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Love when the video is Trump saying something like, "And then I ate a whole pie full of handkerchiefs and melancholy. So that's why Jesus helped me sink that putt, and Malaysians aren't real." But the chyron reads: "Trump to Fed: It's time to lower interest rates."

Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on ...

Israel ha prohibit totalment l'educació a 700.000 nens, nenes, adolescents i universitaris en Gaza.

Israel ha destruït el 80% de les escoles i totes les universitats.

I ha matat a milers d'estudiants i centenars de mestres.

Palestina havia assolit un 99% d'alfabetització del jovent. Amb un 62% d'universitaris dones.

Israel ha perpetrat el pitjor crim contra l'educació del segle XXI. Només comparable a l'Afganistan dels talibans.

Per això hi ha mobilitzacions a tot el planeta.

“‘Guns don’t kill people, people do.’ But I think the gun helps.” —Suzy Izzard…

in reply to Michelle Catherine Marcó

In case you’ve never seen that bit, here you go. (But really, you should watch the entirety of Dress to Kill. It’s SO GOOD.)…

With the madness of #BandcampFriday over, I think I’ll give this one last bump. It was a labour of love and I’d love for you to check it out.…

I love that searching for "iso" files in my Fedora linux daily driver showed me these absolute beauties

Also snakes are /venomous/, not poisonous, ffs

#fedora #linux #thumbnails #icons #graphics #snakes #fyeahsnakes

Unsealed #FBI Doc Exposes Terrifying Depth of Russian Disinfo Scheme

New court documents reveal that #Russia is keeping a very, very long list of #influencers to spread its #propaganda

#news #trump #Disinformation #politics #uspol #USPolitics…

in reply to Frankie ✅

The average Republican voter is such a fertile target for Russia's disinfo, and intelligence manipulation programs. They represent a massive national security risk.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Frankie ✅

Are Rand Paul's & Ron Johnson's names on the list? To no one's surprise...

Try your hand at the Sun's free contest and win entry into the Rocky Mountain Mystery Writers competition…

REPOST Congressional Research Service Report

Chile: An Overview…
by Peter J. Meyer. 2 page(s).

This is the 14th published version. See… for previous versions.

I grew up munching Fisherman’s Friends, as they are manufactured just two minutes from my childhood home. They make different flavours for different markets, so depending on where you live your versions will likely differ.

These are the Salmiak (Salter Liquorice) version. I believe it’s only *intended* to be sold in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland - but obviously could be exported elsewhere. I’ve never come across it.

I must say they’re quite nice, but nowhere near as strong as the original flavour (probably rightfully so, as they need the other flavours in there).

I did a bit a happy dance when I saw them in Netto, I think I styled it out though.

in reply to Security Writer

Norway, as well. But those markets have a huge variety of salmiak / liquorice products on offer. My favourite was the finnish Fazer Salmiakki.