Kaliyo are glad I'm home, but also they're trying to nap now and I'm being annoying.
#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon