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Affäre um Amann: Ging eine Spiegel-Clique gegen unliebsame Journalisten vor?… Zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie im Jahr 2020 trat der Spiegel schnell und lange für Grundrechtseinschränkungen ein und kritisierte diejenigen, die ...
The post Affäre um Amann: Ging eine Spiegel-Clique gegen unliebsame Journalisten vor? appeared first on Apollo News. #news

Ex-Minister Herbert Scheibner: “In der Klimapolitik läuft sehr vieles falsch”… Im Gespräch mit "exxpress live"-Moderator Volker Piesczek zieht der frühere Verteidigungsminister Herbert Scheibner eine ernüchternde Bilanz unter die Grüne Regierungspolitik. Besonders die CO2-Steuer ist in seinen Augen komplett sinnlos. #news

The Deteriorating Environment Is a Public Concern, but Americans Misunderstand Their Contribution to the Problem - Inside Climate News

#environment #climate…

in reply to stux⚡

@Catawu "You know your perception is completely f***ed so you just let your hands work the controls as if you were straight."

Teil 1: Putin über die US-Wahlen… In Russland gibt es zwei Wirtschaftsforen, bei denen Präsident Putin jedes Jahr eine Grundsatzrede hält und sich dann stundenlang auf einer Podiumsdiskussion den Fragen eines Moderators und der Teilnehmer stellt. Das Petersburger Wirtschaftsforum ist eher an westliche und afrikanische Teilnehmer gerichtet, das Östliche Wirtschaftsforum in Wladiwostok behandelt Fragen, die Asien betreffen. Schon Pu

We start next week with 2 events on Monday👇

🌟 Join us for a Data Workers' Inquiry panel @ 8am PT/5pm CET:…)

🌟 At 12pm PT/9pm CET, head over to to join @alex & @emilymbender for a Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000 livestream.

🌟 Find the Data Workers' Inquiry repository at

🌟Catch prior MAIHT3k episodes @

🌟MAIHT3k livestream recording will be @

Unser Hitler Böhmermann… Es gibt mehrere Versionen von Jan Böhmermann, Betreuer der ZDF-Humorecke. Den Böhmermann, der Erdoğan als Ziegenficker bedichtet und nach jedem zweiten Endreim lacht, den Böhmermann mit dem Stinkfinger in Richtung der Ungeimpften, als alten Kämpfer gegen Hass & Hetze kennt ihn sein Publikum selbstredend auch. Hier und da tritt er in Einspielern verkleidet auf, aber
Der Beitrag Unser Hitler Böhmerm

How can journalists use AI ethically? For Tomas, it’s all about running the tools locally and verifying the findings.

See how he’s using AI:…

OMFG, the word Cheney doesn't appear on the home or front page of the Times today. A grand coalition in American democracy is forming. The #BrokenTimes is ignoring this momentous story--as well as good news for Harris. This is not news judgment. My view:…
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

I can't believe the Cheney's are voting the same as me. If you told me this years ago, I'd say never, not even if hell froze over. I still disagree with everything they stand for, but I'll take their support I guess. Thanks, I hate it, lol.
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

love it when war criminals join the side of justice. Such a proud day for America.

Selenskij in Deutschland: Sieg über Russland bleibt das Ziel… Bundeskanzler Scholz hat Selenskij bei seinem Besuch in Deutschland weitere Unterstützung zugesagt. "So lange wie nötig" sicherte Scholz der Ukraine Hilfen zu. Selenskij strebt weiterhin einen Sieg über Russland an. Unterdessen macht Präsident Putin ein erneutes Verhandlungsangebot. #news

A concerning new bat coronavirus is among 36 novel viruses detected among animals including racoon dogs, mink and guinea pigs in Chinese fur farms #Science

A Post-Google World - BIG by Matt Stoller

#monopoly #GAFAM #Google

And what does Judge Brinkema think? So far, Brinkema, while ruling against the DOJ on their request for a jury trial, has been strongly skeptical of Google’s arguments and its team. She denied Google’s motion to dismiss for all five monopolization claims, saying “there are enough specific allegations, including various quotes from people within Google, you know, referring to some competitors as presenting existential threats,” that the case should go to trial.…

The far right actually hates America: Its dark ideology has foreign roots (Mike Lofgren/Salon)……

Courtesy of a recent #Python thread, I found myself with this line of thought:
- that's what you get when choosing to program in a dynamically typed language.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for Python existing and having the Tk GUI library tacked onto it - hence I'm using it for Foldatry, a tool I now use every day.

But I did soon twig, that any reliability of my program would be up to me, and that neither the language nor its interpreter would take on that role.

in reply to geraldew

While that's a glib remark, taking it to heart means doing two things:
- being utterly perfect about each variable's execution tour inside your conceptual block of code;
- gatekeeping the types as they either go into or, enter a code concept block.

Doing anything else is a matter of relying on knowing all the possible ways that dynamic typing will handle values in your variables.

Ditto about the Python maintainers not changing their minds across versions.

Good luck with that!

There was an update of Wine on apt today. And it's amazing. I have some old windows95 programs that I run with Wine and always had some problem deciphering owing to my screen hi-res; had to use a screen-magnifying lens to use them. After today's Wine update, they scale like all other programs! Fantastic, well-done Wine team!

If you had my same problem with screen scaling for some old Windows programs, just update Wine!

#linux #ubuntu #kubuntu #wine