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Yeah guys #Linux is frickin great y'all I just spent the like IDK 25 minutes tryna figure out how to get Java-based BD menus to play in VLC media player

I mean I got it working but my god that was a lot of searching and yet I'm pretty sure the solution was just like 'downgrade the VLC Java BD Menu plugin' or some shit.

Pepe Escobar: Russia, China, Malaysia Spoke for Global Majority at East Economic Forum… The Eastern Economic Forum was held on September 3-6. It was being hosted by the Far Eastern Federal University in Russia’s Pacific coast city of Vladivostok. #news #press

#ClimateDiary My daughter drew this hour glass and stuck it on her window a few years ago, at the height of my and her climate activism, with @parents4future and all.

Now it’s all faded, and in many ways time has already run out. 1/2

in reply to Pauline von Hellermann

I’ll give this a listen. Thanks.
I can relate to finding it hard to think about positive outcomes, and have been mainly trying to improve my immediate environment for biodiversity & also sharing food plants (mainly perennial) with friends, to try to ensure the growing skills and plants are established should there be any food supply shocks.
It’s not a cheery outlook, but it is within my sphere of influence.
I am lucky that my work is in habitat restoration.
in reply to Helena

After years of study, it's rare that an article substantially shifts my perspective on climate, but this year, this one did.

Why? Because it offers the understanding of how to improve the local climate that affects our lives. Meaningful, life-changing local action, rather than lobbying global governance or drop in the ocean emissions reductions.

Hence your #HabitatRestoration makes so much sense even if/as global change accelerates ✊…

Supertaifun Yagi fordert mindestens drei Menschenleben in Südchina… Am Freitag und in der Nacht zum Samstag hat in Südchina ein starkes Unwetter für Chaos und Verwüstung gesorgt. Der Supertaifun Yagi fegte über die Ferieninsel Hainan und traf außerdem die angrenzende Festlandprovinz Guangdong. Die Behörden meldeten mehrere Opfer. #news

Die palästinensische Tragödie – Ansage… Zerstörte Gebäude in Gaza: Zwischen militärisch-terroristischen und zivilen Zielen ist kaum eine Unterscheidung möglich (Foto:Imago) Nachdem das Thema „Nahostkonflikt“ monatelang, gerade in Alternativmedien wie Ansage!, eine große Aufmerksamkeit erzielte und zu teilweise erbitterten Kontroversen Anlass gab, ist es in den letzten Wochen um diese Problematik auffallend still geworden. Ich will hier #news

Teil 7: Putin über das Ende des ukrainischen Gastransits und die Nord Stream… In Russland gibt es zwei Wirtschaftsforen, bei denen Präsident Putin jedes Jahr eine Grundsatzrede hält und sich dann stundenlang auf einer Podiumsdiskussion den Fragen eines Moderators und der Teilnehmer stellt. Das Petersburger Wirtschaftsforum ist eher an westliche und afrikanische Teilnehmer gerichtet, das

JunkDrive #4: Expanded Weapons and Armor Tables for CY_BORG

Publisher: Sad Fishe GamesThis supplement takes the d12 starting weapons, d6 starting armor, and d10 booster mods tables and doubles them. The entirety of the document is available in the preview. Check out the other JunkDrive volumes: JunkDrive #1:…

#1 #4

Amalgams Remastered

Publisher: White WolfThis one took a long time to make, but I did want to challenge myself. While normally I use existing powers as inspiration this time I wrote a lot of these abilities from scartch. The powers are more focused on being fun, story driven…

Seattle-odons: massive 75-plus family Montlake yard sale tomorrow (Sunday)! We are selling our treasures on our back driveway.…

China-Africa Trade Yields 'Win-Win Outcomes' While West Only Seeks to Exploit Continent… The recently concluded 9th summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FCAC), which was attended by leaders of over 50 African states, has once again highlighted the level of relations between China and Africa. #news #press

Just making sure everyone knows that iOS will translate laundry symbols for you. Also, let’s all be super cool and pretend the label I chose for this demo doesn’t just say what the symbols mean right above them. 😅

#iOS #iphone

Oh, one last thing

"Did You Know: servo is still maintained under new leadership that exists outside mozilla"…

Also Did You Know: You have the option of giving the Servo project five dollars a month ( using GitHub or OpenCollective: )

You will surely not regret giving the Servo project five dollars a month

D. Moonfire reshared this.

in reply to mcc

Didn't see it mentioned yet that they are also on the Fediverse, so there: @servo

mcc reshared this.

in reply to mcc

servo is a project I am super invested in!

good you shared the collective link. GitHub only supports credit cards so I quit earlier

Last call for Fediverse software demos for next week's #FediForum

Have cool Fediverse software you'd like to show off to Fediforum attendees? Reach out!

We have a rather interesting demo lineup already, but because this FediForum goes over 3 days, not just 2, we have a bit more room.

More info and recordings of past demos:

Sag’ mir, wo die Stromer sind…… Keine staatliche Maßnahme, und sei sie noch so gut gemeint, kann vor Trittbrettfahrern sicher sein. Also vor Bürgern, die die Wohltat der jeweiligen staatlichen Vergünstigung gern mitnehmen, aber nicht zielgerecht zum Wohle von Konjunktur und Allgemeinwohl, sondern schnöde zur eigenen Bereicherung einsetzen. Möglich war das bei der sogenannten Innovationsprämie, sprich Kaufprämie beim Erwerb

Richard MacManus @ricmac is coming to #FediForum next week and wants to talk about:

Fediverse development

Join us to discuss this and many other subjects related to the open social web and the Fediverse?